Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

I find it amusing watching you folks inventing narratives to mitigate the crime that that cops did.

Now imagine what most of those folks would be saying, if that cop had attacked a TEA PARTY protestor.

Think that these people would still be inventing reasons why it is okay for that cop to have attacked a person who was doing nothing more than standing there and yelling?

I rather doubt it.


Tea Party Protesters would not be protesting without a permit in the first place.

IF you have to get a permit?

Then its not a RIGHT.

Lovers of FREEDOM?

I don't think so.
This cop is finally going to get what he deserves.

He has a history of being unfair to protestors.

I hope he loses his job and retirement package
I find it amusing watching you folks inventing narratives to mitigate the crime that that cops did.

Now imagine what most of those folks would be saying, if that cop had attacked a TEA PARTY protestor.

Think that these people would still be inventing reasons why it is okay for that cop to have attacked a person who was doing nothing more than standing there and yelling?

I rather doubt it.


Tea Party Protesters would not be protesting without a permit in the first place.

IF you have to get a permit?

Then its not a RIGHT.

Lovers of FREEDOM?

I don't think so.

It's not right to shut down traffic in the streets, they have rights to conduct their freedom too.
Did you even watch the 9 minute clip? What do you call that footage of the marchers screaming out "Fuck the fishnet!" and another yelling at the marchers to all "head over that way...hurry...hurry" because they've broken through the barriers. Then the protester's own footage shows the crowd streaming past barriers lying on the ground.

If you HAD watched the full clip you'd know that at 4:58 of that clip the police block off that section of the side walk and tell the protesters there that they have to vacate the area. It's at that point (5:10) that the older woman with the short blonde hair politely asks where it is the police want them to go. At 5:30 the police arrest the fat, potty mouthed girl and at 5:56 the girls get pepper sprayed. They weren't legally protesting from the get go since they A) didn't have a permit for the protest, B) crossed police barricades and C) ignored an order by police officers to clear the side walk. That's not protesting legally. It's not even CLOSE to protesting legally.

I've seen every clip available, more than once.

You're a piece of shit liar peddling an agenda. Go fuck yourself.

Looks like somebody just ran up the white flag! Can't argue against what I'm saying so you're going to call me a piece of shit liar and tell me to go fuck myself? You might as well post "I DON'T HAVE A COMEBACK TO WHAT YOU JUST SAID AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" Manifold.

Get back to me when you want to dispute what's there in the video clip. I took the time to go through it carefully and note when and how things happened. You? You resorted to insults because that's all you've got.

The only argument against bald faced lies is to call them out as such, dipshit.

And all you've done is post bald faced lies. It's as if I'm looking at a dog and you're jumping up and down insisting that it's a cat. All I can do is shake my head and tell you that you're a piece of shit liar. Because that's exactly what you are. Again, go fuck yourself. mmkay?

edit: I already refuted your annotated lies point for point. I'm not going to bother to do it again.
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I find it amusing watching you folks inventing narratives to mitigate the crime that that cops did.

Now imagine what most of those folks would be saying, if that cop had attacked a TEA PARTY protestor.

Think that these people would still be inventing reasons why it is okay for that cop to have attacked a person who was doing nothing more than standing there and yelling?

I rather doubt it.


Indeed. But of course inventing narratives is one thing, as hypocritical as it may be, but Oldsyle is taking it a step further and blatantly lying about what the videos actually show.

That takes a special kind of asshole.
Oldsyle is telling the truth.
It's you mani who will not accept the truth.
They were protesting illegally without a permit.
They shut down vehicle and pedestrian traffic, also illegal.
Oldsyle is telling the truth.
It's you mani who will not accept the truth.
They were protesting illegally without a permit.
They shut down vehicle and pedestrian traffic, also illegal.

So you're a piece of shit liar too.

In that case, you can also go fuck yourself. :thup:
how is she a liar when I provided the law to you? After all it is a law held up by the US Supreme Court that you can be required to have a permit and that blocking traffic be it pedestrian or vehicular at ANY TIME is not legal...She isn't lying she is right.
And it is illegal for a cop to spray radomly into a crowd.

Do you people admitt that?
how is she a liar when I provided the law to you? After all it is a law held up by the US Supreme Court that you can be required to have a permit and that blocking traffic be it pedestrian or vehicular at ANY TIME is not legal...She isn't lying she is right.

There is no proof that the girls sprayed broke the law in any way.

Fact, not opinion.
They were law breakers. Protesting without a permit.

Bullshit :thup:

N.Y. City rules;
Here’s a few things to keep in mind when you’re protesting in New York City:

* You have a right to stand or march on sidewalks without a permit.
* You may photograph or video the cops, but do not interfere with police action.
* Remember officers’ badge numbers, names and physical descriptions.
* File complaints about misconduct by calling 311.
* If you march in the street without a permit, you risk arrest.
* If ordered to disperse, do so unless you want to be arrested.

They Marched in the streets without a permit.

Never mind that I put the NY City Laws up 2 days ago mani.
If they left the sidewalk AT ANY POINT and we know they did...they broke the law..beyond that if anyone in the protest violated the sidewalk rule then the entire protest became illegal...why? Well they were required to have a permit...that is what was illegal and we know they HAD NO PERMIT

N.Y. City rules;
Here’s a few things to keep in mind when you’re protesting in New York City:

* You have a right to stand or march on sidewalks without a permit.
* You may photograph or video the cops, but do not interfere with police action.
* Remember officers’ badge numbers, names and physical descriptions.
* File complaints about misconduct by calling 311.
* If you march in the street without a permit, you risk arrest.
* If ordered to disperse, do so unless you want to be arrested.

They Marched in the streets without a permit.

Never mind that I put the NY City Laws up 2 days ago mani.

As soon as you post proof that those girls broke any of them you might have a point. :thup:
Bottom Line. When You Protest, there is risk. The System doesn't always play fair. It is naive to expect it to. Another good reason to be well schooled in Non Violent Protest and Civil Disobedience. You need to be better than the opposition, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. The potential for things to escalate is always there.
The video shows them clearly on the sidewalk behind the barrier.

The video also shows the cop made NO demand of them.

Why are you defending someone who clearly broke the laws?

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