DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

No, you figure you can make hay out of something for political bull crap reasoning, so what we have here is you leftist once again attempting to get after Desantis just like you did with Trump. Never let a crisis go to waste right ???
But DeSantis voted against rebuilding funding... The same funding he is going to be asking for in Florida...

Is DeSantis going to be consistent and say before the election that he will not be asking for more funding after emergency funding is gone. Will he say will not ask?
You said, the administration has said publicly they are only going to give Federal funds to People of Color. None of the White people affected by Ivan are going to get any.

So you're simply imagining that, as I expected. It's all just happening in your head, no doubt compounded by MAGA media. This is a pathology.

I don't think you people can discern fantasy from reality at this point.

The stupid bitch made a despicable racist assertion speaking for the Potatohead Administration and you dishonest asshole Libtard Moon Bat immediately go into you denial mode, just like you always do.
The stupid bitch made a despicable racist assertion speaking for the Potatohead Administration and you dishonest asshole Libtard Moon Bat immediately go into you denial mode, just like you always do.
Yikes. Well, your reasoning and logic are just too high-minded for me.
Yikes. Well, your reasoning and logic are just too high-minded for me.

Potatohead's Ho fucked up big time with her despicable racist assertion on behalf of the Administration. She can't blowjob her way out of this one. What she said was not only disgusting racism but it was Illegal.

You dishonest Moon Bats always refuse to take responsibility for the stupidity and hate of the Democrats and this is a great example.
I know he and his wife are on tv everyday asking for money rather than supplies.....I hope someone is watching where this money is going..................very carefully.
What difference does it make what DeSantis says? The Potatohead administration has said publicly they are only going to give Federal funds to People of Color. None of the White people affected by Ivan are going to get any.

Kamala (who is nobody) said POC should be prioritized.
In line with the rest of the Reparations.
You said, the administration has said publicly they are only going to give Federal funds to People of Color. None of the White people affected by Ivan are going to get any.

So you're simply imagining that, as I expected. It's all just happening in your head, no doubt compounded by MAGA media. This is a pathology.

I don't think you people can discern fantasy from reality at this point.
Broken people who are compelled to lie about literally everything and anything.
The Ho screwed up big time with her racism and lack of understanding of the law and now the Moon Bats are claiming that the Vice President of the United States does not speak for the Administration.

Talk about denial!!!
But DeSantis voted against rebuilding funding... The same funding he is going to be asking for in Florida...

Is DeSantis going to be consistent and say before the election that he will not be asking for more funding after emergency funding is gone. Will he say will not ask?
The bill he voted no on apparently had a lot of pork not going to help those with losses in Sandy. So if that is true as reported, I would have voted no and said take the unrelated pork out. If that is what he did, that is a responsible person. We don't need pork added to a bill in a time of need.
The evil is in your damaged imagination. :cuckoo:
The "evil" is voting for one person because you hate the other person, it is damaging our politics and it is called the lesser of two evils mentality, which is what got Trump elected and Biden elected, the two worst Presidents in American history and yet you are proud of the gaffe man. He is an embarrassment, wondering why a dead person isn't at his rally, his "I was 30, she was 12". GG, that was just two days last week. He mumbles incoherent thoughts, can't find his way off stage, and this makes you happy. Before that we had a President that used Twitter as a battlefield and has people believing elections are fixed. How did we get to this point? seriously, we have two bumbling fools and we are heading into 2024 with those two as frontrunners, are we stupid or what? It is time to stop our trip down the road to idiocrasy. We need to make better choices instead of the people we keep putting in there.
Vice President Kamala Harris (D) faced backlash online Friday afternoon after saying that the Biden administration was prioritizing giving disaster relief to minorities for the sake of “equity” because the administration wants everyone to end up “in an equal place.”

Harris made the remarks during a discussion with leftist Priyanka Chopra at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C.
“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making,” Harris claimed. “And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place.”

She added, “And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work.”
There's so much wrong with this thinking that it boggles the mind on where people like Harris and her like actually come from.

Mars, Jupiter, Venus where ?

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