Permanent State Of War: No End In Sight For America's Mideast War Duties...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties
It seems there will always be a new Boogeyman for Americans to fear and hate. Is endless intervention & war really the answer?
I don't see a "new" bogyman. Rather, its a continuation of our nationbuilding in Iraq. And that's not to say the decision to nationbuild was good, but .....
With or without the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, we (the U.S.) would be every bit as much on the Muslim shit list as we are today.
With or without the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, we (the U.S.) would be every bit as much on the Muslim shit list as we are today.
Sure, but would we be having to quell a revolt by Iraqi Sunnis for a still forming unity govt in Iraq?
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.

We need to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Endless intervention and war isn't the answer. Both Parties need to agree on that.
Permanent State Of War: No End In Sight For America's Mideast War Duties...

The consequence of GWB's failed, unwarranted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Permanent State Of War: No End In Sight For America's Mideast War Duties...

Nor will there be.

It's naïve to believe that the American people will ever develop the wisdom and strength to seek to compel their elected officials to keep America out of conflicts in the ME, or other parts of the world, for that matter.
Permanent State Of War: No End In Sight For America's Mideast War Duties...

The consequence of GWB's failed, unwarranted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We've been at war for a long long time. And It has been waged by both Parties. We need to break this vicious circle of endless war. It's time to come home. We need both Parties to agree on that.
Permanent State Of War: No End In Sight For America's Mideast War Duties...

Nor will there be.

It's naïve to believe that the American people will ever develop the wisdom and strength to seek to compel their elected officials to keep America out of conflicts in the ME, or other parts of the world, for that matter.

Probably so. But i try to stay optimistic. The People have to be growing weary. Some must be realizing that more intervention & war only begets more intervention and war. I believe more & more are beginning to realize that. But like i said, i try to stay optimistic.
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.

We need to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Endless intervention and war isn't the answer. Both Parties need to agree on that.

Both parties are more or less beholden to the defense industry and the new and mammoth (and only increasing in size) spy network which is a partnership between gov't and corporate America. There's a LOT of money to be made in this area, and corporations damn well know it.

For example, are you heard of the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center in Utah?

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Forget for the time being the $1.5 Billion it cost to build the place and instead think of the massive amount of money that's being spent to COLLECT the data. That's going to corporate America which is apparently more than happy to spy on everyone in this country...for a price.
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Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.

We need to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Endless intervention and war isn't the answer. Both Parties need to agree on that.

Both parties are more or less beholden to the defense industry and the new and mammoth (and only increasing in size) spy network which is a partnership between gov't and corporate America. There's a LOT of money to be made in this areas, and corporations damn well know it.

For example, are you heard of the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center in Utah?

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Forget for the time being the $1.5 Billion it cost to build the place and instead think of the massive amount of money that's being spent to COLLECT the data. That's going to corporate America which is apparently more than happy to spy on everyone in this country...for a price.

All part of the steady march towards their NWO Global Fascist State. We are a Police State now. And permanent war is the goal. Because out of chaos, comes order... A New World Order.
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.

We need to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Endless intervention and war isn't the answer. Both Parties need to agree on that.

Both parties are more or less beholden to the defense industry and the new and mammoth (and only increasing in size) spy network which is a partnership between gov't and corporate America. There's a LOT of money to be made in this areas, and corporations damn well know it.

For example, are you heard of the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center in Utah?

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Forget for the time being the $1.5 Billion it cost to build the place and instead think of the massive amount of money that's being spent to COLLECT the data. That's going to corporate America which is apparently more than happy to spy on everyone in this country...for a price.

All part of the steady march towards their NWO Global Fascist State. We are a Police State now. And permanent war is the goal. Because out of chaos, comes order... A New World Order.

We're not quite a police state yet, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that we ARE moving in that direction.

I just finished reading Greenwald's new book "No Place to Hide." It's about his interaction with Snowden.

The general who headed the NSA from 2005 until earlier this year (Keith B. Alexander) reportedly asked a question early on in his tenure. He wanted to know why they couldn't get everything (as in all communications) all the time. That's what they're doing, including, no doubt, every single post that is channeled through the USMB message board. Then there's the installation of cameras everywhere. They're in public places and on the streets.

As an aside, I stumbled upon a fact that isn't a secret. I just didn't know about it before. One morning I was sitting in my local McD drinking coffee, and the guy who managed the place mentioned in passing that he saw something that had happened earlier even though he hadn't been there. In my naivete, I thought he had reviewed a video since there were cameras in the ceiling. No, he had simply logged on with his smart phone and keyed in whatever the code was to view any camera in the store in real time. The implication is clear. Aside from tracking your communications, and movements (with GPS and cell phone triangulation), and tracking your online banking, and your credit card purchases, anyone can watch you almost anytime they want as long as there's a camera nearby and they have the access code This is where our technology is taking us.
Time to bring our troops home and stop meddling around the world. There's more than enough to worry about right here at home. A rapidly expanding Police State, an Illegal Invasion on our border and so on. End this Permanent State of War and start focusing on our real problems.
Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, this was supposed to be a season of relief, with Iraq managing on its own and most U.S. troops finally ending their combat duty in Afghanistan. Instead, Americans are bracing for another upsurge of military engagement in a region where one war blurs into another. Across the world, a generation has now grown up amid this continuous conflict, and there's no end in sight. (AP)





No end in sight for America s Mideast war duties

Conservatives are a funny lot. And I don't say it because you're showing American flag-draped coffins which was considered taboo during the Bush years. It's because you guys make conflicting arguments that rarely seem to ever be about the merits. They're either about politics, or political opportunism to gain some perceived political advantage. And it's almost never about principles unless the principle is retaking power.

Conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility, but aside from never taking any themselves, when were the Bush folks ever going to FORCE the Iraqis to stand on their own two feet as far as the war effort was concerned? At least Obama made it clear to not only Iraq, but the other countries in the area that THEY had to do more, MUCH more. It was in that vein that Obama informed Iraq that they needed to have a more inclusive gov't (which, by the way, was one of the reasons the insurgency could gain a foothold with the local population). You see, President Obama told them we would ASSIST them, but we were not going to carry the water for them, so to speak.

Now, maybe Bush, and the oil companies, and the Saudis, and the Iraqi gov't, and even the insurgents themselves, were perfectly happy to have American troops as the targets as opposed to other Arab Muslims, but despite all the conservative claims that Obama is a Muslim, apparently he's not quite so willing to send American men and women into a conflagration where everyone is taking pot shots at us, even our supposed allies.

That's why I prefer to have a smart man in the oval office.

We need to end this permanent state of war we're stuck in. Endless intervention and war isn't the answer. Both Parties need to agree on that.

Both parties are more or less beholden to the defense industry and the new and mammoth (and only increasing in size) spy network which is a partnership between gov't and corporate America. There's a LOT of money to be made in this areas, and corporations damn well know it.

For example, are you heard of the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center in Utah?

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Forget for the time being the $1.5 Billion it cost to build the place and instead think of the massive amount of money that's being spent to COLLECT the data. That's going to corporate America which is apparently more than happy to spy on everyone in this country...for a price.

All part of the steady march towards their NWO Global Fascist State. We are a Police State now. And permanent war is the goal. Because out of chaos, comes order... A New World Order.

We're not quite a police state yet, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that we ARE moving in that direction.

I just finished reading Greenwald's new book "No Place to Hide." It's about his interaction with Snowden.

The general who headed the NSA from 2005 until earlier this year (Keith B. Alexander) reportedly asked a question early on in his tenure. He wanted to know why they couldn't get everything (as in all communications) all the time. That's what they're doing, including, no doubt, every single post that is channeled through the USMB message board. Then there's the installation of cameras everywhere. They're in public places and on the streets.

As an aside, I stumbled upon a fact that isn't a secret. I just didn't know about it before. One morning I was sitting in my local McD drinking coffee, and the guy who managed the place mentioned in passing that he saw something that had happened earlier even though he hadn't been there. In my naivete, I thought he had reviewed a video since there were cameras in the ceiling. No, he had simply logged on with his smart phone and keyed in whatever the code was to view any camera in the store in real time. The implication is clear. Aside from tracking your communications, and movements (with GPS and cell phone triangulation), and tracking your online banking, and your credit card purchases, anyone can watch you almost anytime they want as long as there's a camera nearby and they have the access code This is where our technology is taking us.

Do you think this is a result of people behaving nicely ?

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