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People who spread lies and misinformation about FEMA:

Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Matt 5:6

That’s the point. Reprobates aren’t hungering and thirsting for righteousness. They (you) are clearly seeking moral relativism for you liberal wokeness. You are satisfied in your own filth through moral relativism.
That’s the point. Reprobates aren’t hungering and thirsting for righteousness. They (you) are clearly seeking moral relativism for you liberal wokeness. You are satisfied in your own filth through moral relativism.
That doesn’t sound very Christian and I’ve never heard The Sermon on the Mount called morally relative and “woke”!

That doesn’t sound very Christian and I’ve never heard The Sermon on the Mount called morally relative and “woke”!

The Doctrine and Commandments of Christ do not change with liberal moral relativism. God is the same today, as he was yesterday, and will be forever. So, stop the spinning. Sometimes love has to be tough love. He did this with his own apostles at times. He certainly did it with the Sadducees and Pharisees. Buckle up reprobate and repent in the name of Jesus Christ!
FEMA is out of money because the funds were used to house illegal aliens. FEMA was slow to respond to the North Carolina disaster. When asked about federal response to the storm the current president replied "what storm"? These are truths. Who gets to investigate the investigators who get to judge "misinformation"?
FEMA is out of money because the funds were used to house illegal aliens. FEMA was slow to respond to the North Carolina disaster. When asked about federal response to the storm the current president replied "what storm"? These are truths. Who gets to investigate the investigators who get to judge "misinformation"?
The word misinformation should be abolished. Either there is liable/slander or there isn't. Democrats are using this way too much now. It's like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" too much. No one is listening to them.
Are they Patriots or Terrorists?

Which one are you?
lol, that’s quite a leap…so..someone who spread lies (disinformation) is a terrorist in your eyes? And you wonder why the right pushes back on the whole misinformation scheme.

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