Perhaps the election is about to come to a head

but unless they can get a majority of the House of Representatives to vote to sustain those objections they will be dismissed.
Dismissed but not forgotten

this issue will be with us for as long as foreign vote tabulation machines and mail in ballots exist

No one will care what idiots like yourself take from this attempt to overthrow democracy.

History will remember you as fools.

Overthrow democracy like 2016, right PROG?
If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
If the legal system, our politicians and our media won't protect the integrity of our elections and our constitution, then the people will. We're not going to become a banana republic.

The legal system, the free media and our Constitution have upheld the will of the people and our vote from becoming that Banana Republic old Trumpybear dreams of leading for life........
Trump lost this election, by a lot!

The general election of 2020 will be the stuff of argument and analysis for many years to come, here and abroad. Suffice to say here that a panicky over-reaction to the onset of the COVID-19 virus produced economic hardship and social disorder, compounded by months of riots, looting and arson afflicting hundreds of cities (almost all Democrat-governed) beginning in late May 2020. All of this set the stage for an election won overwhelmingly on November 3rd by President Donald Trump and lost by him in the following weeks to his Democrat opponent. Joseph Biden, as dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots appeared in dubious circumstances amidst widespread allegations of fraud and lawsuits challenging the outcome.

There seems to be no way forward that does not present one form or another of disaster – a true dystopia, differing only in type and degree of violence.

What we can say at this point is that the Democrat strategy led them to a victory of sorts in the aftermath of the general election, and set the stage for the dystopias likely to emerge. That strategy had three elements: First, they had deeply flawed presidential and vice presidential candidates – the former in at best questionable mental health with a great deal of family baggage, the latter so weak as a presidential contender she dropped out of the race after the second debate and before the first Democrat primary in Iowa. Their public exposure therefore needed to be limited, especially that of Biden, who simply had to be kept out of the public eye as much as possible.

Second, the Democrats had “on call” large numbers of left-wing and/or paid Antifa and BLM (Black Lives Matter) “streeties” (street fighters) with a demonstrated proclivity for violence and a willingness to use the tools of rioting, looting, arson and intimidation for months on end. These people added to the disruption already caused by the over-reaction to the onset of COVID-19, doing their worst with little or no resistance from Democrat mayors and governors whose cities they looted and burned – and often with the implicit or explicit approval of those officials. The hesitation and unwillingness of the President to do what these mayors and governors would not, and restore order, only emboldened these streeties.

And third, the Democrats had on their side a mainstream and social media that was all but united in its opposition to President Trump, and had been since at least 2016. For all intents and purposes, these platforms functioned as a propaganda arm of the Democrat National Committee (DNC). The DNC knew that no matter how much their candidate fumbled around, the media would conceal it from the American public, and no matter what Trump did well, to the American people he would be condemned. The media – especially the social media platforms – could be depended on to censor anyone raising differing views critical of Biden or the Democrats, and they did just that. And when widespread and visible election fraud occurred in numerous states in the immediate aftermath of the general election, the media mimicked the three monkeys who neither saw nor heard nor especially said anything about it.

There is nothing about this election that can be considered the democratic expression of the will of the American people.

Well written and dead nuts. PROGS could learn from that.

Just kidding, they can't get beyond two sentence parroting out of context.
If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
Fascist again? Stop talking out your ass you are embarrassing yourself.:auiqs.jpg:

They, the Neo-Fascist (or American Fascist) covet the power to appoint the Trumpybear as their exalted leader because votes by the little people just don't matter.
If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
Fascist again? Stop talking out your ass you are embarrassing yourself.:auiqs.jpg:

They, the Neo-Fascist (or American Fascist) covet the power to appoint the Trumpybear as their exalted leader because votes by the little people just don't matter.
Prove it. Calling people names proves 0. You have already proven you have no facts or no argument.
Pence is trying to thread the needle here. He's trying to stay on the Trumpsters' good side while still retaining some dignity and credibility with everyone else.

I don't know how the hell he can pull that off.
Pence may still have to give him a pardon on the 19th.

For what PROG, your feelings?
He is still up as co-conspirator #1 (as they said he could not be charged while a sitting president) in the payoff the felony conspiracy his lawyer (named as co-conspirator #2) went to jail for, just off the top of my head.
This thread is proving cons are fucking retards. Did you morons watch the GA sec of state broadcast?? Starts at 6 mins and finished when your ass is fucked.

This thread is proving cons are fucking retards. Did you morons watch the GA sec of state broadcast?? Starts at 6 mins and finished when your ass is fucked.

Have you seen his Twitter account? He is a never Trumper and has no credibility.
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

Like one person recently and adroitly said, the Democrats used Legal means to accomplish ILLEGAL things.
If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
Fascist again? Stop talking out your ass you are embarrassing yourself.:auiqs.jpg:

They, the Neo-Fascist (or American Fascist) covet the power to appoint the Trumpybear as their exalted leader because votes by the little people just don't matter.
Prove it. Calling people names proves 0. You have already proven you have no facts or no argument.

Shouldn't it be up to them to prove it? All Trumpybears budding little fascist supporters have to subvert our Democracy with is opinion based on allegations that they were never able to substantiate in the appropriate state courts. He said so on Saturdays call, it was all his opinion.
If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
Fascist again? Stop talking out your ass you are embarrassing yourself.:auiqs.jpg:

They, the Neo-Fascist (or American Fascist) covet the power to appoint the Trumpybear as their exalted leader because votes by the little people just don't matter.
Prove it. Calling people names proves 0. You have already proven you have no facts or no argument.

Shouldn't it be up to them to prove it? All Trumpybears budding little fascist supporters have to subvert our Democracy with is opinion based on allegations that they were never able to substantiate in the appropriate state courts. He said so on Saturdays call, it was all his opinion.
Prove what? Shouldn't it be up to the Democrats to prove there was no fraud? Don't they care about election integrity? You can't have it both ways you disingenuous hypocrite.
I doubt Russia will take him. Otherwise, he'll have no place to go.
Well...normally it would be a no brainer for Putin to welcome a treasonous exPresident.

He SHOULD be a wealth of intelligence for the Kremlin...but he a fucking DUNCE
It's one thing to know of indiscretions, it's another to prove the dirty bastards did. One thing you can count on for sure, without mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting Trump wins handily. If the PROGS have their way all voting will be electronic off smart phones under PROG medias, wouldn't that be rich. First they shove misinformation up your ass then click to anyone only motivated enough to hold a dumb phone.

If Biden is fraudulently given the electors, this country is going to blow up.

No chance of that. All the state certified their elections and the EC has cast their votes. It is the faux claims of Fraud that will blow up in the GOP's new Fascist wing's face. Vote those budding little fascist out!
Fascist again? Stop talking out your ass you are embarrassing yourself.:auiqs.jpg:

They, the Neo-Fascist (or American Fascist) covet the power to appoint the Trumpybear as their exalted leader because votes by the little people just don't matter.
Prove it. Calling people names proves 0. You have already proven you have no facts or no argument.

Shouldn't it be up to them to prove it? All Trumpybears budding little fascist supporters have to subvert our Democracy with is opinion based on allegations that they were never able to substantiate in the appropriate state courts. He said so on Saturdays call, it was all his opinion.
Prove what? Shouldn't it be up to the Democrats to prove there was no fraud? Don't they care about election integrity? You can't have it both ways you disingenuous hypocrite.

Prove their allegations of massive fraud. The States have already proved there wasn't any massive fraud when they certified their votes by safe harbor day. Why do you think it's up to Democrats to prove what the States have already legally proven?

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