Permanent War: US Special Forces Deployed To 70% Of The World In 2016...

It would be a shame to have all that training go to waste

I don't know if you meant to, but you actually made a good point. US military spending is shockingly massive. What we're told publicly, is that the US has an annual military budget of $700 Billion. But of course they don't tell us about the Black Ops spending. The next closest nation to the US in spending is Russia. It has a $47 Billion military budget. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3. Yet we're constantly being told Russia is a threat to our nation. Just compare the two nations militarily and economically. It's not even close. Russia is vastly out-manned and outspent. It doesn't want war with the US. It knows it can't possibly win.

The reality is, no nation on earth is a credible threat to the US. But the MIC and CIA need to keep that massive Taxpayer cash rolling in. And they've learned that the most effective way of doing that, is to constantly invent Boogeymen for the People to fear and hate. If the People are in fear, they'll support spending unlimited cash on the military. And eventually, the MIC feels it has to show that the massive money spent is worth it. Therefore, it must create conflicts. It has to drag us into more 'interventions.' It's an ugly Vicious Circle of war. It never ends.

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