Perhaps one of you can answer this question?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
What compelling interest does the federal or States Governments have to restrict magazine size to 10 or under? And what compelling interest do they have in banning supposed assault rifles?
They can say "safety". Anything they propose, propose doing with gay males so they can see how their argument isn't just. There are compelling reasons to outlaw anal sex, as the risk vs benefit analysis for anal sex concludes that the risks outway the benefits, if there are any. But they would shriek bigotry. So call libs bigots, because they ban everything they don't like, even if it won't accomplish their stated goals. This is about a feel good moment. THey realize it won't end mass killings. My favorite part, is that if libs wanted to actually ban guns and get them out of the hands of the people, they'd need to suspend the 4th amendment as well, and t hat's where all of the liberal darling rights come from, like abortion, sodomy, etc..
What compelling interest does the federal or States Governments have to restrict magazine size to 10 or under? And what compelling interest do they have in banning supposed assault rifles?

Kickbacks from European gun manufacturers and Mexican drug cartels.
What compelling interest does the federal or States Governments have to restrict magazine size to 10 or under? And what compelling interest do they have in banning supposed assault rifles?

The life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of it's citizens.

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