PETA calls for the 'hanging' of the hunter who killed Cecil the lion

I would have loved to have shot that lion to put on the wall in my home. I've been on many exotic hunts at the King Ranch and have downed some beautiful animals. It was worth it. The harassment this hunter is enduring is totally uncalled for.
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Anybody wonder yet: while this distraction is going on; what kind of legislation is being fast tracked through Congress, behind our backs?
Meanwhile, 'W', Dick and the rest of the war criminals remain at liberty.

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post
It was just a matter of time that the rhetoric went too far.

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post
Yeah...that's wrong. PETA is being idiotic.
In today's world of supermarkets and meat lockers, hunting is unnecessary. All it does any more is make sport of an animal. Especially canned hunting. Not macho at all.

However, liberals sure are hypocritical, aren't they. "We oppose capital punishment, except for this guy."
I'm a liberal. Who are YOU to say I oppose capital punishment?
In today's world of supermarkets and meat lockers, hunting is unnecessary. All it does any more is make sport of an animal. Especially canned hunting. Not macho at all.

However, liberals sure are hypocritical, aren't they. "We oppose capital punishment, except for this guy."

And conservatives. Libs would have us all rounded up and exterminated if they could.
Ah...tell us more about what us Libs would do.

For Immediate Release:
July 28, 2015

Hunting is a coward’s pastime. If, as has been reported, this dentist and his guides lured Cecil out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property, because shooting him in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, and, preferably, hanged. To get a thrill at the cost of a life, this man gunned down a beloved lion, Cecil with a high-powered weapon. All wild animals are beloved by their own mates and infants, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, who lack empathy, understanding, and respect for living creatures, they are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy. The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, who, like Cecil, wanted only to be left in peace, will disgust every caring soul in the world.

— PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be ‘hanged’ for killing Cecil the lion

In the days since suburban Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer was outed as the hunter who killed Cecil the lion, there has been no shortage of public fury.

Angry animal lovers from around the world flooded Palmer’s Yelp and Facebook page with thousands of negative reviews. Zimbabwean officials said they are investigating Palmer for poaching. An online petition urging the White House to extradite Palmer quickly sped past 100,000 signatures.

Celebrities as different as Ricky Gervais and Newt Gingrich condemned the lion killing. Mia Farrow tweeted out the dentist’s business address — only to delete it — and she faced a backlash after some online mistakenly believed she’d published Palmer’s home address.

But by far and away the most radical reaction belonged to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA calls for Walter Palmer to be hanged for killing Cecil the lion - The Washington Post
Yeah...that's wrong. PETA is being idiotic.
As usual.
I would have loved to have shot that lion to put on the wall in my home. I've been on many exotic hunts at the King Ranch and have downed some beautiful animals. It was worth it. The harassment this hunter is enduring is totally uncalled for.
The King Ranch. :lol: :lol: That explains SOOOOOOO much about you.
PETA Euthanized A Lot Of Animals At Its Shelter In 2014 And No-Kill Advocates Are Not Happy About It

The group euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 cats, dogs and other animals, the vast majority of which were "owner surrenders," meaning that they'd been relinquished to the group voluntarily. Just 23 dogs and 16 cats were adopted

How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.

By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.

peta is nothing but a bunch of lying leftist hypocrites that don't give one fuck about that lion

Yep, that's the ONE that kills me. and then they turn and want someone hung for a legal hunt of a lion. they brought a lot threats down on the guy he went into hiding. these freaking Nutjobs are not only dangerous to the unborn, But to us citizens in the country
Not only are liberals hypocrites for demanding capital punishment when they oppose capital punishment, but they're ignorant for demanding capital punishment for an offense that isn't capital.
I would have loved to have shot that lion to put on the wall in my home. I've been on many exotic hunts at the King Ranch and have downed some beautiful animals. It was worth it. The harassment this hunter is enduring is totally uncalled for.

Lot of self deputized, thought cops, huh?
Not only are liberals hypocrites for demanding capital punishment when they oppose capital punishment, but they're ignorant for demanding capital punishment for an offense that isn't capital.
Or even a crime.

But same shit, different day. Libs running on emotions.
According to Lion Aid, a charity that lobbies against trophy hunting, many aspects of Cecil’s murder were both legal and standard practice for big game hunters in Zimbabwe.

The organization’s website explains that it’s completely legal to bait lions, shoot them with a crossbow from a blind, and hunt them outside a national park in a private hunting concession, as Palmer did. It’s also not illegal to kill a lion wearing a radio tracking collar, as Cecil was.

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