Per GOP - COVID19 was made in a lab and covered up by China

US intelligence says otherwise:

And the final report says China sat out the 2020 election.


Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.

The lab was located in Wuhan, because that's where SARS and MERS came from, you dolt!! It's on the edge of one of the last unexplored jungles in the world, which is being cut down and destroyed, exposing people to viruses they previously had never had contact with.

The USA had scientists working inside that lab, until Dumb Donald decided it was stupid to keep watch over the Chinese and he pulled your people out of there. If Trump had left your scientists there, you'd KNOW what happened in that lab.

Lord but you're so gullible, it's hardly surprising you voted for Trump.
The lab was located in Wuhan, because that's where SARS and MERS came from, you dolt!! It's on the edge of one of the last unexplored jungles in the world, which is being cut down and destroyed, exposing people to viruses they previously had never had contact with.

The USA had scientists working inside that lab, until Dumb Donald decided it was stupid to keep watch over the Chinese and he pulled your people out of there. If Trump had left your scientists there, you'd KNOW what happened in that lab.

Lord but you're so gullible, it's hardly surprising you voted for Trump.
So you admit it came out of that lab? Excellent.

Keep watching MSDNC. They were negligent and the virus got out. Keep watch over the Chinese?!?!? LOL...yeah that was happening. How gullible are you? No wonder you're Canadian.

Why do so many of the people working for Trump look like they've lived underground for 20 years? Talk about your alien lizard people. If Stephen Miller's family hadn't come forward to denounce him, thus proving him to be somewhat human, I'd say he's another one.
If I had to bet my life and my kids lives I would bet it was true. That’s how confident I am. Are you that confident it didn’t?
So what? Lots of people believe lots of things very strongly without good evidence. That doesn't tell us anything about anything except for something about you.
The lab was located in Wuhan, because that's where SARS and MERS came from, you dolt!! It's on the edge of one of the last unexplored jungles in the world, which is being cut down and destroyed, exposing people to viruses they previously had never had contact with.

The USA had scientists working inside that lab, until Dumb Donald decided it was stupid to keep watch over the Chinese and he pulled your people out of there. If Trump had left your scientists there, you'd KNOW what happened in that lab.

Lord but you're so gullible, it's hardly surprising you voted for Trump.
You have to go to the source. The man who has been around for over 40 years and perhaps even had a hand in HIV/AIDS. That lovable muppet... Fauci. People playing around with civilization ending science. Science that ends civilization with a whimper. Not those big explosions.
It's a viable scenario. It will be hard to ever know for sure since the China denied any inspectors for months after the infection first spread beyond their borders.
Yep. On one hand, it may seem too coincidental that the virus emerged in a town where there is a virus laboratory. But, the reason the lab was built there is precisely because other novel SARS viruses have emerged there, naturally, in the past. This kind of undermines the idea of it being "too coincidental to be coincidence".
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Shocked to see Yahoo! post this. Granted it is one sided but the CIA/FBI isn't denying it. Their silence is deafening. To me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a is a duck. Only place in the China that could create such a virus was Wuhan and their lab and to me it is not a coincidence that this was where the virus originated. In January, the Chinese were force locking apartment buildings to people could not get out and spread it. This was on 60 Minutes last night. The Chinese created it, knew how deadly it was and still spread it.
There is a rumor swirling that the Chinese has a lab created COVID virus that has an 80% fatality rate.
But, for now it's a conspiracy theory
Yes, ignored it. It's not relevant to whether or not we have enough actual info to know the truth of any of this. Which we do not.
Doesn’t matter. I am Asking about your gut check. You ignored it because you know I am right.
Gut feelings are not stupid. You’re wrong.
Indeed they are, especially when it comes to how a virus emerged 6000 miles away. Your gut knows less than nothing about any of this. You were just emotionally impacted by:

1) A virus lab being in Wuhan
2) Political fetishes and things Trump has said, and the right wing feedback loop that has, no doubt, inundated you with bad information

I mean, you posted a Republican stating it came from the lab, despite the fact that he knows fuck all about anything and has no evidence. We are just not the same.
Indeed they are, especially when it comes to how a virus emerged 6000 miles away. Your gut knows less than nothing about any of this. You were just emotionally impacted by:

1) A virus lab being in Wuhan
2) Political fetishes and things Trump has said, and the right wing feedback loop that has, no doubt, inundated you with bad information

I mean, you posted a Republican stating it came from the lab, despite the fact that he knows fuck all about anything and has no evidence. We are just not the same.
You’re wrong again. Intuition is something that has served me well for 41 yrs. You just refuse to answer the question. Coward.
Indeed they are, especially when it comes to how a virus emerged 6000 miles away. Your gut knows less than nothing about any of this. You were just emotionally impacted by:

1) A virus lab being in Wuhan
2) Political fetishes and things Trump has said, and the right wing feedback loop that has, no doubt, inundated you with bad information

I mean, you posted a Republican stating it came from the lab, despite the fact that he knows fuck all about anything and has no evidence. We are just not the same.
It's just odd that the Chinese threw road blocks up for any kind of legitimate investigation from WHO/CDC.
It could have cleared the mucked up water and showed their innocence had they just stepped aside.
But, now, there is a cloud over their 'innocence'.

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