Perhaps if the haters of the white race would have just stayed home and let whites celebrate


The Folks pictured above voted for

A) Donald Trump _______

B) Hillary Clinton _____
And who did the American COMMUNISTS vote for?

The Communist Party USA?
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Bodecea is correct. When you enemy marches throug

The Folks pictured above voted for

A) Donald Trump _______

B) Hillary Clinton _____
And who did the American COMMUNISTS vote for?

The Communist Party USA?
Nope. They told their followers that the quickest way to achieve their COMMUNIST GOALS is thru the DEMOCRAT Party.

The Democrat party is not a communist party.
What is there to celebrate? Only the Korean people have the endurance, culture, fortitude and vision to justify such a celebration.
I celebrated my ability to speak awesome English, I know how to pull my pants up, I don't have or need an EBT card, I don't interrupt white pride rallies, I don't crap on cop cars, I know who my daddy is, I don't get my ass shot for sucker punching a neighborhood watchmen, and I don't sleep behind dumpster on a bed of crack needles.
What is there to celebrate? Only the Korean people have the endurance, culture, fortitude and vision to justify such a celebration.
I celebrated my ability to speak awesome English, I know how to pull my pants up, I don't have or need an EBT card, I don't interrupt white pride rallies, I don't crap on cop cars, I know who my daddy is, I don't get my ass shot for sucker punching a neighborhood watchmen, and I don't sleep behind dumpster on a bed of crack needles.

You sound like a very proud person.

Reminds me of a toddler beaming with pride at his dried macaroni artwork.
Cant wait for next democrat Presidential campaign to crash and burn on the rocks of ...uuuummmm ,,,,uuuummmmmm RACIST
...none of this would have happened, but no they had to bring in the racist violence and disrupt yet another peaceful white supremacist rally.
Yeah that's why you inbred cretons showed up with shields and weapons and executed ISIS-style terrorism.

Burn in hell
You'd be crazy to not bring something to protect yourself from the violent racist ISIS-style terroristic liberals.
This is how civil wars start. Hope both sides are ready to lose their loved ones to violent deaths, starvation, and lack of medical care and medicine. Good luck if you live in the cities.
WOW wouldja look at all the WHITE "haters of the white race"! :thup:


The fascist nazi alt right were carrying guns and started beating up on people early in the morning.

The alt right thugs are domestic terrorists. They have always been violent people. They've always murdered Blacks, Jews, gays and anybody who gets in the way of poisoning America and everything our country stands for.

They murdered Heather because she believed in the US Constitution.

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Gee I'm white and I do not feel insecure. I do believe it was time to do away with that nasty history of the confederacy.
Do away with HISTORY?


Death Angel

I disagree. We need to force these cockroaches out into the light and keep them there. That means we can never let them hide from their long history of crime.

Is there any way we can ever know how many people they have murdered? Or the other crimes they commit every day to finance their agenda?

They are a movement that was borne of crime. We need to hold them accountable for that and for all of their crimes since.

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WOW wouldja look at all the WHITE "haters of the white race"! :thup:

My grandfather told me about a time when negroes treated white people with the respect that they deserve. Now, it's all about " look at my under drawers, "BITCH" just because I can't spell the Presidents name doesn't mean I'm ebonic's and shiiiit!
Gee I'm white and I do not feel insecure. I do believe it was time to do away with that nasty history of the confederacy.
and why is what YOU believe more important than how THEY feel?
Well if you agree with slavery and think your superior because you are white, many do not agree with them.
see. i may disagree n you ASSUME how i feel n demonize me.

maybe shit like that is part of the,problem.
...none of this would have happened, but no they had to bring in the racist violence and disrupt yet another peaceful white supremacist rally.
Yeah that's why you inbred cretons showed up with shields and weapons and executed ISIS-style terrorism.

Burn in hell
Black Fag is the result of inbreeding in da hood

There is a common idea in the black community that it is in bad form to air our dirty laundry in public and it is precisely this idea that has protected generation after generation of incestuous fathers stepfathers, brothers and uncles. Statistics from the Justice Department show that anywhere from 7% to 30% of all American women have experienced inappropriate sexual attention from a male family member. In the African American community the numbers of similar, but the acts tend to be more brutal and callous.

In 1985, Stephen Spielberg's film of Alice Walker's "The Color Purple" was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and yet it didn't win a single one after the NAACP protested the depiction of black men in the film, with the key point being the incestuous relationship that focused on Cele. The NAACP protest cost some deserving actors and actresses a chance for fame and glory, but that is only the material side of the loss. The biggest loss comes from the dirty dregs the NAACP tried to sweep under the carpet and that is incest does happen in the African American community. Not only does incest happen; it happens far too often.

Certainly, black men have been picked on, beat up and dissected but when an act is wrong being black as ten past midnight does not make it right and will never make it right. In their myopic approach to protecting the African American community the NAACP shot itself in the foot and insulted thousands of black women who have suffered the insult on unwanted male attention. Black men rape women, girls, boys, and the NAACP wanted to make sure the lid didn't come off. Where were they when every night a regular parade of black men in handcuffs sauntered across the television screens in America? Where were they? Fortunately, the leadership has changed now, but incest has not. It is still in the community, hiding under a rock, locked in the frightened throat of little girls to afraid to tell.
^ the inbred attempts to derail the thread

Poor inbred :itsok:
Nope. Just pointing out more of your primitive African hypocrisy. Incest (inbreeding) is very common in da hood.

To be fair, the parentage of so many blacks are unknown so they don't really know if the person they are fucking is a brother or sister, or even mother or father.

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