Perhaps the most outrageous of all of Obama's endless lies

Sick little puppy still trying to spin those talking points into a scandal huh?
Are you referring to the man with a pen and a phone?

The man that can make an undocumented immigrant legal with a signature is unable to sign for more protection of an ambassador?

A man that can change a law over 30 times with 30 swipes of a pen is unable to sign for more protection of an ambassador?

So you want Obama to override Congress is your idea?

Well, he's violated the Constitution hundreds of times already (Obamacare being the biggest), he's bypassed Congress hundreds of times already (altering Obamacare being the most well known), and he's spent $7 trillion in deficit spending. What is a little more of all of those to ensure the security of your own people?


So you are in the yes column for violating the constitution?
That idea would have worked well during the American Revolutionary war now wouldn't it??

So an unnecessary (and illegal) operation which caused the brutal death of 4 important Americans is the same thing to you as your nation being attacked on your own land and having to defend it? Really? :lol:

Furthermore, even in your absurd and nonsensical analogy, the reality still holds true. Unless you're a Dumbocrat with no concept of cost, responsibility, or basic economics. If you don't have the money to do something, then you don't do it.
49 deaths during attacks on several US diplomatic missions from 2001-2008. How many requests for extra security did those missions make?

How many of them were Americans? Checkmate.
I bet most every overseas US diplomatic mission has made multiple requests for more security. Including the ten that were attacked on Bush's watch.

I seriously doubt a backwater consulate in Benghazi was the only one.

Ah, well that makes it ok then. Why didn't you just say so? I'm sure IT professional Sean Smith's wife and children are completely comfortable with his horrific murder because you deemed (ie randomly guessed for your own made up narrative) that "every" overseas facility requests more security.

It's ok family members of those brutally murdered and then lied to by Obama - G here says that other facilities needed more security as well. Nothing to see here. Go home now.... :eusa_doh:

So you obviously can't answer my question, which reveals you really don't give a shit about the attacks on our diplomatic missions unless there is a Democrat in the White House.

And you'd give every damn in the world if it were Republican in the White House. Funny how that stuff works.
"Obama watched while they died."

"A stand down order was given."

The rubes happily parroted these lies because they wanted to believe them. This is the dead giveaway they are not seeking the truth.

So, what was going on when people like you were shouting "Bush did it!" Is this not a dead giveaway that you aren't seeking the truth?
"Obama watched while they died."

"A stand down order was given."

The rubes happily parroted these lies because they wanted to believe them. This is the dead giveaway they are not seeking the truth.

So, what was going on when people like you were shouting "Bush did it!" Is this not a dead giveaway that you aren't seeking the truth?

I'm rubber you're glue isnt a defense
Well, when he didn't produce his birth certificate as all other candidates have, it set a tone. I mean, I'm not saying he's not an American by birth, but the question was never fully answered.
One more important point in response to G5's nonsensical bullshit - George W. Bush is not president any more and poses no threat to America with any incompetence. Barack Hussein Obama is still president and still poses a serious threat to America with his incompetence.

But by all means G - keep talking about "possible scenarios" under Bush while ignoring the failures of the current president.

Your hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy of your puppet masters, is impossible to ignore.

No - by all means chief - keep going with hypothetical "what if's" about a man who will never hold office again while the current president hangs people out to die and then lies about it.

I mean, it's so important to deflect for you master Obama. So come on, give it to us chief.

By the way, I've asked you several times now to post some FACTS regarding embassy security under Bush and so far, you've been completely incapable. What does that tell you?
I bet most every overseas US diplomatic mission has made multiple requests for more security. Including the ten that were attacked on Bush's watch.

I seriously doubt a backwater consulate in Benghazi was the only one.

How many diplomats or Americans on diplomatic missions were murdered under Bush's watch again? I've forgotten. And if there were any at all was Bush given the opportunity rectify the problem before any murders were committed?

They can't answer that DS - which makes me believe there weren't any.

But then again, Dumbocrats are always devoid of facts so we can't really rely on their responses one way or another.
Sick little puppy still trying to spin those talking points into a scandal huh?

Apparently blind dumb-ass here thinks I'm an author...

Sorry sweetie, I don't write the articles. I merely post them. If reality and facts are too difficult for you to deal with, I suggest you see a mental health expert.

Either way, don't blame me for Obama's failures and lies.
Sick little puppy still trying to spin those talking points into a scandal huh?

Apparently blind dumb-ass here thinks I'm an author...

Sorry sweetie, I don't write the articles. I merely post them. If reality and facts are too difficult for you to deal with, I suggest you see a mental health expert.

Either way, don't blame me for Obama's failures and lies.

I understand, you're an echo-chamber maid, trying to keep the old debunked anti-everything-Obama talking points alive, somewhere.
Sick little puppy still trying to spin those talking points into a scandal huh?

Apparently blind dumb-ass here thinks I'm an author...

Sorry sweetie, I don't write the articles. I merely post them. If reality and facts are too difficult for you to deal with, I suggest you see a mental health expert.

Either way, don't blame me for Obama's failures and lies.

I understand, you're an echo-chamber maid, trying to keep the old debunked anti-everything-Obama talking points alive, somewhere.

Better to "echo" than be incapable of dealing with reality....

“Ambassador Stevens was an old Libya hand. As early as August 2, 2012, he was making his concerns regarding security in Libya clear to the State Department and requesting additional security. In cables to Washington he described the security situation in Libya as “unpredictable, volatile and violent” and requested further “protective detail bodyguard positions.” Throughout August 2012 he sent further alerts, outlining how “a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape,” referring to “targeted and discriminate attacks.”

Excerpt From: Jones, Morgan. “The Embassy House.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright. Check out this book on the iBooks Store: iTunes
so you obviously can't answer my question, which reveals you really don't give a shit about the attacks on our diplomatic missions unless there is a democrat in the white house.

what? You're the one who told the families of these people the deaths of their loved one's is irrelevant because you "think" (and i use that term loosely) that possibly other facilities (which did not suffer attacks or deaths) might have requested more security.

As always, you're incapable of discussing from a place of facts. I posted documented facts from the lead security contractor on site at benghazi. All you have are guesses to defend your ideology. If you have some facts, please post them for us. Otherwise, you're just babbling....

just curious how you felt about the families of pat tillman and jessica lynch when they were told real live whoppers by the bush administration.

So an unnecessary (and illegal) operation which caused the brutal death of 4 important Americans is the same thing to you as your nation being attacked on your own land and having to defend it? Really? :lol:

Furthermore, even in your absurd and nonsensical analogy, the reality still holds true. Unless you're a Dumbocrat with no concept of cost, responsibility, or basic economics. If you don't have the money to do something, then you don't do it.
49 deaths during attacks on several US diplomatic missions from 2001-2008. How many requests for extra security did those missions make?

How many of them were Americans? Checkmate.

Not only were there was local militia who died...but lots of attackers died too. More than the 49 who died defending against the attacks. Additionally, some of the attacks were on people outside of the embassies....just standing around.

But in the end, those others had enough guns, ammo, and people to fight off attacks.

Sir Hillary really does not care....what does it matter (to her election) ?
Hillary actualy SAID- What does all this BULLSHYTTE about the attackers' motives matter when no one KNOWS them- except Pub charlatans...

ACTUALLY, what makes this different is the tidal wave of proganda that's wrecked your abilitry to think lol...CHANGE THE CHANNEL.
Too few people are convinced that Benghazi is a scandal of the Obama White House, and conservatives need to get over themselves about it.

Your 'outrage' didn't work in 2012, and it's certainly just become more silly over time.

It's really just a lame attempt at payback for the successful, merciless and justified onslaught of criticism against the Bush White House for lying about WMD in Iraq, which led to the needless deaths of a few thousand Americans. Bush lied, people died. This saying was very effective, because it was true. And its effectiveness and truthfulness made conservatives seethe with anger toward liberals. So when the Benghazi attack happened, conservatives thought they had something to use against liberals. It didn't work that way, because the conservative version is full of myths & legends. No one bought their b______ story, and Mitt lost in spectacular fashion. Thank god, too, because we'd be up to our necks in blood soaked wars by now if he had won.
what? You're the one who told the families of these people the deaths of their loved one's is irrelevant because you "think" (and i use that term loosely) that possibly other facilities (which did not suffer attacks or deaths) might have requested more security.

As always, you're incapable of discussing from a place of facts. I posted documented facts from the lead security contractor on site at benghazi. All you have are guesses to defend your ideology. If you have some facts, please post them for us. Otherwise, you're just babbling....

just curious how you felt about the families of pat tillman and jessica lynch when they were told real live whoppers by the bush administration.

It was a complete outrage. But there are two significant distinctions to be made here Sallow:

  • The Bush Administration did not cause the death of Tillman and the abduction of Lynch because they refused to provide the tools and people requested over and over and over by Tillman and Lynch.

  • GWB is no longer president - Barack Hussein is. You can't excuse Obama's criminal behavior because of past administrations. It's amazing that you find the loss of life such a joke. All you're worried about is Obama and fuck the absolutely horrific death of two former Navy Seals, a U.S. Ambassador, and an IT specialist.
Too few people are convinced that Benghazi is a scandal of the Obama White House, and conservatives need to get over themselves about it.

Your 'outrage' didn't work in 2012, and it's certainly just become more silly over time.

It's really just a lame attempt at payback for the successful, merciless and justified onslaught of criticism against the Bush White House for lying about WMD in Iraq, which led to the needless deaths of a few thousand Americans. Bush lied, people died. This saying was very effective, because it was true. And its effectiveness and truthfulness made conservatives seethe with anger toward liberals. So when the Benghazi attack happened, conservatives thought they had something to use against liberals. It didn't work that way, because the conservative version is full of myths & legends. No one bought their b______ story, and Mitt lost in spectacular fashion. Thank god, too, because we'd be up to our necks in blood soaked wars by now if he had won.

How utterly humiliating for you that you're this sadly misinformed and out of touch with reality. Even MSNBC was eventually forced to acknowledge the existence of WMD's in Iraq (and the only one's "seething" are you Dumbocrats who worship Obama - conservatives don't worship our elected leaders and lie for them - we actually criticize them):

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

WMD in Iraq - MSNBC

WMD's in Iraq - NewsMax
Too few people are convinced that Benghazi is a scandal of the Obama White House, and conservatives need to get over themselves about it.

:lmao: Think of the utter stupidity of that comment. "Too few people...conservatives need to get over it". Conservatives make up well over 100 million people in the U.S. and make up the majority over Dumbocrats or independents.

Only a Dumbocrat would consider over 100 million "too few" :lmao:
With 300m people in the US, 100m is obviously "too few" to make an issue of this. Especially when the other 200m can't even make an issue of Bush's failed torture war of terror over lies.

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