Perry against aid, now wants it

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Forward Progressives ? Texas Representative Who Voted Against Sandy Relief Seeks Federal Money After Explosion

Rick “Secessionist” Perry”, the man who constantly rallies against government spending, took less than 24 hours to ask President Obama for money—from the federal government.

The same Rick Perry who rallied against the Stimulus bill passed in 2009, while bragging about his balanced budgets—which he balanced with stimulus money, didn’t take long to extend his hand and request government money for his state.

Gee, what shocking hypocrisy.


(Note the links)
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?
If the government didn't take so much in the first place they wouldn't have to beg for and make back room deals to get some scraps of money that's theirs to begin with. Same with any state.
the government used to take way more and at that time we had a more efficient country
The right wing in this country played politics with anyone who they dont LIKE getting money
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?

Absolutely right.

Faulting the good people of Texas for the hypocracy of Perry isn't fair.

They're Americans, and they deserve our help.

That's not the point. Perry's a phony, much like all the elected officials who voted against aid for the East Coast following a major natural disaster. Yes, we are all Americans, but there exists a political faction inculcated in an antisocial ideology whose roots are fear and hate.

Texas is pluralistic, one cannot characterize any state or region as a single set, and the people impacted by the explosion need and deserve the resources of our nation.
they voted against helping Americans in a disastor becuase they dont like those east coast people.

then they say Obama is dividing the county?

scum bags
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?

Absolutely right.

Faulting the good people of Texas for the hypocracy of Perry isn't fair.

They're Americans, and they deserve our help.
Not so fast. Perry, Gohmert, Barton, et al are only in office because dumbass Texans agree with their ideology and voted them in.
they voted against helping Americans in a disastor becuase they dont like those east coast people.

then they say Obama is dividing the county?

scum bags

Nope they actually helped them.

Incredible Stories and Pics: This Is What Beck?s Mercury One Charity Found (and Is Doing) When It Went to Help Hurricane Victims | Video |

But you don't care about what really happens in times of disaster and who really helps who. Just throw a shitload of government money at it and that fixes everything. Then blame conservatives if it does or if it doesn't. Yaaay you.
the government used to take way more and at that time we had a more efficient country
The Government used to not take any Income Tax before 1913 and we had a more efficient country.
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?
They have gotten it back in countless ways, like Medicare, Medicaid, Education, Highways, Border Control, etc., etc.
Education? Border Patrol? Don't make me laugh!

You know if you could buy Education or Border Patrol at a regular store like any other product or service we'd all be back there at the "returns" section.
they voted against helping Americans in a disastor becuase they dont like those east coast people.

then they say Obama is dividing the county?

scum bags

Nope they actually helped them.

Incredible Stories and Pics: This Is What Beck?s Mercury One Charity Found (and Is Doing) When It Went to Help Hurricane Victims | Video |

But you don't care about what really happens in times of disaster and who really helps who. Just throw a shitload of government money at it and that fixes everything. Then blame conservatives if it does or if it doesn't. Yaaay you.

So, you are against throwing government money at Texas?
the government used to take way more and at that time we had a more efficient country
The Government used to not take any Income Tax before 1913 and we had a more efficient country.
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?
They have gotten it back in countless ways, like Medicare, Medicaid, Education, Highways, Border Control, etc., etc.
Education? Border Patrol? Don't make me laugh!

You know if you could buy Education or Border Patrol at a regular store like any other product or service we'd all be back there at the "returns" section.
I usually neg, rather than respond to, morons like you. But in this case I'll do both.

The border is more secure under Obama than it ever has been before.

Obama has deported people at rates never seen before in this country.
Your talking about an area IMPACTED BY AND EXPLOSION in which a bunch of pepple were killed. The stimulus was $1 T, he is requesting PENNIES from the bloated US budget.

Get a clue, he didn't do anything that scarificed his morals here! The author of the article on the other hand, of course did!
The Federal Govt takes money in Taxes from every Texan, how do you suggest they get it back?

Absolutely right.

Faulting the good people of Texas for the hypocracy of Perry isn't fair.

They're Americans, and they deserve our help.

The others answered these posts quite well but - please don't ASSSume that I don't think these people should get help. I have never ever said anything like that.

I wish some people could have seen Joplin and could see it now. Its thanks to assholes like Paul Ryan, Cantor, Boehner, McConnell, Rubio, Ron and Rand Paul - the corrupt lying hypocrites who want money taken away from the elderly and children to pay for aid.

I don't hear them telling Perry that any aid to Texasss must come from the elderly and poor and children.

The citizens of Joplin are Americans too and they deserve our help too.

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