PETA calls for the 'hanging' of the hunter who killed Cecil the lion

Wow, such disdain for the king of beasts, and so many non sequiturs on abortion. Maybe we ought to bring up gun control, that will put the lunatic fringe over the top. But why not.

I propose big game hunters ought to be restricted to using handguns and no caliber greater than a .22 LR.

It that were the case Cecil would have had a fighting chance, and maybe lunch.
So rather than a single shot that perforates heart and lungs causing swift death, you want large animals to die slowly with .22 rounds? Real hunters are compassionate people who detest botched killings and want to cause the least amount of suffering. They are decent human beings. You're something else.

That's your opinion, mine is that a ..22 LR would only piss off the lion, who would seek revenge by eating the SOB who shot him.
So, let me get this right. You would rather see a human killed by a lion than vice versa?

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post

The Nazi regime would send people who harmed animals to labor camps on the Russian front to die
Sign the official petition to have the motherfucker extradited to face charges for poaching:

Extradite Minnesotan Walter James Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

My dad spent years in Nairobi going on safaris. He's especially proud of the 9' (head to tip of tail) tiger he killed on one visit. Shot and cut the head off a giraffe and has that on his wall, too. It's embarrassing and very, very wrong.

Do we know for sure that he was completely aware that what he was doing was illegal ?
I thought the claim was that he believed the hunt was completely legit and legal ?

There's a lot of winking going on when you go in for big game hunting in Africa. It's all about how much you want to pay. My dad never paid $55K but he probably came in close to that number. He's a sociopath, just like Palmer. Completely apathetic. He became so prolific that he got his own column in "Safari International" when it was in print. I am very relieved to see someone who pulls the same shit exposed on a national scale.
Please explain how he went to Kenya and came home with a tiger trophy. That still confuses me a bit.
NoTeaPartyPleez Waiting........

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post
PETA are a bunch of pussy commies.

Big game hunters are impotent fascists.
Liberal cry babies are gutless shitheads.
(CNN)As outrage grows over the killing of Cecil the lion, Zimbabwe has called on the United States to extradite the American dentist who shot the prized big cat this month. Zimbabwe has started extradition proceedings and hopes the U.S. will coopera ... (CNN)

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post
PETA are a bunch of pussy commies.

Big game hunters are impotent fascists.
Liberal cry babies are gutless shitheads.
Conservative cowards are perfervid punks
Palmer will probably get a healthy fine and be asked not to visit Zimbabwe again.
A fine? For what? What law did he break?
He killed a lion with the collar.
Not against the law as stated in a previous post. The fact that his guide tried to destroy the collar is against the law. That's why HE has been charged.

The Dentist is Culpable. BTW, if the Dentist was standing by as the guide tried to destroy the collar he is as guilty as the guide.
It's funny to see all the leftist lying piles of shit saying that they aren't against capital punishment.

It's funny as fuck that they are dumb enough to think we believe them.
You're welcome to search my history here or any other forum. I've always been pro-capital punishment.

Prove that I'm lying or STFU.
So, you're claiming, that out of the entire population of leftist that demand we rid ourselves of capital punishment, that you are one of the 2 that claim to support it, now, that a lion got killed?


Prove that I'm not black or stfu
Sign the official petition to have the motherfucker extradited to face charges for poaching:

Extradite Minnesotan Walter James Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

My dad spent years in Nairobi going on safaris. He's especially proud of the 9' (head to tip of tail) tiger he killed on one visit. Shot and cut the head off a giraffe and has that on his wall, too. It's embarrassing and very, very wrong.

All this liberal uproar yet they were and are silent when the racist President of the shithole country just stole farms from it's white people citizens and gave it to it's black citizen. He took the bread basket of Africa and make it the basket case of Africa. An even worst genocide is going on in South Africa. However you liberal assholes should continue to worry about a guy who killed a lion!

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Repeated for THE TRUTH from another thread...

The whole thing is meant to usual, something like Rubio's wife has speeding tickets, but BLEEDING HEARTS can hang on a lion better!


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