pepper spraying cop and middle finger waving motorist UPDATE

I guess Leftists are celebrating that another cop is going down. This cop's only mistake is not characterizing the gesture as road rage, which is not a lawful exercise of free expression. Hopefully the investigation will clear him of any wrong doing. In the meantime, I truly hope he has a pleasant and restful paid vacation and gets a long overdue break from dealing with you assholes.
think that the article says 'suspended without pay !! I'll recheck .
yeah , suspended without PAY , right in the links title unless I'm seeing things .
MAYBE , course the offended motorist is going to sue I'd imagine , sue the cop and the city that employs him I'd guess !! Have to wait and see I suppose .
The cops have the asshole's ID in every database in the country.
Let's wait and see how he makes out if he ever calls 911. LOL!
He might as well move to Uganda.
He's fucking toast in the USA.
VENGENCE , that'd be underhanded and an incorrect way to do police work DBoys !!
I guess Leftists are celebrating that another cop is going down. This cop's only mistake is not characterizing the gesture as road rage, which is not a lawful exercise of free expression. Hopefully the investigation will clear him of any wrong doing. In the meantime, I truly hope he has a pleasant and restful paid vacation and gets a long overdue break from dealing with you assholes.

No, people are celebrating that a bully and a thug is "going down". Hopefully, he gets shit-=canned, blacklisted, and either spends the rest of his life flipping burgers or eats a bullet.
I guess Leftists are celebrating that another cop is going down. This cop's only mistake is not characterizing the gesture as road rage, which is not a lawful exercise of free expression. Hopefully the investigation will clear him of any wrong doing. In the meantime, I truly hope he has a pleasant and restful paid vacation and gets a long overdue break from dealing with you assholes.

No, people are celebrating that a bully and a thug is "going down". Hopefully, he gets shit-=canned, blacklisted, and either spends the rest of his life flipping burgers or eats a bullet.
In a just universe, that's exactly what will happen to an asshole like you.
I guess Leftists are celebrating that another cop is going down. This cop's only mistake is not characterizing the gesture as road rage, which is not a lawful exercise of free expression. Hopefully the investigation will clear him of any wrong doing. In the meantime, I truly hope he has a pleasant and restful paid vacation and gets a long overdue break from dealing with you assholes.
This cop's mistake was not ignoring the middle-finger salute, which was extended in passing and was moving away. But he chose to pursue and create a wholly unnecessary confrontation. Too bad he didn't know, or chose to ignore the fact that what the finger-pointer did is not at all illegal. He did nothing that compromised, harmed, or inconvenienced the cop in any way.

This incident is one more example of exaggerated expression of police ego.
Disgusting but not surprising. Exactly why the cop should have shot his worthless ass rather than using the spray.
I guess Leftists are celebrating that another cop is going down. This cop's only mistake is not characterizing the gesture as road rage, which is not a lawful exercise of free expression. Hopefully the investigation will clear him of any wrong doing. In the meantime, I truly hope he has a pleasant and restful paid vacation and gets a long overdue break from dealing with you assholes.

No, people are celebrating that a bully and a thug is "going down". Hopefully, he gets shit-=canned, blacklisted, and either spends the rest of his life flipping burgers or eats a bullet.

Nah. He'll be suspended a bit. Then back to work. Maybe for another department. And a liberal got sprayed. All worked out haha!
guy may get fired , sued , city sued , he and family drug through mud because of a LEGALLY flipped finger that he as a public servant should have ignored , doesn't make sense to me . As far as going on in more police work , well maybe that's something else that needs to be fixed Bucs .
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and interesting , the guys that approve of being pepper sprayed for legally flipping the bird seem to be all for the ever growing power of the 'state' . Doesn't make sense unless they are public servants that think they 'should' be Special .
Nah. He'll be suspended a bit. Then back to work. Maybe for another department. And a liberal got sprayed. All worked out haha!
It really depends on how far the complainant who was sprayed (assaulted) wants to take it. This is not a good time for a cop charged with assaulting a citizen to face a jury in a civil litigation. And the level of punitive awards is influenced by the level of punishment imposed on the offending cop: Big punishment, small money. Small punishment, big money.

If this fellow finds an experienced lawyer who has time and is willing to pursue this case on contingency, it won't cost the fellow a dime and that cop could be in serious trouble for what he did. Especially if the lawyer can manage to get enough minorities impaneled.

Your confidence is predicated on the fact that most people who litigate against cops walk away rather than appeal when their defendant is excused with minor or no punishment. But, I repeat, this is not a good time for overly aggressive cops. There are major corporations and commercial interests, such as CVS, which presently are applying pressure on politicians to avoid causing riots and looting.
and interesting , the guys that approve of being pepper sprayed for legally flipping the bird seem to be all for the ever growing power of the 'state' . Doesn't make sense unless they are public servants that think they 'should' be Special .
It has to do with a frame of mind called the authoritarian/submissive personality. These individuals worship authority. The extreme manifestation of this condition is sexual sado/masochism which often is expressed in bondage and domination sex-play. These sessions typically involve the wearing of costumes such as police and Gestapo uniforms, the display of whips and other instruments of torture, with one actor (the dominant) humiliating and abusing the other (the submissive).

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