PETA calls for the 'hanging' of the hunter who killed Cecil the lion

PETA Euthanized A Lot Of Animals At Its Shelter In 2014 And No-Kill Advocates Are Not Happy About It

The group euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 cats, dogs and other animals, the vast majority of which were "owner surrenders," meaning that they'd been relinquished to the group voluntarily. Just 23 dogs and 16 cats were adopted

How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.

By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.

peta is nothing but a bunch of lying leftist hypocrites that don't give one fuck about that lion

Hey dipshit, this is not about PETA or Abortion. It's about an asshole who gets off killing animals - a sport for wannabe serial killers.
That's going a bit too
PETA Euthanized A Lot Of Animals At Its Shelter In 2014 And No-Kill Advocates Are Not Happy About It

The group euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 cats, dogs and other animals, the vast majority of which were "owner surrenders," meaning that they'd been relinquished to the group voluntarily. Just 23 dogs and 16 cats were adopted

How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.

By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.

peta is nothing but a bunch of lying leftist hypocrites that don't give one fuck about that lion

Hey dipshit, this is not about PETA or Abortion. It's about an asshole who gets of killing animals - a sport for wannabe serial killers.

There are millions of hunters, and few serial killers. You guys on the left who automatically connect the two do so in order to justify to yourselves that it's okay to hate the hunters and to wish them dead.

A painful death. An serial killers start with defenseless animals, some hunters simply lack the balls to kill the most dangerous animal - Man.

As for us guys on the left, on this point there is no left or right, there is only a moral argument to be made, and killing for fun is pathological, to say the least.

Serial killers start out this way, but lets get it straight, only a tiny tiny fraction of hunters ever have anything whatsoever to do with serial killers.
According to Lion Aid, a charity that lobbies against trophy hunting, many aspects of Cecil’s murder were both legal and standard practice for big game hunters in Zimbabwe.

The organization’s website explains that it’s completely legal to bait lions, shoot them with a crossbow from a blind, and hunt them outside a national park in a private hunting concession, as Palmer did. It’s also not illegal to kill a lion wearing a radio tracking collar, as Cecil was.

Only a coward would bait an animal, shoot it from a hiding place, let is slowly die and enjoy cutting off its head and putting it on his wall. Big game hunter my ass.

That's an interesting opinion. Suppose I blew a dart at a lion from my 5 foot long 62 caliber blowgun? Would you call me a big game hunter or a coward?
Someone with too much time on their hands.
It's funny to see all the leftist lying piles of shit saying that they aren't against capital punishment.

It's funny as fuck that they are dumb enough to think we believe them.

Capital punishment is too expensive and is the easy way out. I support life w/o parole and 23/7/365 days in a small cell with nothing to do but ponder their fate. Two half-hours of exercise in an enclosed courtyard with a roof, so no vision of the world outside is allowed.

In the case of the cowardly dentist, I'd allow him work furlough to pick up the shit of all the animals in the national zoo, and to live there too, in a cage, with a sign: Cowardly Homo Sapien
PETA Euthanized A Lot Of Animals At Its Shelter In 2014 And No-Kill Advocates Are Not Happy About It

The group euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 cats, dogs and other animals, the vast majority of which were "owner surrenders," meaning that they'd been relinquished to the group voluntarily. Just 23 dogs and 16 cats were adopted

How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.

By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.

peta is nothing but a bunch of lying leftist hypocrites that don't give one fuck about that lion

Hey dipshit, this is not about PETA or Abortion. It's about an asshole who gets off killing animals - a sport for wannabe serial killers.
Only 2 offensive words "dipshit" and "asshole" used in a short two sentence post. The left is becoming more eloquent.
I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

I'll feel more hope when I see actually meaningful efforts to address the horrific situations of Christians being killed in the the Middle East, slave-citizens in North Korea starving to death, the rape and sexual slavery of girls under ISIS' control....

It's FAR TOO COMFORTABLE tweeting about a lion...

Drop the non sequiturs, they're irrelevant.
Do we know for sure that he was completely aware that what he was doing was illegal ?
I thought the claim was that he believed the hunt was completely legit and legal ?

It matters not to me. Hunting for sport is immoral, killing a defenseless animal is cowardly and pathological. Next time he wants to kill a big cat, send him into their habitat with a knife.

I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Yes, but don't you think the priorities are a bit out of balance here ? I mean I don't see celebs tweeting all over the place calling for the head of ISIS, but man have a lion poached, and holy shit you have them breaking down and crying !
Some folks give charity to Cancer Society.
Some folks give charity to MS Foundation.
Some folks give charity to Homeless.
Some folks give charity to Childrens Hospitals.

The point is...folks choose what they want to back, or feel outraged about, or sad about, or happy about. Doesn't mean they care less about other charities or situations. It means they focus on one or two or more things and that's it or they get overwhelmed.
Can't do much about ISIS. But we damn sure can do something about animal cruelty. And...there are a LOT of animal lovers out there.
I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

I'll feel more hope when I see actually meaningful efforts to address the horrific situations of Christians being killed in the the Middle East, slave-citizens in North Korea starving to death, the rape and sexual slavery of girls under ISIS' control....

It's FAR TOO COMFORTABLE tweeting about a lion...

All horrific situations have to be addressed and the are addressed!

Why is so painful for some to face the fact that animals also can feel pain and suffer and don't deserve to be killed that way? verbally or in real life?

Defending animal life doesn't mean you do not defend human life too.

Both can co-exist in the human heart.
PETA Euthanized A Lot Of Animals At Its Shelter In 2014 And No-Kill Advocates Are Not Happy About It

The group euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 cats, dogs and other animals, the vast majority of which were "owner surrenders," meaning that they'd been relinquished to the group voluntarily. Just 23 dogs and 16 cats were adopted

How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.

By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.

peta is nothing but a bunch of lying leftist hypocrites that don't give one fuck about that lion

Hey dipshit, this is not about PETA or Abortion. It's about an asshole who gets off killing animals - a sport for wannabe serial killers.
Only 2 offensive words "dipshit" and "asshole" used in a short two sentence post. The left is becoming more eloquent.

Thank you, the words used were descriptive and appropriate - both apply to you too.
It matters not to me. Hunting for sport is immoral, killing a defenseless animal is cowardly and pathological. Next time he wants to kill a big cat, send him into their habitat with a knife.

I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Yes, but don't you think the priorities are a bit out of balance here ? I mean I don't see celebs tweeting all over the place calling for the head of ISIS, but man have a lion poached, and holy shit you have them breaking down and crying !
Some folks give charity to Cancer Society.
Some folks give charity to MS Foundation.
Some folks give charity to Homeless.
Some folks give charity to Childrens Hospitals.

The point is...folks choose what they want to back, or feel outraged about, or sad about, or happy about. Doesn't mean they care less about other charities or situations. It means they focus on one or two or more things and that's it or they get overwhelmed.
Can't do much about ISIS. But we damn sure can do something about animal cruelty. And...there are a LOT of animal lovers out there.

And some people give to the NRA, those who find animal assassinations fun.
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That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

I'll feel more hope when I see actually meaningful efforts to address the horrific situations of Christians being killed in the the Middle East, slave-citizens in North Korea starving to death, the rape and sexual slavery of girls under ISIS' control....

It's FAR TOO COMFORTABLE tweeting about a lion...

All horrific situations have to be addressed and the are addressed!

Why is so painful for some to face the fact that animals also can feel pain and suffer and don't deserve to be killed that way? verbally or in real life?

Defending animal life doesn't mean you do not defend human life too.

Both can co-exist in the human heart.

Oh Puh-leeeze. There is nothing in my post to indicate that I am disregarding the fact that animals can and do feel pain. I am, however, more concerned about how many people disregard the very real pain and deaths of human beings while being willing to ruin the life of a hunter.
According to Lion Aid, a charity that lobbies against trophy hunting, many aspects of Cecil’s murder were both legal and standard practice for big game hunters in Zimbabwe.

The organization’s website explains that it’s completely legal to bait lions, shoot them with a crossbow from a blind, and hunt them outside a national park in a private hunting concession, as Palmer did. It’s also not illegal to kill a lion wearing a radio tracking collar, as Cecil was.

Only a coward would bait an animal, shoot it from a hiding place, let is slowly die and enjoy cutting off its head and putting it on his wall. Big game hunter my ass.

That's an interesting opinion. Suppose I blew a dart at a lion from my 5 foot long 62 caliber blowgun? Would you call me a big game hunter or a coward?
Someone with too much time on their hands.

Blowgun hunting is where the sport is.
The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

I'll feel more hope when I see actually meaningful efforts to address the horrific situations of Christians being killed in the the Middle East, slave-citizens in North Korea starving to death, the rape and sexual slavery of girls under ISIS' control....

It's FAR TOO COMFORTABLE tweeting about a lion...

All horrific situations have to be addressed and the are addressed!

Why is so painful for some to face the fact that animals also can feel pain and suffer and don't deserve to be killed that way? verbally or in real life?

Defending animal life doesn't mean you do not defend human life too.

Both can co-exist in the human heart.

Oh Puh-leeeze. There is nothing in my post to indicate that I am disregarding the fact that animals can and do feel pain. I am, however, more concerned about how many people disregard the very real pain and deaths of human beings while being willing to ruin the life of a hunter.

Well in my case the pain and suffering of human beings concerns me too.

I don't think we have more to say to each other about the subject.:dunno:
Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

I'll feel more hope when I see actually meaningful efforts to address the horrific situations of Christians being killed in the the Middle East, slave-citizens in North Korea starving to death, the rape and sexual slavery of girls under ISIS' control....

It's FAR TOO COMFORTABLE tweeting about a lion...

All horrific situations have to be addressed and the are addressed!

Why is so painful for some to face the fact that animals also can feel pain and suffer and don't deserve to be killed that way? verbally or in real life?

Defending animal life doesn't mean you do not defend human life too.

Both can co-exist in the human heart.

Oh Puh-leeeze. There is nothing in my post to indicate that I am disregarding the fact that animals can and do feel pain. I am, however, more concerned about how many people disregard the very real pain and deaths of human beings while being willing to ruin the life of a hunter.

Well in my case the pain and suffering of human beings concerns me too.

I don't think we have more to say to each other about the subject.:dunno:

Agree and peace. I think we have more in common in our concerns than differences.
By the way, have you guys ever seen how a lion pride works ?
You would really be horrified.
An alpha's reign only lasts two to three years, during that time he must hold off all challengers, or his current crop of cubs are doomed since if a challenger is successful the cubs will all be killed.
It's a sad ass community, but it's natures way of keeping the lion population controlled, and making it so that other species can exist.
So lions have a black community, too, eh?
In short.....mankind harms itself and the animals at mankinds mercy. When there is outrage about the death of a human as well as outrage at the death of an animal, at least the whole world is not completely evil. Yet.
Sign the official petition to have the motherfucker extradited to face charges for poaching:

Extradite Minnesotan Walter James Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

My dad spent years in Nairobi going on safaris. He's especially proud of the 9' (head to tip of tail) tiger he killed on one visit. Shot and cut the head off a giraffe and has that on his wall, too. It's embarrassing and very, very wrong.

Do we know for sure that he was completely aware that what he was doing was illegal ?
I thought the claim was that he believed the hunt was completely legit and legal ?

It matters not to me. Hunting for sport is immoral, killing a defenseless animal is cowardly and pathological. Next time he wants to kill a big cat, send him into their habitat with a knife.

I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.
Well deserved is the condemnation of the wicked. You step over dead babies and their organs harvested and sold on the market to protest a stupid lion. A just God cannot stay his wrath forever.
Leftist; we are against the death penalty!!!!!!!!! Only evul cons would kill a criminal!!!

except for this guy, who hasn't been convicted or arrested or charged and didn't remotely commit a crime that evul cons would support killing him over.

but we aren't hypocrites b/c this is different

They would kill Christians that refuse to bake gay wedding cakes too.
Imagine the left's outrage and burning (their own homes) if lions were black rather than sort of golden!
It matters not to me. Hunting for sport is immoral, killing a defenseless animal is cowardly and pathological. Next time he wants to kill a big cat, send him into their habitat with a knife.

I agree with you.

Send the low-life alone with a knife ..... let's see how macho he is then!

Piece of crap!

That would work for me as well, but man it's amazing how upset the entire world is about this.

The fact that many are so upset about this gives me hope in the human race! Not all is lost yet...

In my opinion it means that there is still an iota of sympathy in the heart of men and women for all sort of creatures - big and small - that share the earth with us.

Actually, it gives me less hope. How easy it is to express outrage on the internet and tweet tweet tweet away. And then go out for drinks and apps at the new trendy place and forget all about it.

No real effort required. Not like actually helping a real person at a soup kitchen.

I chalk most of this up to the same category as Global Warmists who do nothing to alter their high energy consumption lifestyles. Their idea of activism is a bumper sticker on their car.

That's your opinion of course.

I respect it but do not share it.

Unlike you,I am given hope in humanity when so many are upset about this lion.

It is what it is.

Then you watch how they treat each other over political opinions and you realize people are really just huge assholes in general.

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