Peter Daszak Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses.


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
And way back in 2016!

While describing how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of “insert[ing] spike proteins” into viruses to see if they can “bind to human cells” as being carried out by his “colleagues in China”:

It is huge. OP does not go back far enough back to learn that this is a well-known activity in the coronavirus community. Today on the Biological Politics thread, we mentioned a similar study done from a book published in 2000.
Dr Fauci has been heavily involved with coronavirus research and patents on viruses since before 2003. For him, viruses and vaccines are a money making machine. He funded gain-of-function research with grant money laundered through non-profit organizations.
Dr Fauci has been heavily involved with coronavirus research and patents on viruses since before 2003. For him, viruses and vaccines are a money making machine. He funded gain-of-function research with grant money laundered through non-profit organizations.
Indeed. I have read what Dr Judy Mikovits has to say about Fauci.
The lab theory was dealt a blow today when hydroxychloroquine was linked to a Ugandan bat.
And all they could come up with was something that 1/2 of the population (the dumb half) thinks is a flu?

You didn't research this very well, kid.
#8: Your fascist categorization pathology is showing. There are at least two gain-of-function machines. One is H. sapiens, the other, Nature. There are at least then, Dipshit, two populations of SARS-Cov-2. You are an uneducated pos in the knowledge of coronaviruses, though will flap your lips, poetizing yourself as a virologist- badass..
And way back in 2016!

While describing how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of “insert[ing] spike proteins” into viruses to see if they can “bind to human cells” as being carried out by his “colleagues in China”:

There's another jackoff that needs to be hauled before a grand jury.
Virologists been doing insertions for decades. Daszak, however, is very close to the origins of C-19. Ask him why he did not explain the (Chinese [italics]) filoviruses that Eco Health Alliance is comparing with the (African [italics]) ones..

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