Percentage of young U.S. children who don’t receive any vaccines has quadrupled since 2001

so the posted info in the OP is simply assigning blame on Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated which i think is an American parents RIGHT .
so the posted info in the OP is simply assigning blame on Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated which i think is an American parents RIGHT .
Actually, what I am doing is posting an alert that is being delivered to the health community, those who deal in face to contact with those seeking medical health, no matter who they are. Wealth, race, gender and especially politics have nothing to do with it. You are free to ignore it and since this is a discussion forum, voice reasons why other people should ignore it.
"A small but increasing number of children in the United States are not getting some or all of their recommended vaccinations. The percentage of children under 2 years old who haven’t received any vaccinations has quadrupled in the last 17 years, according to federal health data released Thursday.

Overall, immunization rates remain high and haven’t changed much at the national level. But a pair of reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about immunizations for preschoolers and kindergartners highlights a growing concern among health officials and clinicians about children who aren’t getting the necessary protection against vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, whooping cough and other pediatric infectious diseases.

The vast majority of parents across the country vaccinate their children and follow recommended schedules for this basic preventive practice. But the recent upswing in vaccine skepticism and outright refusal to vaccinate has spawned communities of under-vaccinated children who are more susceptible to disease and pose health risks to the broader public". - Source

According to the CDC unvaccinated children pose the greatest risk for an epidemic which includes measles, mumps, and rubella. Twelve states are at risk for epidemics; Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah. (source) While health professionals are loath to point the finger at "anti-vaxxers" at the same time allude they are a contributing factor in this.

Actually, and I'm not Googly-eyeing it for you, many vaccinations are the core cause of genetically misappropriated meddling with the human soul container, and carried out for the perpetuation of the pro-abortion crusade.
And this is the sort of ignorance and stupidity that’s turning America into a third world nation.
so the posted info in the OP is simply assigning blame on Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated which i think is an American parents RIGHT .
Actually, what I am doing is posting an alert that is being delivered to the health community, those who deal in face to contact with those seeking medical health, no matter who they are. Wealth, race, gender and especially politics have nothing to do with it. You are free to ignore it and since this is a discussion forum, voice reasons why other people should ignore it.
---------------------------- the answer to the return of once eradicated diesease is that diseased third worlders enter the USA WP !!
The point is public health. Conspiracy theorists refusing to get vaccinated puts innocent people at risk. It should be a crime.

Creepazoid. you DO grasp that most anti-vacers are leftist morons like you, right?
!?!?? That may be the stupidest thing you've said all day! The anti-vaxers movement is rwnj Infowars listeners, not normal people.
------------------------------------- i think that the anti vaxxers are Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated and i think that that is a legal option Crep .
The point is public health. Conspiracy theorists refusing to get vaccinated puts innocent people at risk. It should be a crime.

Creepazoid. you DO grasp that most anti-vacers are leftist morons like you, right?
!?!?? That may be the stupidest thing you've said all day! The anti-vaxers movement is rwnj Infowars listeners, not normal people.
------------------------------------- i think that the anti vaxxers are Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated Crep .
No, they are rwnj conspiracy theorists.
if i am correct parents have the RIGHT to skip vaccinations for their kids if i am correct Crep .
if you don't want the return of once eradicated disease to the USA then stop letting diseased third worlders into the USA Crep .
There is truth in the fact that illegal immigrants bring in a large percentage of unvaccinated children. There used to be a time and place where illegal Latinos could go to get their children vaccinated for free. Regan and Bush supported this but not tump. Like it or not, the problem is already here. Regardless of where and with whom it started, this can affect all the children. It can be epidemic if left unchecked. LIfe before politics.
so the posted info in the OP is simply assigning blame on Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated which i think is an American parents RIGHT .
Actually, what I am doing is posting an alert that is being delivered to the health community, those who deal in face to contact with those seeking medical health, no matter who they are. Wealth, race, gender and especially politics have nothing to do with it. You are free to ignore it and since this is a discussion forum, voice reasons why other people should ignore it.
And that’s the problem: there is no valid, legitimate reason to ignore it and allow one’s child to go unvaccinated, endangering the child's health, and posing a health risk to an entire community.

It’s just as selfish as it is ignorant and stupid.
maybe your kids and other lefty parents kids will get sick WP !! I keep warning , its the next generations in the USA that are going to be fecked one way or the other WP . ------------- Go TRUMP !!
so the posted info in the OP is simply assigning blame on Americans that don't want to have their kids vaccinated which i think is an American parents RIGHT .
Actually, what I am doing is posting an alert that is being delivered to the health community, those who deal in face to contact with those seeking medical health, no matter who they are. Wealth, race, gender and especially politics have nothing to do with it. You are free to ignore it and since this is a discussion forum, voice reasons why other people should ignore it.
And that’s the problem: there is no valid, legitimate reason to ignore it and allow one’s child to go unvaccinated, endangering the child's health, and posing a health risk to an entire community.

It’s just as selfish as it is ignorant and stupid.
----------------------------- Opinion , opinions . But it might be LEGAL to avoid vaccinations Clay .
And that’s the problem: there is no valid, legitimate reason to ignore it and allow one’s child to go unvaccinated, endangering the child's health, and posing a health risk to an entire community.

It’s just as selfish as it is ignorant and stupid.
Utter bullshit. There is no legitimate reason to allow you or anyone else access to someone else's children. You have no right to insist that a parent must allow their children to be put at risk by big pharma giving them vaccines. The lack of accountability for the last 30 years for big pharma and the vaccine industry is disgraceful.

Most people that do not vaccinate are not willing to trade their child's health for a lousy bit of cash. According to the US Health Resources and Services Administration payout total from 1988 up to now of “around $3.6 billion for vaccine injuries.

As of (June 7th, 2018) Rota Teq (RV5) has been associated with 1232 cases of intussusception [ii]. And there are 42 pages of death reports after it's use [iii].

Whopping Vaccine Injury Payouts for US Fiscal Year 2017 Released


injury sample.jpg

report vaccine 2016.jpg
Actually, and I'm not Googly-eyeing it for you, many vaccinations are the core cause of genetically misappropriated meddling with the human soul container, and carried out for the perpetuation of the pro-abortion crusade.
I know of no vaccine given to children that has anything to do with abortion.

Ignorance is the excuse of the day, is no excuse to justify excusing mass murder as normative. Sickening.


Guess What Else is Put In Vaccines?

Vaccines, Abortion & Fetal Tissue

Vatican Statement on Vaccines Derived  From Aborted Human Fetuses

Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life. - PubMed - NCBI

Vaccine Ingredients – Fetal Tissues | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Apologies, you don't look ignorant, just foolish and clinically, ruthlessly indifferent.
We already know Republicans are the party of anti children.

They fight for the rights of school shooters to go armed.

They don't believe in vaccinations.

How many Republicans have watched their kids die because they don't believe in medicine?

Letting them die: parents refuse medical help for children in the name of Christ

Look how they support Trump for stripping parents of their babies. Those parent had two choices, let their kids die from gangs and domestic violence or have them taken away. Normal parents would want their kids to live.

In fact, Republicans see kids as a bargaining chip.


You don't need to make things up.

You don't need to lie.

Just look at what Republicans are doing and point that out. It's all right there in front of us.

Says abortionist champion number #332454 on the day. Your side has no moral high ground from which to take a dry piss.

<sob>. BUT......But.......What about ABORTION?

When you reflect ethical lack of everything, sobbing should you be . . .
"A small but increasing number of children in the United States are not getting some or all of their recommended vaccinations. The percentage of children under 2 years old who haven’t received any vaccinations has quadrupled in the last 17 years, according to federal health data released Thursday.

Overall, immunization rates remain high and haven’t changed much at the national level. But a pair of reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about immunizations for preschoolers and kindergartners highlights a growing concern among health officials and clinicians about children who aren’t getting the necessary protection against vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, whooping cough and other pediatric infectious diseases.

The vast majority of parents across the country vaccinate their children and follow recommended schedules for this basic preventive practice. But the recent upswing in vaccine skepticism and outright refusal to vaccinate has spawned communities of under-vaccinated children who are more susceptible to disease and pose health risks to the broader public". - Source

According to the CDC unvaccinated children pose the greatest risk for an epidemic which includes measles, mumps, and rubella. Twelve states are at risk for epidemics; Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah. (source) While health professionals are loath to point the finger at "anti-vaxxers" at the same time allude they are a contributing factor in this.

Actually, and I'm not Googly-eyeing it for you, many vaccinations are the core cause of genetically misappropriated meddling with the human soul container, and carried out for the perpetuation of the pro-abortion crusade.
And this is the sort of ignorance and stupidity that’s turning America into a third world nation.

^^ Blind in both eyes, can't see, hear or feel anything ^^

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