Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

protesting is good for the people. It's good for a Constitutional Republic. I support anyone who is dishearten with the government and wants to voice their opinion.

I have no problem with protesting either. What I do have a problem with is this new ploy by activists to manipulate the Main Stream Media into presenting either their political opponents or the authorities as goons who are picking on poor innocent citizens by setting them up for video camera ambushes. That isn't protest...that's political Kabuki theater.

old style it's not the protesters who manipulate's the Main Stream Media. It's the other way around. The mainstream media has an agenda. The mainstream does the dirty work for those who are intent on creating a one world government, the IMF for one who I suspect. The mainstream media always makes people who stand for individual rights look like a kook. You rmember back in 2001 right before 9/11 when Rumsfeld said that billions of dollars were missing? If the media did not have an agenda like I said why did they stop investigating what happen with the money?

Of course the Main Stream Media has an agenda. That's been obvious for years now. For you to maintain that activists aren't aware of that and use it to their advantage however, is simply naive. Those activists have learned that you don't need large numbers of people to get your message need a provocative video clip. So you've got activists stalking candidates trying to get an embarrassing shot taken with them like the Rand Paul incident in Kentucky. You've got activists shouting down speakers to force arrests like what happened in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan. You've got activists forcing arrests in New York City strictly for the media exposure.

One world government? Oh,'re one of those?
Just to get on the record here, again, I think the protestors are idiots and that they are protesting something that is mostly a conspiracy theory, and that they are blaming the wrong people. Nonetheless, they have a right to protest if they want, and they certainly have a right not to be used as punching bags and practice targets by a couple of overzealous fascists hiding behind a badge.

I challenge you to find a single example of a NYPD officer using any demonstrator as a "punching bag". I can't remember a single punch being thrown in any of the video clips. Once again you're trying to blow what happened into something that it wasn't. Go back and look at the 9 min clip. The police pictured in that bordered on bored most of the time. Even the ones that were preventing the protesters from crossing that street and arrested those who persisted, did so with admirable restraint. Yet you refer to them as "fascists"? It's ridiculous.

I was using hyperbole to make a point. Look it up if you do not know what it means.

What you're doing is using gross exaggerations to make a point because you can't make your point with what actually happened. You know as well as I do that the police didn't treat anyone as a "punching bag" just as you know they didn't bounce anyone's head off a parked car but you repeatedly try to portray that as what happened. It's frankly dishonest.
I have no problem with protesting either. What I do have a problem with is this new ploy by activists to manipulate the Main Stream Media into presenting either their political opponents or the authorities as goons who are picking on poor innocent citizens by setting them up for video camera ambushes. That isn't protest...that's political Kabuki theater.

old style it's not the protesters who manipulate's the Main Stream Media. It's the other way around. The mainstream media has an agenda. The mainstream does the dirty work for those who are intent on creating a one world government, the IMF for one who I suspect. The mainstream media always makes people who stand for individual rights look like a kook. You rmember back in 2001 right before 9/11 when Rumsfeld said that billions of dollars were missing? If the media did not have an agenda like I said why did they stop investigating what happen with the money?

Of course the Main Stream Media has an agenda. That's been obvious for years now. For you to maintain that activists aren't aware of that and use it to their advantage however, is simply naive. Those activists have learned that you don't need large numbers of people to get your message need a provocative video clip. So you've got activists stalking candidates trying to get an embarrassing shot taken with them like the Rand Paul incident in Kentucky. You've got activists shouting down speakers to force arrests like what happened in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan. You've got activists forcing arrests in New York City strictly for the media exposure.

One world government? Oh,'re one of those?

One world government? Oh,'re one of those

Haven't you ever heard geroge bush senior talk about it?

The protesters most don't have a clue as to what they are protesting against, to some it's a fashison statement. The cause for the moment. I disagree the media is the manipulators
I suggest you go back and look at an unedited clip of what happened, DiAnna. If you do you will figure out that the protesters you are referring to had already broken through police barriers to reach that area of sidewalk.

Why do you insist on repeatedly peddling this blatant fucking lie?

There is exactly ZERO video evidence to support your claim, and in fact, there is AMPLE video evidence that proves you are full of shit.
Just to get on the record here, again, I think the protestors are idiots and that they are protesting something that is mostly a conspiracy theory, and that they are blaming the wrong people. Nonetheless, they have a right to protest if they want, and they certainly have a right not to be used as punching bags and practice targets by a couple of overzealous fascists hiding behind a badge.
Really? Then who do you believe are the right people to blame?

If you think those protesters are barking up the wrong tree I urge you to obtain and watch a video called, Inside Job. In fact, watch it three or four times so you won't miss a trick. I guarantee it will raise your eyebrows an inch.

Just Google, INSIDE JOB

Who is to blame is a different subject. Lets stick to what we agree on in this thread.
That is a plainly evasive answer.

Again, I am strongly urging you to obtain and watch Inside Job and I'm not being a smart-ass. This is an important documentary because it clearly reveals things that otherwise would require long-term academic study and in-depth research. As it is the vast majority of Americans don't have the slightest idea of what has happened to their Nation's economy, how it happened, why it happened and who is responsible for it. It's not enough just to say that Wall Street is the heart of the Beast. That doesn't explain anything.

Being ignorant of certain facts leaves one to wonder about the motivation and value of the mainly youthful and rather motley gathering in the Occupy Wall Street movement. But these young people know things that most Americans are pathetically ignorant of and they are aware that their future has been stolen. They know who did it and how it was done and their action is an attempt to call America's attention to it. But the corporatist media is largely ignoring them and, as you can see in some of the comments in this thread, most average Americans are on the side of the opposition. It pleases them to see the cops spray these protesters with pepper gas and to arrest them.

These critics of the protest don't know they are on the wrong side and when the time comes that they realize it it will be too late to do anything about it.

Go here for some info re: Inside Job.
Of course the Main Stream Media has an agenda. That's been obvious for years now. For you to maintain that activists aren't aware of that and use it to their advantage however, is simply naive. Those activists have learned that you don't need large numbers of people to get your message need a provocative video clip. So you've got activists stalking candidates trying to get an embarrassing shot taken with them like the Rand Paul incident in Kentucky. You've got activists shouting down speakers to force arrests like what happened in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan. You've got activists forcing arrests in New York City strictly for the media exposure.
What do you suppose is the major purpose of a protest demonstration -- to piss off the police and get arrested? It's to call public attention to something. In this example there has been a rather obvious effort to call as little attention as possible to what in fact is a major news event. Aside from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC there was absolutely no coverage of the demonstration on any major news channel.

And don't you think it's peculiar that the police didn't show up with any of the usual crowd control equipment, such as the SWAT gear? There is a conspicuous effort to keep this issue as quiet as possible -- and in your example it seems to be working.

One world government? Oh,'re one of those?
What do you think H.W. Bush meant by, The New World Order? What do you think the term, Globalism, is referring to?

You know, if you were stupid I wouldn't waste time responding to some of the things you say. But you're not stupid, which convinces me that you are a right-wing shill with a purpose here.
I suggest you go back and look at an unedited clip of what happened, DiAnna. If you do you will figure out that the protesters you are referring to had already broken through police barriers to reach that area of sidewalk.

Why do you insist on repeatedly peddling this blatant fucking lie?

There is exactly ZERO video evidence to support your claim, and in fact, there is AMPLE video evidence that proves you are full of shit.

What evidence do you have that those girls didn't cross police barricades? Since you now claim that you have "AMPLE" evidence then produce some.

You would have us believe that these women "magically" appeared on that sidewalk and just "spontaneously" started yelling at the police because people were being arrested? That they were not a part of the march that earlier broke through police barriers and were trying to proceed further when they ran up against a police presence that wasn't letting them past? You expect us to believe THAT while you accuse me of peddling a blatant lie? That's quite amusing.
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Of course the Main Stream Media has an agenda. That's been obvious for years now. For you to maintain that activists aren't aware of that and use it to their advantage however, is simply naive. Those activists have learned that you don't need large numbers of people to get your message need a provocative video clip. So you've got activists stalking candidates trying to get an embarrassing shot taken with them like the Rand Paul incident in Kentucky. You've got activists shouting down speakers to force arrests like what happened in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan. You've got activists forcing arrests in New York City strictly for the media exposure.
What do you suppose is the major purpose of a protest demonstration -- to piss off the police and get arrested? It's to call public attention to something. In this example there has been a rather obvious effort to call as little attention as possible to what in fact is a major news event. Aside from Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC there was absolutely no coverage of the demonstration on any major news channel.

And don't you think it's peculiar that the police didn't show up with any of the usual crowd control equipment, such as the SWAT gear? There is a conspicuous effort to keep this issue as quiet as possible -- and in your example it seems to be working.

One world government? Oh,'re one of those?
What do you think H.W. Bush meant by, The New World Order? What do you think the term, Globalism, is referring to?

You know, if you were stupid I wouldn't waste time responding to some of the things you say. But you're not stupid, which convinces me that you are a right-wing shill with a purpose here.

How does a demonstration of approximately 150 people in a city of millions qualify as a "major news event"? I'm sorry, Mike but that march was a major non event. Take away the video of those three girls getting pepper sprayed and it's a COLOSSAL non event. Why would any reputable news outlet waste time on THAT when there are actual news stories out there worth covering? Because you think they should?

The reason the police didn't wear riot gear and why the majority of them looked bored to death is that the turnout for the march was so miniscule that they outnumbered the activists by about five to one. There was no effort to keep this "quiet", was kept quiet because nobody SHOWED UP for the thing!!!

As for my intelligence level? No, I'm not stupid...which is why I don't fall for staged media events put on by activists desperate to somehow garner attention for their "cause". You might want to take a step back and ask yourself why "you" have bitten on this farce, hook, line and sinker.
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I suggest you go back and look at an unedited clip of what happened, DiAnna. If you do you will figure out that the protesters you are referring to had already broken through police barriers to reach that area of sidewalk.

Why do you insist on repeatedly peddling this blatant fucking lie?

There is exactly ZERO video evidence to support your claim, and in fact, there is AMPLE video evidence that proves you are full of shit.

What evidence do you have that those girls didn't cross police barricades? Since you now claim that you have "AMPLE" evidence then produce some.

The video shows them standing on the sidewalk. :cuckoo:
Really? Then who do you believe are the right people to blame?

If you think those protesters are barking up the wrong tree I urge you to obtain and watch a video called, Inside Job. In fact, watch it three or four times so you won't miss a trick. I guarantee it will raise your eyebrows an inch.

Just Google, INSIDE JOB

Who is to blame is a different subject. Lets stick to what we agree on in this thread.
That is a plainly evasive answer.

Again, I am strongly urging you to obtain and watch Inside Job and I'm not being a smart-ass. This is an important documentary because it clearly reveals things that otherwise would require long-term academic study and in-depth research. As it is the vast majority of Americans don't have the slightest idea of what has happened to their Nation's economy, how it happened, why it happened and who is responsible for it. It's not enough just to say that Wall Street is the heart of the Beast. That doesn't explain anything.

Being ignorant of certain facts leaves one to wonder about the motivation and value of the mainly youthful and rather motley gathering in the Occupy Wall Street movement. But these young people know things that most Americans are pathetically ignorant of and they are aware that their future has been stolen. They know who did it and how it was done and their action is an attempt to call America's attention to it. But the corporatist media is largely ignoring them and, as you can see in some of the comments in this thread, most average Americans are on the side of the opposition. It pleases them to see the cops spray these protesters with pepper gas and to arrest them.

These critics of the protest don't know they are on the wrong side and when the time comes that they realize it it will be too late to do anything about it.

Go here for some info re: Inside Job.
I posted a link to the last 20 minutes of Inside Job. There is now no excuse for anyone to not be informed.
Why do you insist on repeatedly peddling this blatant fucking lie?

There is exactly ZERO video evidence to support your claim, and in fact, there is AMPLE video evidence that proves you are full of shit.

What evidence do you have that those girls didn't cross police barricades? Since you now claim that you have "AMPLE" evidence then produce some.

The video shows them standing on the sidewalk. :cuckoo:

So your contention is that they were always there? Perhaps you'd like us to believe they'd been teleported to that very spot? No shit the video shows them standing on the sidewalk! How did they come to be there? Is it your contention that they were not part of the march? That they didn't cross the police barricades like the rest of their group? You "say" that you have AMPLE evidence of that? Then produce some.
What evidence do you have that those girls didn't cross police barricades? Since you now claim that you have "AMPLE" evidence then produce some.

The video shows them standing on the sidewalk. :cuckoo:

So your contention is that they were always there? Perhaps you'd like us to believe they'd been teleported to that very spot? No shit the video shows them standing on the sidewalk! How did they come to be there? Is it your contention that they were not part of the march? That they didn't cross the police barricades like the rest of their group? You "say" that you have AMPLE evidence of that? Then produce some.

There is no video evidence that places them in the street.

There is no video evidence that every protester present crossed or attempted to cross the police barricades.

But even if they did march in the street as you speculate, your best argument is that even though they are peacefully and legally protesting on the sidewalk at the time they were sprayed, ten minutes ago they were j-walking therefore the cop was justified in pepper-spraying them. That's preposterous on it's face.
I challenge you to find a single example of a NYPD officer using any demonstrator as a "punching bag". I can't remember a single punch being thrown in any of the video clips. Once again you're trying to blow what happened into something that it wasn't. Go back and look at the 9 min clip. The police pictured in that bordered on bored most of the time. Even the ones that were preventing the protesters from crossing that street and arrested those who persisted, did so with admirable restraint. Yet you refer to them as "fascists"? It's ridiculous.

I was using hyperbole to make a point. Look it up if you do not know what it means.

What you're doing is using gross exaggerations to make a point because you can't make your point with what actually happened. You know as well as I do that the police didn't treat anyone as a "punching bag" just as you know they didn't bounce anyone's head off a parked car but you repeatedly try to portray that as what happened. It's frankly dishonest.

Like I said before, look it up. Hyperbole is, by definition, exaggeration.

By the way, you are off in your version of events. According to Bologna he was aiming at some men who managed to not only escape from arrest after he sprayed them, they somehow managed not to show up in any of the videos, including the long one you loke to parse in a vain attempt to prove the others are edited.

A law enforcement official familiar with Inspector Bologna’s account of what occurred, however, said he was not aiming at the four women who appeared in videos to have sustained the brunt of the spray. Rather, he was trying to spray some men who he believed were pushing up against officers and causing a confrontation that put officers at risk of injury, the official said.
“The intention was to place them under arrest, but they fled,” the official said.

New York Police to Examine Pepper-Spray Episode -

I know you want to coordinate your defense of these idiots with the official story, but my guess is even you will find it hard to swallow that he was aiming for people who were not there. Especially since you have argued from the beginning that the reason the women got sprayed was because they were disrupting arrests that were on the other side of the barricade and down the block.
Really? Then who do you believe are the right people to blame?

If you think those protesters are barking up the wrong tree I urge you to obtain and watch a video called, Inside Job. In fact, watch it three or four times so you won't miss a trick. I guarantee it will raise your eyebrows an inch.

Just Google, INSIDE JOB

Who is to blame is a different subject. Lets stick to what we agree on in this thread.
That is a plainly evasive answer.

Again, I am strongly urging you to obtain and watch Inside Job and I'm not being a smart-ass. This is an important documentary because it clearly reveals things that otherwise would require long-term academic study and in-depth research. As it is the vast majority of Americans don't have the slightest idea of what has happened to their Nation's economy, how it happened, why it happened and who is responsible for it. It's not enough just to say that Wall Street is the heart of the Beast. That doesn't explain anything.

Being ignorant of certain facts leaves one to wonder about the motivation and value of the mainly youthful and rather motley gathering in the Occupy Wall Street movement. But these young people know things that most Americans are pathetically ignorant of and they are aware that their future has been stolen. They know who did it and how it was done and their action is an attempt to call America's attention to it. But the corporatist media is largely ignoring them and, as you can see in some of the comments in this thread, most average Americans are on the side of the opposition. It pleases them to see the cops spray these protesters with pepper gas and to arrest them.

These critics of the protest don't know they are on the wrong side and when the time comes that they realize it it will be too late to do anything about it.

Go here for some info re: Inside Job.

It is not an evasive answer, it is just a request to focus on the issues of the thread. I will watch the video, and am even willing to discuss it if you want to, after I watch it.
I suggest you go back and look at an unedited clip of what happened, DiAnna. If you do you will figure out that the protesters you are referring to had already broken through police barriers to reach that area of sidewalk.

Why do you insist on repeatedly peddling this blatant fucking lie?

There is exactly ZERO video evidence to support your claim, and in fact, there is AMPLE video evidence that proves you are full of shit.

What evidence do you have that those girls didn't cross police barricades? Since you now claim that you have "AMPLE" evidence then produce some.

You would have us believe that these women "magically" appeared on that sidewalk and just "spontaneously" started yelling at the police because people were being arrested? That they were not a part of the march that earlier broke through police barriers and were trying to proceed further when they ran up against a police presence that wasn't letting them past? You expect us to believe THAT while you accuse me of peddling a blatant lie? That's quite amusing.

How about the fact that Bologna is not trying to say they did?
Big, protesting is only constitutionally protected if that protesting does not interupt other people's freedom and is done PEACEFULLY if it is not then it is not the says assemble peacably not right to protest anywhere and however you want.

Not true, but I do not blame you for the fact that you misunderstand how the Constitution works.

actually I do understand quite well...evidently it is you who does not understand the words assemble peaceably...
Big, protesting is only constitutionally protected if that protesting does not interupt other people's freedom and is done PEACEFULLY if it is not then it is not the says assemble peacably not right to protest anywhere and however you want.

Not true, but I do not blame you for the fact that you misunderstand how the Constitution works.

actually I do understand quite well...evidently it is you who does not understand the words assemble peaceably...

Peaceably means not taking up arms and engaging in rebellion.
The video shows them standing on the sidewalk. :cuckoo:

So your contention is that they were always there? Perhaps you'd like us to believe they'd been teleported to that very spot? No shit the video shows them standing on the sidewalk! How did they come to be there? Is it your contention that they were not part of the march? That they didn't cross the police barricades like the rest of their group? You "say" that you have AMPLE evidence of that? Then produce some.

There is no video evidence that places them in the street.

There is no video evidence that every protester present crossed or attempted to cross the police barricades.

But even if they did march in the street as you speculate, your best argument is that even though they are peacefully and legally protesting on the sidewalk at the time they were sprayed, ten minutes ago they were j-walking therefore the cop was justified in pepper-spraying them. That's preposterous on it's face.

Did you even watch the 9 minute clip? What do you call that footage of the marchers screaming out "Fuck the fishnet!" and another yelling at the marchers to all "head over that way...hurry...hurry" because they've broken through the barriers. Then the protester's own footage shows the crowd streaming past barriers lying on the ground.

If you HAD watched the full clip you'd know that at 4:58 of that clip the police block off that section of the side walk and tell the protesters there that they have to vacate the area. It's at that point (5:10) that the older woman with the short blonde hair politely asks where it is the police want them to go. At 5:30 the police arrest the fat, potty mouthed girl and at 5:56 the girls get pepper sprayed. They weren't legally protesting from the get go since they A) didn't have a permit for the protest, B) crossed police barricades and C) ignored an order by police officers to clear the side walk. That's not protesting legally. It's not even CLOSE to protesting legally.

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