People defending Biden are getting weirder and weirder

I live my life and focus on my friends and family. Iā€™m not somebody who holds the president to account more than meaningless bitching on message boards. I can easily say that Joe fucked up and is continuing to fuck by by lying to the American people about the situation. But thatā€™s just one person emoting, it doesnā€™t do anything. Just like your whining and ranting doesnā€™t do anything
Funny how you leftwingers were screaming everyday about Orange Man Bad. Now suddenly itā€™s ā€œoh heā€™s just a president, ignore him and live your own lifeā€.

Except this idiot Biden is making decisions for us, like dictating our medical decisions. Heā€™s a fascist that cannot be ignored.
Funny how you leftwingers were screaming everyday about Orange Man Bad. Now suddenly itā€™s ā€œoh heā€™s just a president, ignore him and live your own lifeā€.

Except this idiot Biden is making decisions for us, like dictating our medical decisions. Heā€™s a fascist that cannot be ignored.
I say the same things about Biden that I'd say about Trump if he did the same thing. Can you say the same for yourself? I think not.
I have seen some of these communist assholes saying it is not the time to politicize Bidenā€˜s Afghan disaster.


They totally would if it were Trump in chargeā€¦.so fuck every last Biden voter in the assā€¦..TWICE.

Don't you remember how Democrats kept saying under Trump that now is not the time to question the President?

Huh ... I don't either ...

Hypocrisy sticks to Democrats like drool to a baby
Don't you remember how Democrats kept saying under Trump that now is not the time to question the President?

Huh ... I don't either ...

Hypocrisy sticks to Democrats like drool to a baby
Are a lot of people saying not to question the President?! What are you talking about?
If you had any integrity, you'd be working to correct your massive mistake, Joe Biden. That's what decent people do when they fuck up, they try to make it right.
What kind of work would I be doing to correct the massive mistake? What specifically?
I agree the clustfk was of Trump's making (he wanted to end a war like Obama did) but Biden's been in office for 7 mos. Why didn't he tell civilians to be out by the end of May? I realize that he personally doesn't make those decisions, but the DoS and DoD fucked the pooch on this.
You alzheimer's patients have to stick together. The buck stops with Biden--NOBODY ELSE. Wake the fuck up.
What you are seeing here is a President that assumed the media was a branch of his administration.
This same media has protected him thoroughly with the disaster we call the southern border.
Liberals and the media simply think not talking about a problem, is the same as having no problem.
And Biden had every reason to believe they would continue in their silent service to his administration.

Now... the media has no choice but to break that connection. We all saw the video. Continue to see raw video, We are seeing foreign press interviewing OUR CITIZENS in Afghanistan who categorically are saying the opposite of what this administration is trying to pass off as the truth.
We are not stupid.
Biden and Harris have absolutely NO idea how to deal with a media not smoothing things over for him. He doesn't know enough of what is going on to answer anyone's questions.
And that is painfully obvious.
At this point, people who are still believing in him. Are willing, not honest.
who cares about the afganis? Trump-fuck no. Me-hell no.
Who cares about the Afghans? I have not heard Trump say he did not care about those people, but we now know you don't care about them

And Biden in 2010 was asked about the humanitarian crisis when the US left, and he said "F" the crisis, so we know that Biden does not care about the Afghan people either.

So far that leaves you and Joe not caring about the people.

So who is less of a human being, the unborn or being born in Afghanistan?

I'm just asking for a view on how Progressives like you and Joe think.
Young Afghan men who cooperated with US forces were abandoned by Biden and his administration...and fell from airplanes. That is Biden's legacy.


You mean the people Stephen Miller who obstructed coming to America...

Lets be clear, the Trump Administration defied the courts in rejecting Afghan US Friendlies...
So lets have a Congressional Investigation...
Who cares about the Afghans? I have not heard Trump say he did not care about those people, but we now know you don't care about them

And Biden in 2010 was asked about the humanitarian crisis when the US left, and he said "F" the crisis, so we know that Biden does not care about the Afghan people either.

So far that leaves you and Joe not caring about the people.

So who is less of a human being, the unborn or being born in Afghanistan?

I'm just asking for a view on how Progressives like you and Joe think.
Trump decided to deal with the Taliban and pull our Troops out. How does handing the country over to the Taliban show care or concern over the Afghan people?
Can you post one of your letters?! I'd love to see what one looks like. Maybe I can use it as a model for mine.

I'm not into giving psychos on the internet any identifiable info, but here's a good template for you to write to your rep. You can also email them. This may be your only chance to prevent being remembered as a party to this evil:


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