Per the 14th Amendment,

Wrong, it specifically mentions certain offices while excluding the presidency. Try again.

Section 3​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Buh-Bye.. Buy Bonds... :auiqs.jpg:

Section 3​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Buh-Bye.. Buy Bonds... :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, still not seeing President, can you point it out? Go on then...
If there is one, then an insurrection has been committed, according to a jury and judge. And in all probability, Trump will be found guilty of inciting it.

The indictments only give one side of the story - the prosecution's side. The burden of proof is also lowered to more likely than not, the same as a civil trial. Also, only 12 of the 16-23 jurors need to vote yes to indict. In the criminal trial, there will be a defense, the burden of proof will be "beyond a reasonable doubt" with a unanimous decision for federal trials and most state trials. Another difference is that the grand jury (the indictment) is randomly selected where the criminal trial jury will be screened.

We'll see. There are an awful lot of charges, but it's even possible a case could be thrown out for Constitutional or other reasons.

Then why did FBI fail to investigate the infamous laptop and all its savory contents?
Ding ding…. They didn’t fail to investigate it…. They did investigate it and they didn’t find evidence to make a case. Y’all can’t accept that so you cry about deep state conspiracies. It’s pathetic
And it could do down this way. Trump wins the election, but before taking office, the election is thrown out because the winner doesn't qualify. The same way it would happen if say Edward Snowden where to get the winning amount of electoral votes. He still doesn't qualify to be president. He'd qualify to run. But he could never be sworn in.
Whoever Trump picks as a running mate would be sworn in, as he would still be VP.
Consider - that- possibility for a moment.
Whoever Trump picks as a running mate would be sworn in, as he would still be VP.
Consider - that- possibility for a moment.

Yeah I don't think that's how it works. A potus has to be sworn in before one can be VP. Both take the oath. But the POTUS is always first.
Yeah I don't think that's how it works. A potus has to be sworn in before one can be VP. Both take the oath. But the POTUS is always first.
Both of their terms end, and thus both of them are are sworn in at the same time. If there's no President sworn in at that time, the VP takes the job. The VP, remember, is elected.

In no case would Trump's oppoent get the job.
They didn’t fail to investigate it…. They did investigate it and they didn’t find evidence to make a case.
Wrong.....all FBI has done was authenticate the laptop as being Hunter Biden's.

DOJ is investigating him for tax and other issues.....but appointment of Weiss to SP will make that go away.....for sure.

Only ones investigating and finding evidence in the laptop is congress and media.
I’m curious, for those that see trump “going to prison”, what image comes to mind? What do you think prison looks like for trump? Do you see large brick towers with rows of inward facing razor wire? Do you see rows of cell block doors, 3 levels high? Do you trump in an orange jump suit, standing in line, shuffling sideways through the line with 200 other inmates at the mess hall? Do you see trump sitting on a bench seat next to those other inmates eating meals?

I’m just curious, for those who see trump “in prison”, what image comes to mind?
I've asked this question before, but didn't get an answer. BTW, I can't find one instance of any of the rioters in the capital being charged and found guilty of that actual charge of "insurrection." I've seen numerous ones that skirted "insurrection." But not one with that charge and guilty verdict containing that word.

If there is one, then an insurrection has been committed, according to a jury and judge. And in all probability, Trump will be found guilty of inciting it. And will not be qualified to be the POTUS. Even if he wins the election.
And it could do down this way. Trump wins the election, but before taking office, the election is thrown out because the winner doesn't qualify. The same way it would happen if say Edward Snowden where to get the winning amount of electoral votes. He still doesn't qualify to be president. He'd qualify to run. But he could never be sworn in.

The big "oh shit" moment after Trump wins the election, when his supporters realized they put all their efforts into someone who doesn't even qualify, per the US constitution.

On the flip side, IF no guilty verdict of insurrection has been made, then according to the law, there really was no insurrection. Trump wins the election and takes office. And there's nothing the democrats can do about it.

Numerous courts and judges have called January 6th an "insurrection" in the court proceedings against the insurrectionists. 4 Oathkeepers were charged and found guilty of "seditious conspiracy" and are currently serving prison sentences.

Even if no one was charged with "seditious conspiracy", January 6th was still an attempted overthrow of the US government. Trump disqualified himself from running the moment he failed to send help to the Capital.
Trump wasn't responsible for security in the capitol.

Trump was responsible for calling out the National Guard. He was the ONLY person with the authority to send the NG. Pence made the call and gave the order, finally, but Gen. Flynn, Kash Patel and that other guy they sent over to the Pentagon after Biden won the election, worked hard to keep the NG sitting on their hands at Andrews.

More evidence of Trump's intent. Those three people he appointed to Pentagon jobs right after he lost. All three figured in the plan by keeping calls from getting through to the NG.
Numerous courts and judges have called January 6th an "insurrection" in the court proceedings against the insurrectionists.
Yes, none have been charged, must less convicted of insurrection.
Trump disqualified himself from running the moment he failed to send help to the Capital.
Due process, missy - he has to be convicted first.
Ding ding…. They didn’t fail to investigate it…. They did investigate it and they didn’t find evidence to make a case. Y’all can’t accept that so you cry about deep state conspiracies. It’s pathetic

There ya go, lying again. They have felony gun possession charges, fully documented in photographic evidence on the laptop, and lying on a NICS form, also a felony. They also let several felony tax evasion charges slide. Oh, and let's not forget, FARA violations that the DOJ has been more than happy charge republicans with.

There ya go, lying again. They have felony gun possession charges, fully documented in photographic evidence on the laptop, and lying on a NICS form, also a felony. They also let several felony tax evasion charges slide. Oh, and let's not forget, FARA violations that the DOJ has been more than happy charge republicans with.

I saw on the news today that a Federal judge is reviewing why gun and tax charges were reduced to misdemeanors regarding Hunter Biden. I'm willing to bet those charges will be upgraded to felonies.

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