People are demandinng the Arizona governor remove his religious Easter facebook post. It's still up


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Two days after advocacy group Secular Communities for Arizona urged Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to remove a religious post from Facebook, the Republican leader hasn't conceded to their demand — and doesn't plan to.
People are demanding the Arizona governor remove his religious Easter Facebook post. It's still up.
People are demanding the Arizona governor remove his religious Easter Facebook post. It's still up.

Good for him, at least he didn't let a bunch of mental nut control freaks force him to tak that down.
gawd you fkrs really are scum of the earth, To bad we cant round you scum bag c...ts up and ship you to communist China.. Anti American pos losers!
Politically active atheists are just a-holes that want to drive all religious expression, even personal expression,
so far underground it might as well not exist. They are imbeciles! And obnoxious imbeciles, at that.
Good for him, at least he didn't let a bunch of mental nut control freaks force him to tak that down.
Amen to this. When will them people learn that blowing out one candle will not make any other ones shine brighter?

God bless you and the governor always!!!


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