Per the 14th Amendment,

What's the insult? That I don't give a flying fuck about your navel gazing question, no matter how much you whine?
Yes you get emotional, abrasive, explicit and evasive. It’s a waste of energy and a display of your lack of ability to engage at an intellectual level.
The only bribe wasa Bidens quid pro quo which we now know had nothing to do with anything policy!
I remember Trump trying to exploit that during the campaign. So question. When he oversaw the DOJ, why didn’t he arrest Biden for this heinous crime?
I've asked this question before, but didn't get an answer. BTW, I can't find one instance of any of the rioters in the capital being charged and found guilty of that actual charge of "insurrection." I've seen numerous ones that skirted "insurrection." But not one with that charge and guilty verdict containing that word.

If there is one, then an insurrection has been committed, according to a jury and judge. And in all probability, Trump will be found guilty of inciting it. And will not be qualified to be the POTUS. Even if he wins the election.
And it could do down this way. Trump wins the election, but before taking office, the election is thrown out because the winner doesn't qualify. The same way it would happen if say Edward Snowden where to get the winning amount of electoral votes. He still doesn't qualify to be president. He'd qualify to run. But he could never be sworn in.

The big "oh shit" moment after Trump wins the election, when his supporters realized they put all their efforts into someone who doesn't even qualify, per the US constitution.

On the flip side, IF no guilty verdict of insurrection has been made, then according to the law, there really was no insurrection. Trump wins the election and takes office. And there's nothing the democrats can do about it.

From what I've heard from some legal scholars, it would not require a guilty verdict for the Secretaries of State, in each of the States to disqualify Trump from the election ballots. It would also disqualify any write-in votes for Trump.

This could be challenged in State court, but since States have almost all authority over election, SCOTUS could not intervene unless some Federal law or the Constitution were violated.

State courts would only need a "finding" that Trump had incited an insurrection or other attempt to over turn an election.

Given his second impeachment, the fact that a majority of the Senate found him guilty of inciting an insurrection, and the findings of both the Jan. 6 committee and the Jan. 6 Special Prosecutors investigation, I have no doubt that the State Courts would uphold the disqualification.
Yes you get emotional, abrasive, explicit and evasive

Back atcha sport.
. It’s a waste of energy and a display of your lack of ability to engage at an intellectual level.
The waste of energy and clear lack of intellectualism is your insistence of discussing two irrelevant statues and the 14th amendment when its been pointed out to you that the even the leaders of your tribe have realized Trump cannot be charged with any of them.

Wank away.
From what I've heard from some legal scholars, it would not require a guilty verdict for the Secretaries of State, in each of the States to disqualify Trump from the election ballots. It would also disqualify any write-in votes for Trump.

This could be challenged in State court, but since States have almost all authority over election, SCOTUS could not intervene unless some Federal law or the Constitution were violated.

State courts would only need a "finding" that Trump had incited an insurrection or other attempt to over turn an election.

Given his second impeachment, the fact that a majority of the Senate found him guilty of inciting an insurrection, and the findings of both the Jan. 6 committee and the Jan. 6 Special Prosecutors investigation, I have no doubt that the State Courts would uphold the disqualification.
Good luck with that
Back atcha sport.

The waste of energy and clear lack of intellectualism is your insistence of discussing two irrelevant statues and the 14th amendment when its been pointed out to you that the even the leaders of your tribe have realized Trump cannot be charged with any of them.

Wank away.
The amount of time you’ve spent dodging the questions could have been used answering them and making a substantive counter argument. When you dodge you reflect a lack of ability to engage.

Trump doesn’t need to be charged with those crimes did the 14th to apply. Have you read the 14th?
The amount of time you’ve spent dodging the questions could have been used answering them and making a substantive counter argument. When you dodge you reflect a lack of ability to engage.
I gave you the fucking statues. If you can't figure out on you own that they are different crimes, ain't my problem.
Trump doesn’t need to be charged with those crimes did the 14th to apply. Have you read the 14th?
He sure does. DOJ prosecuting him for his part in January 6th and does not charge him with insurrection? Slam dunk, case closed.
I gave you the fucking statues. If you can't figure out on you own that they are different crimes, ain't my problem.
You’re sure putting a lot of effort into dodging an explanation for something you act like is so simple and obvious. Way more time dodging that a direct answer would have taken
There were several found guilty of sedition… isn’t that synonymous with insurrection?

No, sedition actually is protected political expression.
It is about trying to change any one aspect of the government.
For example, the WWI draft resistors were charged with sedition.
And insurrection is not just an attempt to change some aspect of government in the US, but the entire existing government.
Insurrection is not at all protected political expression, but is the violent use of force to overthrow the entire government.

The reality is sedition is a good thing, in that it is an attempt to improve government.
Insurrection can be a good thing, but only if the government is really totally bad, like the British monarchy.

Are we as bad as the British monarchy?
The War on Drugs, the invasion of Iraq, the false impeachments and indictments, etc., are all pretty horrific.

He sure does. DOJ prosecuting him for his part in January 6th and does not charge him with insurrection? Slam dunk, case closed.
That’s answers that. You have not read the 14th amendment. Trump does not need to be arrested for insurrection for the 14th to apply. Here I’ll make it easy for you:

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
No, sedition actually is protected political expression.
Yet multiple people were arrested and charged with it…. think about that

Would it be fair to say that the elements that make sedition rise to a criminal level involve acts of insurrection?
That’s answers that. You have not read the 14th amendment. Trump does not need to be arrested for insurrection for the 14th to apply. Here I’ll make it easy for you:

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Clearly the legal intent was to prevent the people who seceded from the Union from regaining political power so that they could do it all over again.

But nothing Trump did was remotely illegal.
In fact, the Jan 6 occupation was a good thing that should be repeated far more often, as Congress has become corrupt and insulated from the people.
Things Congress has done, like the invasion of Iraq, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, etc., are totally and completely illegal, and should not be tolerated for a second.

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