Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

Bottom Line. When You Protest, there is risk. The System doesn't always play fair. It is naive to expect it to. Another good reason to be well schooled in Non Violent Protest and Civil Disobedience. You need to be better than the opposition, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. The potential for things to escalate is always there.

Yes and NOW the one who clearly broke the law (the cop) needs to be prosicuted for his crime
Bottom Line. When You Protest, there is risk. The System doesn't always play fair. It is naive to expect it to. Another good reason to be well schooled in Non Violent Protest and Civil Disobedience. You need to be better than the opposition, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. The potential for things to escalate is always there.

Yes and NOW the one who clearly broke the law (the cop) needs to be prosicuted for his crime

I live in NYC. I'm remembering the Cop Defense where he emptied a few clips killing a Suspect, claiming that he thought his gun misfired. Land of Fines, Fee's, Penalties,and Surcharges, and where the Privileged Ruling Elite are guaranteed cheap services and labor. NY, .... the Empire State. Tie that into Alexander Hamilton, and what does that tell you? ;)
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.

Let's distinguish between Protest and Non Violent Civil Disobedience, as a Protest. By rights, they could have been Cited, or Charged, There was nothing okay about macing the Woman in the face. This Cop's wife should move him and his remote control out into the garage.
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.

But the cop is ON tape breaking the laws.

Do you want him brought to justice?
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.

But the cop is ON tape breaking the laws.

Do you want him brought to justice?

To some people, cops can simply do no wrong.

I still remember douchers who defended the LAPD for the Rodney King beat down.

It's really sad.
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.

But the cop is ON tape breaking the laws.

Do you want him brought to justice?

To some people, cops can simply do no wrong.

I still remember douchers who defended the LAPD for the Rodney King beat down.

It's really sad.

Or even worse
[ame=]Police Brutality: 6 Cops Murder Kelly Thomas - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bart Police shooting in Oakland KTVU report - YouTube[/ame]
The city established a demonstration area on Broad Street and Exchange Place, adjacent to the New York Stock Exchange, that protesters elected not to use, said Paul Browne, a police spokesman. Employees and residents seeking access to Wall Street between Broadway and William Street were required to show identification during the weekend, he said. At times, the marchers congregated at intersections, blowing horns, beating drums and dancing. At one point, near the New York Stock Exchange, a police lieutenant announced through a megaphone that members of the crowd would be arrested for disorderly conduct if they remained there. The crowd then resumed marching, as they chanted "All day, all week, occupy Wall Street."

They wanted to shut down the streets and they refuse to disperse when it was ordered which is against the law.
When you protest and break the law you take your chances.
Getting sprayed with pepper is not abuse, you are not harmed in the long run, it did not blind her. It's not like getting beat up.
The Rodney King thing was abuse.
“People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we’ll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sept. 15 at a press conference. “As long as they do it where other people’s rights are respected, this is the place where people can speak their minds, and that’s what makes New York, New York.”

This was Sept. 17th
As the day continued and turned to night, the crowds grew with protesters on the ground saying a crowd of 50,000 had gathered in Wall Street. A little after 9:00 PM, as I previously reported, police began ordering protesters they had to leave by 10:0o PM or face arrest.

They have all broke the law because they were ordered to disperse.

But the cop is ON tape breaking the laws.

Do you want him brought to justice?

To some people, cops can simply do no wrong.

I still remember douchers who defended the LAPD for the Rodney King beat down.

It's really sad.

Oh except when they question a gun guy about carrying a gun through downtown
In this particular case, I think the police conduct WAS reasonable and WAS professionally administered. Hence, it falls into the type of conduct you SHOULD be required to anticipate once you decide to "step to the front" of a demonstration such as this.

Based on what I saw in the videos the majority of the Patrolmen (rank and file cops) were just trying to get through the day and were not at all aggressive toward the protesters. But interestingly it was the brass (the superior officers in white shirts) who behaved like goons, causing me to believe word had come down from on high that Wall Street should be cleared out. Normally you will not see the brass behaving that way at demonstrations. They supervise and direct, not participate.

Re: "professionally administered conduct." I hope you're not including in that the gratuitous pepper spraying and that stumbling, incompetent idiot who attempted to demonstrate a control-hold he'd seen at the Police Academy twenty years ago and ended up bouncing a passive subject's head off the grille of a car. Because I can assure you that was something quite other than "professional" police conduct -- which calls for minimal force when dealing with a non-aggressive subject. That is precisely the kind of police behavior that commonly and typically ends up costing the taxpayers an average $100,000 in civil court settlements

There was absolutely no need for what that exalted goon did -- or tried to do. And the unnecessary pepper-spraying of the three girls who were doing nothing but what girls do, screaming, was in fact an aggravated assault. That was gratuitous use of a pain-inducing weapon and, as you well know, if you or I did it the charge would be felonious assault.
no assemble peacably means to be peaceful in your protest and not make an ass of yourself.
To peacebly assemble means that we can protest as long as it doesn't harm or hinder the freedom of others. If you are running down the street blocking traffic and interfering with pedestrians you have violated someone else's rights and thus you have violated the principal of assembly in a peaceful way....
The purpose of a protest demonstration is to call attention to an issue.

The advertising industry has established that with few exceptions the more annoying a radio or television commercial is the more effective it ultimately will be because it calls attention to a product which otherwise would remain obscure. Complying with the rules laid out by the power establishment to regulate public protest demonstrations would be completely counterproductive. Consequently, for a demonstration to be effective the participants must be willing to subject themselves to arrest.

So they should have gotten a permit, then they could have called attention all they wanted..the police would have shut the street down for them to do so...they didn't have a permit thus they violated the law. Actually no an effective demonstration does not mean you have to subject yourself to arrest let me show you what an effective demonstration and peaceful one was..not a single person was arrested....over 1 million marched..
When there are a million protesters there is no need for disorderly conduct. But when there are only a few hundred no one pays attention without some hell-raising.

You can't seem to understand that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Editec, the US Supreme Court has upheld permit requirements under most circumstances because of questions of public safety during marches.
The Supreme Court has also said corporations are persons.

You need to understand we are living in a time when the laws do not serve the People. I'm sure when you reach that understanding your thinking will be altered.
I find it amusing watching you folks inventing narratives to mitigate the crime that that cops did.

Now imagine what most of those folks would be saying, if that cop had attacked a TEA PARTY protestor.

Think that these people would still be inventing reasons why it is okay for that cop to have attacked a person who was doing nothing more than standing there and yelling?

I rather doubt it.


People are hypocrites based on what you imagine would happen in some hypothetical situation?

Get off the drugs.
Editec, the US Supreme Court has upheld permit requirements under most circumstances because of questions of public safety during marches.
The Supreme Court has also said corporations are persons.

You need to understand we are living in a time when the laws do not serve the People. I'm sure when you reach that understanding your thinking will be altered.


emo altert!

Your little buddy is not sporting weapons like a fashion statement because he is trained and paid to protect the people.

He is some smuck off the street.

How many cops are killed by some smuck off the street with a gun?

And TRAINED cops don't criminally shoot people?

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