Perhaps the most outrageous of all of Obama's endless lies

Hillary actualy SAID- What does all this BULLSHYTTE about the attackers' motives matter when no one KNOWS them- except Pub charlatans...

ACTUALLY, what makes this different is the tidal wave of proganda that's wrecked your abilitry to think lol...CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

Unfortunately Dumbocrats are just too dumb to realize the irony and absurdity of Hillary's statement:

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?” Clinton asked the Republican Senator. “It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again.”

In the same breath she says "what difference does it make" immediately followed by "it's our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again".

Well, if it's you're job to figure out what happened then whether it was because of a protest or because of a planned/coordinated terrorist attack makes all the difference in the world. And if it's your job to do everything you can to prevent it from ever happening again, then once again it makes all the difference in the world.

The fact that Dumbocrats like Franco are too dumb to realize something this painfully obvious (not to mention that one of the Dumbocrats highest leaders was dumb enough to say something that stupid) is fall down hilarious and really illustrates why the country falls to absolutely shit when they are in charge. It's no wonder they collapsed Detroit... :lol:
With 300m people in the US, 100m is obviously "too few" to make an issue of this. Especially when the other 200m can't even make an issue of Bush's failed torture war of terror over lies.

Only a Dumbocrat could double-down on this special kind of stupid... :lmao:

Over 100 million out of a trillion would be "too few". Over 100 million out of 300 million is more than 1/3 (I wouldn't expect Dumbocrats to understand fractions though when even supply & demand confuses them).
Breaking: It Turns Out That Protecting Our Embassies Costs Money | Mother Jones

I see that Darrell Issa might have a wee problem on his hands when he holds his hearings today about inadequate security at the Benghazi consulate. Dana Milbank reports:

House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012....Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.

Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan’s budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security.

That's the problem with budget cutting: it sounds great when you're thumping tubs on the campaign trail in front of adoring tea party crowds, but when the actual work of governing comes up, those cuts have to come from actual programs that do actual things. Like protecting our embassies.

Same thing with ACA...Oppose it, say it doesnt work then fund campaigns to strip medicare

Ensuring Embassies and ACA wont work properly. Thats the problem with cutting sounds good until something happens then everyone says "not it"

So this has happened on several occasions....right ?

Can you please share those with us.

Who said it did? Can you not address the example in front of you? Because that shows you wouldnt address any additional examples either.

Can repubs explain how they are outraged at the lack of security while at the same time yelling "Hooray" for cutting the budgets of those same Embassies?

See. No matter the explanation people who can read will see an obvious hypocritical element there. Maybe you can fillibuster until someone doesnt believe their own eyes...IDK :lol:
Breaking: It Turns Out That Protecting Our Embassies Costs Money | Mother Jones

Same thing with ACA...Oppose it, say it doesnt work then fund campaigns to strip medicare

Ensuring Embassies and ACA wont work properly. Thats the problem with cutting sounds good until something happens then everyone says "not it"

So this has happened on several occasions....right ?

Can you please share those with us.

Who said it did? Can you not address the example in front of you? Because that shows you wouldnt address any additional examples either.

Can repubs explain how they are outraged at the lack of security while at the same time yelling "Hooray" for cutting the budgets of those same Embassies?

See. No matter the explanation people who can read will see an obvious hypocritical element there. Maybe you can fillibuster until someone doesnt believe their own eyes...IDK :lol:

republicans didnt cut the budget for that embassy; obama administration officials testifying in front of congress called that a non-issue regarding the attack

you're simply a loser lying to himself
U.S. officials involved in security at the consulate testified before a House committee last year that Stevens had informed his superiors of several incidents that concerned him greatly about the need for improved security. The CIA has also said it had made its concerns about security known to the White House.

Among the incidents leading up to the attacks were assaults on the Red Cross and British embassy personnel, and local militia charged with protecting U.S. staff acting in suspicious manners.

Yet the requests for a boost in security were denied by State.

In a House report released in April on Benghazi, Republicans say Clinton personally signed off on cuts in security at the compound.

The April cable from State acknowledged then-Ambassador Gene Cretz's formal request for additional security but still ordered "the withdrawal of security elements to proceed as planned," the Republicans said.

State Department cables, or internal messages, often are sent with the secretary of State's signature. The report did not say whether the cable regarding security was personally signed or drafted by Clinton.
Apparently blind dumb-ass here thinks I'm an author...

Sorry sweetie, I don't write the articles. I merely post them. If reality and facts are too difficult for you to deal with, I suggest you see a mental health expert.

Either way, don't blame me for Obama's failures and lies.

I understand, you're an echo-chamber maid, trying to keep the old debunked anti-everything-Obama talking points alive, somewhere.

Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC
I understand, you're an echo-chamber maid, trying to keep the old debunked anti-everything-Obama talking points alive, somewhere.

Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

well there ya go; blows two obama lies out of the water; that it was the fault of budget cuts to the embassy; and that they didnt know the situation was getting that bad; because why would more security being offered if it they didnt know it was?
Too few people are convinced that Benghazi is a scandal of the Obama White House, and conservatives need to get over themselves about it.

Your 'outrage' didn't work in 2012, and it's certainly just become more silly over time.

It's really just a lame attempt at payback for the successful, merciless and justified onslaught of criticism against the Bush White House for lying about WMD in Iraq, which led to the needless deaths of a few thousand Americans. Bush lied, people died. This saying was very effective, because it was true. And its effectiveness and truthfulness made conservatives seethe with anger toward liberals. So when the Benghazi attack happened, conservatives thought they had something to use against liberals. It didn't work that way, because the conservative version is full of myths & legends. No one bought their b______ story, and Mitt lost in spectacular fashion. Thank god, too, because we'd be up to our necks in blood soaked wars by now if he had won.

How utterly humiliating for you that you're this sadly misinformed and out of touch with reality. Even MSNBC was eventually forced to acknowledge the existence of WMD's in Iraq (and the only one's "seething" are you Dumbocrats who worship Obama - conservatives don't worship our elected leaders and lie for them - we actually criticize them):

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

WMD in Iraq - MSNBC

WMD's in Iraq - NewsMax

Yes we know Saddam had chemical weapons because Raygun opened the pantry door for them so to speak. However from your MSNBC Link:

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the results were from a field test, which can be imperfect, and more analysis needed to be done. “We have to be careful,” he told an audience in Washington Monday afternoon.

Rumsfeld said it may take some time to determine precisely what the chemical was.

Two former weapons inspectors — Hans Blix and David Kay — said the shell was likely a stray weapon that had been scavenged by militants and did not signify that Iraq had large stockpiles of such weapons.

Kimmitt said he believed that insurgents who planted the explosive didn’t know it contained the nerve agent."
I understand, you're an echo-chamber maid, trying to keep the old debunked anti-everything-Obama talking points alive, somewhere.

Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

gotta love it when a lefty makes the case for the other side. so they knew it was getting real bad over there and twice offered to increase security?
and if they offered extra security than the funds were there for it? so it wasnt because of budget cuts?

ok there goes two left-wing nutjob talking points on Benghazi blown to bits
Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

gotta love it when a lefty makes the case for the other side. so they knew it was getting real bad over there and twice offered to increase security?
and if they offered extra security than the funds were there for it? so it wasnt because of budget cuts?

ok there goes two left-wing nutjob talking points on Benghazi blown to bits

Nope, two different conversations you're pole vaulting to and from.

gotta love it when a lefty makes the case for the other side. so they knew it was getting real bad over there and twice offered to increase security?
and if they offered extra security than the funds were there for it? so it wasnt because of budget cuts?

ok there goes two left-wing nutjob talking points on Benghazi blown to bits

Nope, two different conversations you're pole vaulting to and from.

nope; same points being made

sorry; thanks for playing though
The Ambassador says no to extra security NOT Obama and the right says "Aha! Told you Obama gave a stand down order" or "Aha! Obama watched as they died"

I see now that no matter what information they get wrong, they'll just say they are right and keep yammering
The Ambassador says no to extra security NOT Obama and the right says "Aha! Told you Obama gave a stand down order" or "Aha! Obama watched as they died"

I see now that no matter what information they get wrong, they'll just say they are right and keep yammering

It's true. They're like a Chatty Kathy Doll loaded with the Echo-chamber talking points.
Each time you pull their string a different echo-fact pops out.
Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | Middle East | McClatchy DC

well there ya go; blows two obama lies out of the water; that it was the fault of budget cuts to the embassy; and that they didnt know the situation was getting that bad; because why would more security being offered if it they didnt know it was?

Boom! And bedowin62 delivers a knockout blow!!! Down goes blind (appropriate name)! Down goes blind!

How hilarious is it that Dumbocrats contradict their own versions in their desperation to defend incompetence? That's what happens with a web of lies...
The Ambassador says no to extra security NOT Obama and the right says "Aha! Told you Obama gave a stand down order" or "Aha! Obama watched as they died"

I see now that no matter what information they get wrong, they'll just say they are right and keep yammering

It's true. They're like a Chatty Kathy Doll loaded with the Echo-chamber talking points.
Each time you pull their string a different echo-fact pops out.

Someone's ass is a little sore that she provided the link which proved Obama lied TWICE! :lol:
The Ambassador says no to extra security NOT Obama and the right says "Aha! Told you Obama gave a stand down order" or "Aha! Obama watched as they died"

I see now that no matter what information they get wrong, they'll just say they are right and keep yammering

It's true. They're like a Chatty Kathy Doll loaded with the Echo-chamber talking points.
Each time you pull their string a different echo-fact pops out.

And each talking point gets debunked. Chatty Kathy waits 1 month to throw the talking point back into rotation. I actually had someone say Obama gave a stand down order then when that was proven false they equated not showing up as being the same as being given a stand down order.

well there ya go; blows two obama lies out of the water; that it was the fault of budget cuts to the embassy; and that they didnt know the situation was getting that bad; because why would more security being offered if it they didnt know it was?

Boom! And bedowin62 delivers a knockout blow!!! Down goes blind (appropriate name)! Down goes blind!

How hilarious is it that Dumbocrats contradict their own versions in their desperation to defend incompetence? That's what happens with a web of lies...

I believe it was Gen. Ham who offered additional military assets to Stevens for security and had nothing to do with the State Department's budget.

I think Chatty Kathy got a little confused.
After the state department denied requests for security. General Ham offered a security detail to Amb. Stevens. Thinking that accepting the offer would look like he was going over the head of the State Department, Stevens declined the offer.
well there ya go; blows two obama lies out of the water; that it was the fault of budget cuts to the embassy; and that they didnt know the situation was getting that bad; because why would more security being offered if it they didnt know it was?

Boom! And bedowin62 delivers a knockout blow!!! Down goes blind (appropriate name)! Down goes blind!

How hilarious is it that Dumbocrats contradict their own versions in their desperation to defend incompetence? That's what happens with a web of lies...

I believe it was Gen. Ham who offered additional military assets to Stevens for security and had nothing to do with the State Department's budget.

I think Chatty Kathy got a little confused.

Yes sweetie - you did get a little confused. Because Ambassador Stevens requested additional security over and over as did all of the RSO's who rotated through there.

Keep trying to defend Obama sweetie - the more you do the more you just bury both of you!
Boom! And bedowin62 delivers a knockout blow!!! Down goes blind (appropriate name)! Down goes blind!

How hilarious is it that Dumbocrats contradict their own versions in their desperation to defend incompetence? That's what happens with a web of lies...

I believe it was Gen. Ham who offered additional military assets to Stevens for security and had nothing to do with the State Department's budget.

I think Chatty Kathy got a little confused.

Yes sweetie - you did get a little confused. Because Ambassador Stevens requested additional security over and over as did all of the RSO's who rotated through there.

Keep trying to defend Obama sweetie - the more you do the more you just bury both of you!

President Obama response to the situation needs no defending. He immediately gave his commanders orders to use all available DoD asset to save lives. Two Americans were already dead and two more died when the response team sent from Tripoli arrived at the secret CIA Annex to help evacuate the Americans.

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