Percentage of Wuhan Flu Deaths Purely Caused by Wuhan Flu: 6%

You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump will tell you BS also along with the MSM if you actually listen to these people you will be lost. Trump did work with states to shut them down because that is what scientist suggested yet you claim Biden is wrong for saying he would do the same?
Biden said nothing about states. He said he would implement a comprehensive lockdown on his own based on scientists’ recommendation. Unelected scientists.

He said he would tell the Governors to shut down, if that was what the CDC recommended.

He didnt say he would do it by himself, because he knows we are a democratic republic.
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump will tell you BS also along with the MSM if you actually listen to these people you will be lost. Trump did work with states to shut them down because that is what scientist suggested yet you claim Biden is wrong for saying he would do the same?
Biden said nothing about states. He said he would implement a comprehensive lockdown on his own based on scientists’ recommendation. Unelected scientists.

He said he would tell the Governors to shut down, if that was what the CDC recommended.

He didnt say he would do it by himself, because he knows we are a democratic republic.
No, he said he’d do it.
We can parse phrases but it’s now no doubt that, just like we said , that if you died since February from heart disease, stroke, cancer, car wreck, fell off the roof, bullet wound, or just plain old age And tested positive for Covid then your death was classified as Covid and not attributed to anything else.
That’s the way you run a Hoax
Mangled bodies from auto crashes are being listed as China virus deaths.
Indeed thats the way you run a hoax,it’s the same thing in the states as well.
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
Yes the Trump Virus has killed 186,000 Americans and infected 6 Million Americans.
But yeah, be an ignorant Trump supporter and say it's not big deal. It just more dead Americans than the combined totals of 9/11, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Vietnam War, and the Korean War. It is more than all the American soldiers who died in World War I. Hey, but vote for Trump and some time next year, you can add World War II to the list. No big deal, hey?
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
I said that we should not isolate all of those at high risk, but not infected for a year or he suggested because that group of high risk with comorbidities, is a hundred plus million people, but we should isolate those testing positive...for 14 days....

In 6 months, we've had 6 million testing positive, thats a million people on average, a month, that would be pulled out of the economy/work force....

And we need massive amounts of tests, to find the positive carriers to isolate, only them..... even if it were ten times higher of those infected, 10 million a month isolated for 14 days, it's better than pulling out the 100 plus million with comorbidities for a year or two, until enough people are vaccinated to bring herd immunity safety.
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
I said that we should not isolate all of those at high risk, but not infected for a year or he suggested because that group of high risk with comorbidities, is a hundred plus million people, but we should isolate those testing positive...for 14 days....

In 6 months, we've had 6 million testing positive, thats a million people on average, a month, that would be pulled out of the economy/work force....

And we need massive amounts of tests, to find the positive carriers to isolate, only them..... even if it were ten times higher of those infected, 10 million a month isolated for 14 days, it's better than pulling out the 100 plus million with comorbidities for a year or two, until enough people are vaccinated to bring herd immunity safety.

Herd Immunity will not happen if one can be infected again. Already a case of reinfection in Hong Kong.
Trump has no power to do as such per the Constitution..
And the truth is out of the bag...

Friends do not let friends watch MSM.
What is not Trump's fault?
MSM will tell you it is TRUMPs fault because he didn't shut the USA down and this caused the Hot and Sour Soup Flu to spread.
Trump has no authority to close America down other than declaring Martial Law.

Biden claims he is going to close the USA down for 3 months if Scientists recommend it.
So far Fauci hasn't said anything.
Trump will tell you BS also along with the MSM if you actually listen to these people you will be lost. Trump did work with states to shut them down because that is what scientist suggested yet you claim Biden is wrong for saying he would do the same?
Biden said nothing about states. He said he would implement a comprehensive lockdown on his own based on scientists’ recommendation. Unelected scientists.

He said he would tell the Governors to shut down, if that was what the CDC recommended.

He didnt say he would do it by himself, because he knows we are a democratic republic.
No, he said he’d do it.
I guess it was the nationwide mask mandate that i was hinking of...

Asked specifically whether he'd push a national shutdown if scientists said it was necessary, Biden replied: I would shut it down. The former vice president has previously called for the nation's governors to impose mask mandates in their states, effectively a national mask mandate. But when he made that call, Biden avoided saying he'd attempt to use a nationally applicable executive order himself.
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
I said that we should not isolate all of those at high risk, but not infected for a year or he suggested because that group of high risk with comorbidities, is a hundred plus million people, but we should isolate those testing positive...for 14 days....

In 6 months, we've had 6 million testing positive, thats a million people on average, a month, that would be pulled out of the economy/work force....

And we need massive amounts of tests, to find the positive carriers to isolate, only them..... even if it were ten times higher of those infected, 10 million a month isolated for 14 days, it's better than pulling out the 100 plus million with comorbidities for a year or two, until enough people are vaccinated to bring herd immunity safety.

Herd Immunity will not happen if one can be infected again. Already a case of reinfection in Hong Kong.
They will adjust the vaccine.... we may get an initial vaccination and then booster shots to keep the immunity going....
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
I said that we should not isolate all of those at high risk, but not infected for a year or he suggested because that group of high risk with comorbidities, is a hundred plus million people, but we should isolate those testing positive...for 14 days....

In 6 months, we've had 6 million testing positive, thats a million people on average, a month, that would be pulled out of the economy/work force....

And we need massive amounts of tests, to find the positive carriers to isolate, only them..... even if it were ten times higher of those infected, 10 million a month isolated for 14 days, it's better than pulling out the 100 plus million with comorbidities for a year or two, until enough people are vaccinated to bring herd immunity safety.

Herd Immunity will not happen if one can be infected again. Already a case of reinfection in Hong Kong.
They will adjust the vaccine.... we may get an initial vaccination and then booster shots to keep the immunity going....
There’s a vaccine for the flu and 60,000 Americans die from the flu every year.
On average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

One can only wonder what historians will think, looking back at these minuscule Covid-19 death numbers of healthy people under 55 years old, asking why on earth much of our working activities were shut down? While one could offer politicians the benefit of the doubt in March and April, now that September is about to begin, why is anything still shut down?
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
So we can isolate everyone because that’s easier than isolating a percentage??
Certainly you are not that dumb, to interpret what I ACTUALLY said, in that idiotic way.
But it is what you said. Read your own post.
I said that we should not isolate all of those at high risk, but not infected for a year or he suggested because that group of high risk with comorbidities, is a hundred plus million people, but we should isolate those testing positive...for 14 days....

In 6 months, we've had 6 million testing positive, thats a million people on average, a month, that would be pulled out of the economy/work force....

And we need massive amounts of tests, to find the positive carriers to isolate, only them..... even if it were ten times higher of those infected, 10 million a month isolated for 14 days, it's better than pulling out the 100 plus million with comorbidities for a year or two, until enough people are vaccinated to bring herd immunity safety.

Herd Immunity will not happen if one can be infected again. Already a case of reinfection in Hong Kong.
They will adjust the vaccine.... we may get an initial vaccination and then booster shots to keep the immunity going....
There’s a vaccine for the flu and 60,000 Americans die from the flu every year.
36000 on average die of the flu every year, not 60k
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
Strawman. Tests are worthless. I have friends who got tested. Took 2 weeks to get the results. Even if the test was immediate, how do you know you didn’t get it from the lab doorknob on your way out?
On average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

One can only wonder what historians will think, looking back at these minuscule Covid-19 death numbers of healthy people under 55 years old, asking why on earth much of our working activities were shut down? While one could offer politicians the benefit of the doubt in March and April, now that September is about to begin, why is anything still shut down?
the virus is just as strong now, as it was in the early months...the virus does not care what month it is on our calendars...

Why would it matter whether these people dying have other treatable conditions like hypertension, or diabetes, or asthma? Dead people, are dead people, and right now, with all of those sacrificing measures we took, we have 185,000 dead people, from this virus, 300,000 dead, by the end of this year, going at the present rate.... with all the precautions still in place.... if we remove them, it would be many more than the 300,000 dead people by the end of the year.

What's your dead people number, that will have your concern for humanity, to show up?
Last edited:
You heard that right. 94% of the people listed as Wuhan Flu Deaths had other significant health issues that were also listed as cause of death.

So instead of saying if you have these kinds of health issues (list them even) you need to isolate yourself because the rest of the world is moving on, we continue Kabuki Theater and America shutdown.

The problem with isolating only those with those higher risk medical conditions is that well more than half of Americans have those high risk conditions....

Not even counting all the comorbidities listed in the chart in your link, but just a quick look at two conditions, like diabetes and heart conditions....

34 million- Diabetes
88 million- prediabetic


108 million- hypertension
18 million- coronary artery disease

And there are a boatload of more high risk conditions that would add to those lije asthma and copd....

Basically, your idea does not compute or help get us back up and running because near half of the adult population and some, would have to stay at home and not participate in the workforce, or the economy.

The infected need to be found through testing, and contact tracing, and isolated until they shed the virus, and the rest of the hundreds of million, not infected , go back to their regular lives of work and shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping.

Isolating the infected, is so much better because it involves much fewer people than locking up all the people with comorbidities....

This takes heavy testing.... the money we would actually save, by spending on enormous amounts of testing is astronomical! All of these $3 trillion a shot bail outs and stimulous payments would not be needed, if we only isolated those infected for the 14 days they are infectious.

And what we really need, is an instant result test, thats cheap...spit on a strip before you enter an arena or concert or bar for the evening, if negative, the venue lets you in...

Or better yet, we can test ourselves at home, before going anywhere....
Strawman. Tests are worthless. I have friends who got tested. Took 2 weeks to get the results. Even if the test was immediate, how do you know you didn’t get it from the lab doorknob on your way out?
Duh, FIX the problem, of why it is taking so long.... the President is failing us, he has the power at his fingertips, to fix the delays....

AND said, we should have had instant result tests by NOW .... trillions of them.
  • Number of deaths for ages 0 – 54, where Covid-19 was the only apparent cause: 820
  • Current US Population: 330,209,500
Historians will look back on how we responded to the Chinese Flu in 2020 and slap their foreheads.
On average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

One can only wonder what historians will think, looking back at these minuscule Covid-19 death numbers of healthy people under 55 years old, asking why on earth much of our working activities were shut down? While one could offer politicians the benefit of the doubt in March and April, now that September is about to begin, why is anything still shut down?
the virus is just as strong now, as it was in the early months...the virus does not care what month it is on our calendars...

Why would it matter whether these people dying have other treatable conditions like hypertension, or diabetes, or asthma? Dead people, are dead people, and right now, with all of those sacrificing measures we took, we have 185,000 dead people, from this virus, 300,000 dead, by the end of this year, going at the present rate.... with all the precautions still in place.... if we remove them, it would be many more than the 300,000 dead people by the end of the year.

What's your dead people number, that will have your concern for humanity, to show up?
Total dead of healthy 0-54 year olds in the US: 820

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