Pentagon declassifies Navy videos purportedly show UFOs


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2020
Navy UFO mysterious

The Pentagon has officially released videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena" that were leaked by a private company. The first video of the unidentified object was taken on Nov 2004, near San Diego .

The object first appeared at 80,000ft, then hurtled towards the sea, stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering before dropping out of radar. As well as footage of the San Diego encounter, two videos taken in 2015 by veteran pilot of an F/A - 18 fighter aircraft during a training exercise off the coast of Jacksonville also showed strange alien objects. Whether the public release of these videos will spur more federal funding for UFO studies is not clear. Certainly, the videos are interesting but they do not reveal any new evidence, in that they were already widely circulating. People who want to believe in aliens-among-us will continue to believe. Those of us who want to see more evidence will probably continue to wait.

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