Perry blasts Obama and Clinton

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rick Perry Decries Gay 'Lifestyle' After Obama, Hillary Clinton Call For Discrimination To End Worldwide

Here's a real basic difference between left and right.

The left doesn't think they have the right to be peeking in the bedroom windows of consenting adults.

The right not only peeks in the window, they want to pass lots of laws to control the behavior of consenting adults. They want total control over our bodies as well as our wallets.

And, the rw voters wants to be an army of brainless little robots, blindly doing the bidding of their owners.
What exactly do you think laws are if not rules to control behaviors?
I guess the question is, what behaviors are appropriate to attempt to control in a free society?
Obama announced a wide-ranging effort to use U.S. foreign aid to promote rights for gays and lesbians abroad on Tuesday. The president said the effort would include challenging attempts by foreign governments to criminalize homosexuality.

15 TRILLION in debt and we're increasing foreign aid spending for this? Interfering with how sovereign nations legislate domestic social issues? That should go over real well in the Middle East, especially with these new Islamic fundamentalist governments taking over.

If Obamabots can't see this as the obvious pandering for the gay vote that this is...
3 things I don't like about Rick Perry:

1. He's Condescending
2. He's Arrogant
3. I forget the 3rd one, oops!


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