PERPETUAL WAR WATCH: Assad: 'We Are Fighting The Terrorists -- Which Are the American Army'...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Does he have a valid point? Why are we in Syria? And it's been proven US 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey were funding & arming Jihadi Orgs in Syria all along. When does all the meddling and war in the Middle East end? Haven't Americans had enough yet?

In an extensive interview published Thursday covering his ties to Iran, accusations of chemical weapons use, and a potential meeting with President Donald Trump, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad referred to the U.S. military as “terrorists,” alongside the Turkish and Saudi armies.

Assad sat down with the journalists of Greece’s Kathimerini newspaper and answered a wide range of questions regarding the Syrian civil war and his continued control of Damascus. The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) published an English-language transcript of the interview and video on Thursday.

Assad wouldn't last a week against the American Army.

Thats why I hope Russia comes to his aide. I am sick and tired of our corrupt government starting all these wars around the world.the world is now not only hating our country bu the people as well rightly so because they fucking do something about it.:mad:
Assad wouldn't last a week against the American Army.
Saddam lasted a lot longer than that. What will work is "drill baby, drill" combined with sanctions.

Even leaving aside humanitarian issues war are insanely expensive.

The expense of a KIA soldier or even worse a disability pension WIA on average continues well beyond their peacetime life expectancy. We are probably still paying widow's benefits on WWI vets and possibly the Philippines Insurrection/Spanish American War as well because of the Great Depression. Because of the Meltdown the last widow of a Korean war disability pension will get her last check probably a century from now.
I think Americans really should watch this interview. It's healthy to listen to what the other side is saying. I think Assad made some valid points. We really don't belong there.
Does Assad have a valid point? Surely you jest or you are so filled with hatred for the President that you hate the U.S. Military and your own Country.
the best option re Assad-----is the OSAMA plan. OBAMA got that one right. It should
have been used LOTS in American history------Pol Pot, Saddam, Idi Amin, Adolf,
the best option re Assad-----is the OSAMA plan. OBAMA got that one right. It should
have been used LOTS in American history------Pol Pot, Saddam, Idi Amin, Adolf,

You should watch the interview. You may be surprised at how much sense he makes.
I wouldn’t say that the American Army is terroristic, but we aren’t doing any good in Syria. There isn’t any good side to back. We should get the fuck out now.
I wouldn’t say that the American Army is terroristic, but we aren’t doing any good in Syria. There isn’t any good side to back. We should get the fuck out now.

Well said. Time to scrap the 'Regime Change' policy.

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