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Zone1 Personal relationship with Jesus.. and Once Saved Always Saved are NOT in the Bible


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
I know bc I have read the entire thing, Old and New. Plus I have heard it read to me at Holy Mass over the years. If you go to both daily and Sunday Mass for 3 years straight, you will hear virtually the entire Bible (the Apocrypha books also).

So even though it is great to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus.. To all you people who claim to go by the Bible alone and refuse to listen to anything not mentioned specifically therein: Why do you spoutate "truisms" that are not found in the Bible? Yet you accuse Catholics of adding to the Scriptures!

And that Once SAved Always Saved thing is far worse. Jesus said that if you do not love your neighbor (care for a needy neighbor's needs) you end up in HELL

Mt 25:31-46
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28
so which Scripture do we believe?

I rest my case.

We need and Jesus knew that we would need a CHURCH to infallibly interpret Scripture. When M. Luther broke from the CC, he paved the way for mass confusion.. now everyone interprets the Bible for him or herself.. everyone became his own pope.

60,000 different Christian "churches"

But gee... I thought Jesus established ONE? Wasn't that ONE good enough?
There's a definite feeling being promoted by Catholics that all other churches are imposters and don't represent true beliefs.

To have the various christian churches condemning each other and all claiming to be the only legitimate believers is going to result in great progress.

They themselves are 'dividing' and modern science is awarded the opportunity to 'conquer'.

The only sect that can possibly be true to Christianity is the Catholic church! No other sect or cult has remained faithfully true to the word of the god.
I know bc I have read the entire thing, Old and New. Plus I have heard it read to me at Holy Mass over the years. If you go to both daily and Sunday Mass for 3 years straight, you will hear virtually the entire Bible (the Apocrypha books also).

So even though it is great to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus.. To all you people who claim to go by the Bible alone and refuse to listen to anything not mentioned specifically therein: Why do you spoutate "truisms" that are not found in the Bible? Yet you accuse Catholics of adding to the Scriptures!

And that Once SAved Always Saved thing is far worse. Jesus said that if you do not love your neighbor (care for a needy neighbor's needs) you end up in HELL

Mt 25:31-46
There's a definite feeling being promoted by Catholics that all other churches are imposters and don't represent true beliefs.

To have the various christian churches condemning each other and all claiming to be the only legitimate believers is going to result in great progress.

They themselves are 'dividing' and modern science is awarded the opportunity to 'conquer'.

The only sect that can possibly be true to Christianity is the Catholic church! No other sect or cult has remained faithfully true to the word of the god.
so it doesn't even occur to you.. not even once in your lifetime

that the Catholic Church (or any "church" for that matter) just may be the real deal?

that's curious all by itself
If you have a personal relationship with Christ you will treat your neighbor as yourself. No need for any church to dictate your actions. Jesus already did.
Love your neighbor as yourself and you have fulfilled the Law. That is Jewish Law, because Jesus is a Rabbi, not a priest...

Romans 13:8-10 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Not one mention of having to be Catholic...
If you have a personal relationship with Christ you will treat your neighbor as yourself. No need for any church to dictate your actions. J

this is what some non-Catholic pastor or whomever told you or maybe you just told yourself that bc it sounded good. That doesn't make it TRUE.

Yes, you are more likely to treat your neighbor with respect if you have this relationship with Jesus.. but how can you have a FULL and complete and healthy relationship with Jesus whne you do not have HIS CHURCH in your life?

You say there is no need for any church to dictate your actions

Then why, pray tell, did Jesus establish a Church at all?

"I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

I guess Jesus just built a Church because it sounded like a good idea for the time he was living in. Now the Church is obsolete?

because you say so
Be careful who you call a liar. That is the opposite of loving your neighbor. Instead you may want to give Jesus His judgment robe back. You aren't qualified to judge.

His church is people, not an institution. Do you really believe that Jesus is going to toss his Jewish Prayer robe for a rosary? He didn't even mention the Catholic church in Revelation. When He returns He is going to make His home in a Jewish Temple, not the Vatican...

Ezekiel 37:28-28 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

Christ was Jewish then, is Jewish now, and will be Jewish upon His return. He will touch down in Israel, not Rome. It is a shame you place more relevance on a church instead of Him. You miss the whole point.
He could care less what pew you sit in. His concern is you accusing your neighbor of lying...
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Oh and speaking of rosaries:
Matthew 6:7 In praying, don't use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking...

this is what some non-Catholic pastor or whomever told you or maybe you just told yourself that bc it sounded good. That doesn't make it TRUE.

Yes, you are more likely to treat your neighbor with respect if you have this relationship with Jesus.. but how can you have a FULL and complete and healthy relationship with Jesus whne you do not have HIS CHURCH in your life?

You say there is no need for any church to dictate your actions

Then why, pray tell, did Jesus establish a Church at all?

"I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

I guess Jesus just built a Church because it sounded like a good idea for the time he was living in. Now the Church is obsolete?

because you say so
I did NOT call you a liar

I said that what you posted is a lie. All Protestants have been lied to about the CC. It's just tht some of them investigate the CC to make sure they really are viewing it in the light of reality and not prejudice.. problem is: VERY few (in my experiences) do that
Oh and speaking of rosaries:
Matthew 6:7 In praying, don't use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking...
I can go you Scrpture for Scriputre..

How about the parable Jesus told about the persistent widow? She kept pestering the judge and even though he didn't want to what she asked, he did.. and then Jesus goes on to say that God will do the same.. will listen when we are persistent, ie repetitious
I did NOT call you a liar

I said that what you posted is a lie. All Protestants have been lied to about the CC. It's just tht some of them investigate the CC to make sure they really are viewing it in the light of reality and not prejudice.. problem is: VERY few (in my experiences) do that
Did you ever consider that the catholic church of today is nothing like the catholic church of antiquity? Perhaps Peter was the perfect Pope, and did exactly as Jesus intended. Can you say the same about every other pope since him? Even the ones who cooperated with Hitler?
I can go you Scrpture for Scriputre..

How about the parable Jesus told about the persistent widow? She kept pestering the judge and even though he didn't want to what she asked, he did.. and then Jesus goes on to say that God will do the same.. will listen when we are persistent, ie repetitious

Persistent prayer is entirely different than saying the same words over and over in needlessly repetitious way. That is what Jesus said not to do.

"And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do." - Matthew 6:7​

Persistent prayer is a good thing. Religious, repetitious chanting type of prayer is not what God wants. That type of prayer is religion, nothing more. But I get why you don't understand this, because you are against the idea of a personal relationship with God. I don't think you could get much further from the truth. I'm going to pray for you.
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I can go you Scrpture for Scriputre..

How about the parable Jesus told about the persistent widow? She kept pestering the judge and even though he didn't want to what she asked, he did.. and then Jesus goes on to say that God will do the same.. will listen when we are persistent, ie repetitious

You have confused persistent prayer with rote prayer.
Persistent prayer:
1 Thessalonians 5:17 pray without ceasing.
Paul told us not to worry about anything, pray about everything. Matthew said to pray for your needs. THAT type of prayer is communication. Thanking, asking for forgiveness, asking for help for a friend, issues you are facing....
Rote or repetitive prayer:
The rosary is an example of mechanical repetition. Someone else's words muttered over and over. It is called praying in rote.
He's heard it a million times. He would rather hear from you, personally.

Having said that, both types of prayer serve a purpose. Darkness and light cannot co-exist. Keeping your mind constantly on the Lord, means Satan has no choice but to stay at bay. He can't sneak in while the Holy Spirit (< if you have asked for the Holy Spirit to indwell) is on duty. So pray away.
I'm sure Christ is going to get tired of me saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" every time He walks by for the first thousand years or so...;)
so which Scripture do we believe?

I rest my case.

We need and Jesus knew that we would need a CHURCH to infallibly interpret Scripture. When M. Luther broke from the CC, he paved the way for mass confusion.. now everyone interprets the Bible for him or herself.. everyone became his own pope.

60,000 different Christian "churches"

But gee... I thought Jesus established ONE? Wasn't that ONE good enough?

When Jesus died, the curtain to the Holy of Holies was torn in two...all the way. All Jewish scholars, rabbis, leaders knew what that meant. What had previously been available only to High Priests--to approach the living God--was now available to all believers in Jesus Christ our Lord, and my Savior.

Church leaders are to be respected. They are NOT infallible. Catholics basically made that up--along with, say, the fact that Mary was born sinless (!) and never had any other children (!).

(As an aside, I do believe individual Catholics can be saved despite their church's teachings. But not because of them. In spite of them.)
I can go you Scrpture for Scriputre..

How about the parable Jesus told about the persistent widow? She kept pestering the judge and even though he didn't want to what she asked, he did.. and then Jesus goes on to say that God will do the same.. will listen when we are persistent, ie repetitious

I am not sure you realize how much born again Christians read the Bible. You claim you have read the entire thing once? I have read every word at least three times. Some parts, like the Gospels, a dozen if not more. Psalms and Proverbs, same. We don't do catechism. We read our Bibles. Reading it once is not that stunning...sorry
(As an aside, I do believe individual Catholics can be saved despite their church's teachings. But not because of them. In spite of them.)

I agree. Well said.

(To me it is tragic though, that so many well-intentioned people are misled when it comes to the most important things, because of false teachings of the CC.)

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