Pentagon UAP/UFO Report Due Very Soon

Feeding Crows

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2021
So the UFO Pentagon report is supposed to be released in the next few days... It would be funny if they wait until Independence Day! :)


But here's the key things to understand...

Bugs, birds, and lens artifacts, are eliminated.
The report will retract any sensitive information.
The report will not say the UAP's are extraterrestrial.
The report will say that the objects are unknown, and not part of any US/Russian/Chinese technology.
They will not release flight characteristics.

So all that being said, there are a few possible options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".

Right off the bat we can eliminate 1 and 2. This has been studied too long with too many credible military witnesses, along with video, radar, and satellite collaboration.

"3" remains a possibility, It would take a natural species that has not yet been discovered and can make incredible maneuvers. Or some strange Earth forces that create these objects that we don't know about.

"4" is the obvious and most compelling choice, but jeez... what does that mean for national security? Or world security for that matter...

"5" is an interesting option, requiring time travel. I'm not sold on that theory yet. Especially since 1000 years from now, for instance, the planet Earth will be billions and billions of miles away from where it is now. So how do you know where to appear when time travelling?

"6" is what the religious folks will flock to, opening up new religions and sub-religions for hoaxers to make some money and power. And probably more wars. This is the option we want least.

So please tell me what you think will happen.

The Truth Is Out There!
I don't see where the dispute is. After 1 month of Joe Biden it was obvious that some kind of aliens were running our once free country. They're not only here, they're in charge.
So the UFO Pentagon report is supposed to be released in the next few days... It would be funny if they wait until Independence Day! :)

View attachment 505271

But here's the key things to understand...

Bugs, birds, and lens artifacts, are eliminated.
The report will retract any sensitive information.
The report will not say the UAP's are extraterrestrial.
The report will say that the objects are unknown, and not part of any US/Russian/Chinese technology.
They will not release flight characteristics.

So all that being said, there are a few possible options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".

Right off the bat we can eliminate 1 and 2. This has been studied too long with too many credible military witnesses, along with video, radar, and satellite collaboration.

"3" remains a possibility, It would take a natural species that has not yet been discovered and can make incredible maneuvers. Or some strange Earth forces that create these objects that we don't know about.

"4" is the obvious and most compelling choice, but jeez... what does that mean for national security? Or world security for that matter...

"5" is an interesting option, requiring time travel. I'm not sold on that theory yet. Especially since 1000 years from now, for instance, the planet Earth will be billions and billions of miles away from where it is now. So how do you know where to appear when time travelling?

"6" is what the religious folks will flock to, opening up new religions and sub-religions for hoaxers to make some money and power. And probably more wars. This is the option we want least.

So please tell me what you think will happen.

The Truth Is Out There!

This is what I think about......

If you look at the history of humanity and traveling the globe, you might get an idea about UFOs and the chance there is life on other planets.

Early ocean travel was in small craft with small numbers of sailors. Why would this be any different for space craft from another planet? Look at our moon landing craft...and that was simply to our moon.......imagine crossing the vast distances of space with just enough technology to barely get the job done....the craft would be small, the crew would be small......

Why don't they show themselves? If they are at the limit of their reach with their spacecraft......with a small crew...even if they are advanced technologically, they are still in possible danger if they come into contact with they limit how they interact with our people....... appearing to isolated humans is a lot safer than landing in a CCP city or Iran or Russia........

Or.......these craft that are on video that exhibit abilities we don't have yet?

Our Mars rover?

These could be drones......controlled from distant planets or with highly evolved programming......they could very well be extraterrestrial but unamanned...just advanced unmanned vehicles......
If these objects have an extraterrestrial origin they are Von Neuman machines and the race who created them are long dead. Their purpose would be all but incomprehensible but they would not be here to make friends.
So the UFO Pentagon report is supposed to be released in the next few days... It would be funny if they wait until Independence Day! :)

View attachment 505271

But here's the key things to understand...

Bugs, birds, and lens artifacts, are eliminated.
The report will retract any sensitive information.
The report will not say the UAP's are extraterrestrial.
The report will say that the objects are unknown, and not part of any US/Russian/Chinese technology.
They will not release flight characteristics.

So all that being said, there are a few possible options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".

Right off the bat we can eliminate 1 and 2. This has been studied too long with too many credible military witnesses, along with video, radar, and satellite collaboration.

"3" remains a possibility, It would take a natural species that has not yet been discovered and can make incredible maneuvers. Or some strange Earth forces that create these objects that we don't know about.

"4" is the obvious and most compelling choice, but jeez... what does that mean for national security? Or world security for that matter...

"5" is an interesting option, requiring time travel. I'm not sold on that theory yet. Especially since 1000 years from now, for instance, the planet Earth will be billions and billions of miles away from where it is now. So how do you know where to appear when time travelling?

"6" is what the religious folks will flock to, opening up new religions and sub-religions for hoaxers to make some money and power. And probably more wars. This is the option we want least.

So please tell me what you think will happen.

The Truth Is Out There!
I have to vote the boring choice, #3. They are equipment malfunctions, optical illusions, etc. I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime that I can't explain or understand, the only thing I'm sure about both is that there was no intelligence behind them. The same is true of every UFO video I've seen.

That said, there is a small part of me that believes ET is here but, as Capt Kirk would say, they are following the Prime Directive, no interference. There is nothing we can offer to such an advanced race except the opportunity to study us in our natural state. They are here but too SMALL for us to see. We can already build on the molecular level so it seems reasonable that they can too and maybe the atomic or subatomic level. Imagine an ET the size of an atom, how would we ever find them? A whole civilization could be here and we would never know.
What is being observed is unexplained.
That is the only possible current attitude. It doesn't say much, but at least it is the "unvarnished" truth.
So the UFO Pentagon report is supposed to be released in the next few days... It would be funny if they wait until Independence Day! :)

View attachment 505271

But here's the key things to understand...

Bugs, birds, and lens artifacts, are eliminated.
The report will retract any sensitive information.
The report will not say the UAP's are extraterrestrial.
The report will say that the objects are unknown, and not part of any US/Russian/Chinese technology.
They will not release flight characteristics.

So all that being said, there are a few possible options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".

Right off the bat we can eliminate 1 and 2. This has been studied too long with too many credible military witnesses, along with video, radar, and satellite collaboration.

"3" remains a possibility, It would take a natural species that has not yet been discovered and can make incredible maneuvers. Or some strange Earth forces that create these objects that we don't know about.

"4" is the obvious and most compelling choice, but jeez... what does that mean for national security? Or world security for that matter...

"5" is an interesting option, requiring time travel. I'm not sold on that theory yet. Especially since 1000 years from now, for instance, the planet Earth will be billions and billions of miles away from where it is now. So how do you know where to appear when time travelling?

"6" is what the religious folks will flock to, opening up new religions and sub-religions for hoaxers to make some money and power. And probably more wars. This is the option we want least.

So please tell me what you think will happen.

The Truth Is Out There!
I have to vote the boring choice, #3. They are equipment malfunctions, optical illusions, etc. I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime that I can't explain or understand, the only thing I'm sure about both is that there was no intelligence behind them. The same is true of every UFO video I've seen.

That said, there is a small part of me that believes ET is here but, as Capt Kirk would say, they are following the Prime Directive, no interference. There is nothing we can offer to such an advanced race except the opportunity to study us in our natural state. They are here but too SMALL for us to see. We can already build on the molecular level so it seems reasonable that they can too and maybe the atomic or subatomic level. Imagine an ET the size of an atom, how would we ever find them? A whole civilization could be here and we would never know.
Great post, i agree with you! Except the part that they are not showing intelligence. They are, the Navy pilots said so. They mimic their maneuvers. That's where it gets crazy for them :)
What is being observed is unexplained.
That is the only possible current attitude. It doesn't say much, but at least it is the "unvarnished" truth.
Yep, exactly what I expected. So the report leaves my options, unless anyone can think of more options? And where do we go from there?
they're seeking more resources to study further, aka "money". So is this maybe a covert project to move money to something else? I'm going to add that as an option, but still doesn't explain the hundreds of military eye witnesses coming forward and saying they're seeing this "every day".

And it's not a lot of money anyway, relatively.
Last edited:
Updated options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".
7. Government moving of funds to a covert project.
So to believe #7, you have to believe #1 and/or #2. Which are ruled out already. But I'm putting it up there...
So the UFO Pentagon report is supposed to be released in the next few days... It would be funny if they wait until Independence Day! :)

View attachment 505271

But here's the key things to understand...

Bugs, birds, and lens artifacts, are eliminated.
The report will retract any sensitive information.
The report will not say the UAP's are extraterrestrial.
The report will say that the objects are unknown, and not part of any US/Russian/Chinese technology.
They will not release flight characteristics.

So all that being said, there are a few possible options:

1. Witnesses are all liars.
2. Witnesses are hallucinating.
3. Objects are natural phenomenon.
4. Objects are ET.
5. Objects are future Earth beings going back in time, hence not technically "ET".
6. Objects are manifestations of "God".

Right off the bat we can eliminate 1 and 2. This has been studied too long with too many credible military witnesses, along with video, radar, and satellite collaboration.

"3" remains a possibility, It would take a natural species that has not yet been discovered and can make incredible maneuvers. Or some strange Earth forces that create these objects that we don't know about.

"4" is the obvious and most compelling choice, but jeez... what does that mean for national security? Or world security for that matter...

"5" is an interesting option, requiring time travel. I'm not sold on that theory yet. Especially since 1000 years from now, for instance, the planet Earth will be billions and billions of miles away from where it is now. So how do you know where to appear when time travelling?

"6" is what the religious folks will flock to, opening up new religions and sub-religions for hoaxers to make some money and power. And probably more wars. This is the option we want least.

So please tell me what you think will happen.

The Truth Is Out There!
I have to vote the boring choice, #3. They are equipment malfunctions, optical illusions, etc. I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime that I can't explain or understand, the only thing I'm sure about both is that there was no intelligence behind them. The same is true of every UFO video I've seen.

That said, there is a small part of me that believes ET is here but, as Capt Kirk would say, they are following the Prime Directive, no interference. There is nothing we can offer to such an advanced race except the opportunity to study us in our natural state. They are here but too SMALL for us to see. We can already build on the molecular level so it seems reasonable that they can too and maybe the atomic or subatomic level. Imagine an ET the size of an atom, how would we ever find them? A whole civilization could be here and we would never know.
Great post, i agree with you! Except the part that they are not showing intelligence. They are, the Navy pilots said so. They mimic their maneuvers. That's where it gets crazy for them :)
One of the early Mars astronomers was sure there was intelligent life on Mars because they built a huge canal system. It turned out the intelligence was only on this side of the telescope.
Very funny but you can't ridicule UAP's/UFO's anymore.

They are real. Anyone who ridicules them, should be ridiculed themselves.

Of course they're not Martians, why would you bring that up? This is a serious subject now.
I can ridicule ur religions, and make fun of them left and right. But UFO's? no, not happening anymore.They are proven.
This should be bumped to the top. This is the #1 topic that we should be discussing. The most important thing that has happened in human history.

You can't just let it go.... Otherwise it will become legend and folklore. I should have titled this thread differently to give it life.

But John says let it go.

Aight, thanks for the bump, but this is serious stuff now.

Cartoons and ridicule are not cool anymore. You're the ones we're making fun of now. If you want to talk on the subject, be serious.

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