Percentage of Wuhan Flu Deaths Purely Caused by Wuhan Flu: 6%


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The Great Hoax chickens have come home to roost
Pin a medal on me and the 6 others who virtuously and vociferously told you this from day One
MOST unfortunate will be how this is buried in the Media. Page 1 headlines for months but page 33 for when the truth and acquittal comes out
Trump needs to declare that the Ununited States of America can no longer piecemeal via governor, county executive, mayor, town council, property management company, issue all these variable decrees and restrictions. Then with that authority Americans will begin to ignore this hoax except for those who politically benefit from it and they will scream at the sky but lock us down No More.
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

I’m not seeing that math in the link.
If you could explain in more detail.
LIAR/LIAR. Nobody dies from anything BUT Kodonabeeruz. All deaths since March of 2020 are related to it directly or indirectly. Run over by a snowmobile within 10 miles of a Pharmacy ? Must have been going for masks and Ibuprofen=C-19 related.Had a massive heart attack while jogging in 110 degree heat ? EMT took body temp. 101 F =C-19 related.
Your ruse is over and let the wailing and screeching begin before you move to the next one which I think is the SAT bunk from 55 years ago
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump will tell you BS also along with the MSM if you actually listen to these people you will be lost. Trump did work with states to shut them down because that is what scientist suggested yet you claim Biden is wrong for saying he would do the same?
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump will tell you BS also along with the MSM if you actually listen to these people you will be lost. Trump did work with states to shut them down because that is what scientist suggested yet you claim Biden is wrong for saying he would do the same?
Biden said nothing about states. He said he would implement a comprehensive lockdown on his own based on scientists’ recommendation. Unelected scientists.
Time for Ununited States of America to operate under one uniform policy regarding the Hoax and become United States once again and dismiss this farce
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
We know you hope not. Back under the bed facts denier
Sorry old bean Trump has no power to do as such and never has. That is reserved for the states since it is not in the Constitution. That is how a contract signed by the federoti works...
So you disagree with Chuck that Trump isn't being a leader for not stopping the riots?
From a link within the link...
Coronavirus disease deaths are identified using the ICD–10 code U07.1. Deaths are coded to U07.1 when coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 are reported as a cause that contributed to death on the death certificate. These can include laboratory confirmed cases, as well as cases without laboratory confirmation. If the certifier suspects COVID-19 or determines it was likely (e.g., the circumstances were compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), they can report COVID-19 as “probable” or “presumed” on the death certificate (5, 6). COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause on the death certificate in 94% of deaths (see Table 1).
We can parse phrases but it’s now no doubt that, just like we said , that if you died since February from heart disease, stroke, cancer, car wreck, fell off the roof, bullet wound, or just plain old age And tested positive for Covid then your death was classified as Covid and not attributed to anything else.
That’s the way you run a Hoax
We can parse phrases but it’s now no doubt that, just like we said , that if you died since February from heart disease, stroke, cancer, car wreck, fell off the roof, bullet wound, or just plain old age And tested positive for Covid then your death was classified as Covid and not attributed to anything else.
That’s the way you run a Hoax
Mangled bodies from auto crashes are being listed as China virus deaths.
We can parse phrases but it’s now no doubt that, just like we said , that if you died since February from heart disease, stroke, cancer, car wreck, fell off the roof, bullet wound, or just plain old age And tested positive for Covid then your death was classified as Covid and not attributed to anything else.
That’s the way you run a Hoax
Mangled bodies from auto crashes are being listed as China virus deaths.
I thought 50% Fake might be pushing it but 94% is an abomination
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
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