Overrun by Hamas, Columbia University surrenders, sends students home for remainder of the year

So the answer is to send home all the students trying to learn instead of punishing the trouble makers?

If the school had any decency, morals or balls they would round up the trouble makers, expell them, and have the police remove them.

America is a disgusting joke. So many times we sacrifice the many so we don't have to deal with the few criminals and trouble makers.
How many of these people are not students OR faculty?

Once the Students started it I'm sure the more hardcore Antifa/BLM types saw it as an open invitation to join up.
Yeah, and in due course, you people will be claiming these were the same people who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6th.
How many of these people are not students OR faculty?

Once the Students started it I'm sure the more hardcore Antifa/BLM types saw it as an open invitation to join up.
I agreed there are agitators involved here, are they ANTIFA or BLM... Seriously that in projection...

There more of a reason far right would be stiring than far left... It is all projection...

Then again, anarchists in UK come to every protest to crap... UK Police, know them well and they don't give a crap about what the cause is...
The big difference in UK/EU is the Police and protest organisers work closely together because these elements are well known and they want peaceful rallies..
Tell us about the very fine people screaming "Death to the Jews!"
They are trump cult members.
Pretty Logical Numb Nuts.

Jews Will Not Relaces US..jpeg
I agreed there are agitators involved here, are they ANTIFA or BLM... Seriously that in projection...

There more of a reason far right would be stiring than far left... It is all projection...

Then again, anarchists in UK come to every protest to crap... UK Police, know them well and they don't give a crap about what the cause is...
The big difference in UK/EU is the Police and protest organisers work closely together because these elements are well known and they want peaceful rallies..

Who else would they be?

Sorry but the left doesn't need false flags to be assholes.

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