Pentagon warns that ISIS will reconstitute

DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
If you would quit undermining the president in hopes that he fails, in which transcribes into Americans failing, then maybe we could win these wars. Kind of hard to win a fight with all you Libby's tugging on the arm causing us to have just one arm left to fight with.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
If you would quit undermining the president in hopes that he fails, in which transcribes into Americans failing, then maybe we could win these wars. Kind of hard to win a fight with all you Libby's tugging on the arm causing us to have just one arm left to fight with.

Cause Repubs never obstruct....

Facts are Facts

trump is walking away from his Intel consults....why? Is he carrying out someone else's Agenda? I do know that Putin wants the US out of Syria. Our Intel Chiefs don't....translation

What does Putin have on trump? Why does he defend him....even as he walks away from the Country's own Intel.

trump CANNOT be believed or trusted.....
ISIS is another head of a hydra.............others always form to replace the one head that is cut off.............the radical Islamic muslims always come do the bidding of the dark side of Islam..........Nothing has changed that troughout history.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
All your headline says is that Sunni and Shia will continue to kill each other as they have for1400 years. We need to monitor them from space and kill them from afar, as necessary. No need for one on one troop combat. Watch them gather. Then drop a MOAB.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....

Or, better yet, a President that realizes that no one here gives a fetid dingo's kidney what happens in Syria. Islamic State, Assad Dictatorship, free love kibbutz! Go nuts, let them hash it out without us.
So if we pull out of Syria now..All the gains we have made against ISIS will be lost within 6 months to a year?

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ISIS isnt the problem.
Its radical muslims.
How do you eradicate that, jim?
So if we pull out of Syria now..All the gains we have made against ISIS will be lost within 6 months to a year?


What gains were those?
Keep up stupid. Trump says we kicked their ass

No doubt we kick arses, but whose arses did we kick?

Assad is a chess piece of Iran ... we don't like Iran

ISIS are buttholes, but they hate Assad and Iran

One criterion you should always have before going to war is ... knowing who is the enemy.

Bombing everyone and letting Allah sort it out typically isn't a sound basis for International diplomacy.
Yes they will like they did when they went from Al-Qaeda in Iraq to ISIS after President Obama pulled the troops from Iraq against the advise of his military advisors and commanders.
As for ISIS? It will always come back and I couldn't give shit one how many fellow members of the death cult they kill.

Let em all kill each other and blow their shitholes up as well.

They sure don't need American troops to do that and we sure as hell don't need to send troops there either.

Bring all out troops home and the let the death cult member kill themselves.

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