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Zone1 To Those Who Have Ears - LET THEM HEAR! Knock and It Will Be Given To You - The REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST HAS BEEN FULFILLED.

Blah, Blah, Blah go away.

What church do you attend? Traditional Christian churches haven't bought into the Scofield heresy or Hal Lindsey's futuristic crap. It was a fringe thing during the dust bowl and the depression years.. Uneducated preachers at camp meetings sold it to the poor and uneducated. Samuel Untermyer was successful.
What church do you attend? Traditional Christian churches haven't bought into the Scofield heresy or Hal Lindsey's futuristic crap. It was a fringe thing during the dust bowl and the depression years.. Uneducated preachers at camp meetings sold it to the poor and uneducated. Samuel Untermyer was successful.

Too funny. You don't what a Traditional" Church is. You're the only one hung up on Darby, Scofield and Lindsey. I find the modern Church distasteful . I also find heretics like yourself distasteful but you have every right to your own beliefs.
Yep, he's the only true God that we deal with because he is our Lord and Savior. Took away our sins with his Atonement and gave us the path to eternal life in the resurrection of the repentant. Jehovah has followed the Plan of the Father from the beginning. If you do not know what the plan is and the eventual destination you have, then you are just grasping for straws. So, Ms. JW, what is our eternal outcome we can obtain based on your unscholarly scholars?
Earth is my destination= the new earth=Gods kingdom rule in 100% control. All things made back to perfection. I am male.
Jehovah is the Father.
Earth is my destination= the new earth=Gods kingdom rule in 100% control. All things made back to perfection. I am male.
Jehovah is the Father.
And what will be your purpose when you won’t be one of the 144,000? And, what is the purpose for the 144,000? What’s our final purpose and what is God’s purpose? Please answer all these questions.
And what will be your purpose when you won’t be one of the 144,000? And, what is the purpose for the 144,000? What’s our final purpose and what is God’s purpose? Please answer all these questions.
Gods original purpose-all back to perfection living on earth in an Eden( paradise) knowing only good. Never sick, never without, peace always. All Gods creatures living in harmony.
Gods original purpose-all back to perfection living on earth in an Eden( paradise) knowing only good. Never sick, never without, peace always. All Gods creatures living in harmony.
Doing what?

That’s the 144,000. What about the other 100 billion who have lived in the earth?
Doing what?

That’s the 144,000. What about the other 100 billion who have lived in the earth?
living a peaceful loving life. Do not forget God only rested creating, he has many wonderful things in store. That is the great crowd on earth. The 144,000 are bought from the earth to heaven.
living a peaceful loving life. Do not forget God only rested creating, he has many wonderful things in store. That is the great crowd on earth. The 144,000 are bought from the earth to heaven.
And, what will the 144,000 be doing in Heaven? What will you be doing on earth forever?
Too funny. You don't what a Traditional" Church is. You're the only one hung up on Darby, Scofield and Lindsey. I find the modern Church distasteful . I also find heretics like yourself distasteful but you have every right to your own beliefs.
Why are you afraid to say what church you belong to?
God knows? He promises eternal life in happiness.
Yes, God knows and has told his children of today’s true Israel for the world to know more on our eternal lives. He’s stated 3 levels of glory in the NT and has explained them more fully to modern day Prophets. It’s too bad you reject this because I know what our full potential can be if we come to the knowledge of the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yes, God knows and has told his children of today’s true Israel for the world to know more on our eternal lives. He’s stated 3 levels of glory in the NT and has explained them more fully to modern day Prophets. It’s too bad you reject this because I know what our full potential can be if we come to the knowledge of the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yes the gospel of Jesus. Not the book of Mormon.
Yes the gospel of Jesus. Not the book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon is the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you read First Corinthians chapter 15 from beginning to end? You will see there are 3 levels of glory in Heaven. Celestial in which the Earth will become. The two other glories of heaven, Terrestrial and Telestial (the Stars) will be located elsewhere. Maybe the moon and somewhere else amongst the stars. But, it's there in black and white.
Then, in more detail, in the Doctrine and Covenants, another book specifically for direction in our times. Read Section 76 about these three kingdoms of glory. It also speaks of those who reject and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost like JWs do and where that non-glory and non-heaven is about.
The Book of Mormon is the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you read First Corinthians chapter 15 from beginning to end? You will see there are 3 levels of glory in Heaven. Celestial in which the Earth will become. The two other glories of heaven, Terrestrial and Telestial (the Stars) will be located elsewhere. Maybe the moon and somewhere else amongst the stars. But, it's there in black and white.
Then, in more detail, in the Doctrine and Covenants, another book specifically for direction in our times. Read Section 76 about these three kingdoms of glory. It also speaks of those who reject and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost like JWs do and where that non-glory and non-heaven is about.
not reality
not reality
1Cor. 15:39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

This refers to the state of resurrection of our bodies and spirits together. They must reside in the specific kingdom or glory they are made of. Celestial Glory, Terrestrial Glory and Telestial (Stars) Glory. Read and weep. For your scholars are full of hot air.

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