Peter Strzok's Bleak Future


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013

Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is. You live in the alternate universe of CNN and the rest of the New York Media...the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party.

For those living in the real world, does Strzok:

1) Go to Jail;

2) Turn, sing like a lark, and go into Witness Protection; or

3) Turn, sing like a lark, and get Arkancided.

It is incomprehensible that he still has a job with the FBI. Aggravated Stupidity alone should have gotten him fired. Adultery compromised him; made him subject to blackmail, and was against FBI Policy for that reason. Great political animus for one presidential candidate he was investigating (Trump) and idolatrous affection for another (Clinton) disqualified him, yet he stayed on both for as long as he could and appears to have involved himself in seral acts of Sedition.

Did I mention rank Stupidity piled on top of benumbing Idiocy?

In a fair world he is the Most Fired Asshole EVER----yet he is still there. There must be a reason. I have seen it claimed that an FBI Agent cannot take the Fifth without being fired and loosing all benefits. All these Federal Bureaucrat Turds ever think about are their bloated Pensions. So, that may be a possible explanation---the good guys are keeping him around to testify. But, it seems flimsy.

Does anyone have an informed opinion on why Peter Strzok still has a job and on his long term Future.

I see only Jail; Witness Protection; or Arkancided.

Are there other possibilities?
I have brought these points up myself.

Had he opposed hitlery his (estranged)? spouse would be getting hassled for interviews and tv crews camped out on the lawns of his family.

Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is. You live in the alternate universe of CNN and the rest of the New York Media...the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party.

For those living in the real world, does Strzok:

1) Go to Jail;

2) Turn, sing like a lark, and go into Witness Protection; or

3) Turn, sing like a lark, and get Arkancided.

It is incomprehensible that he still has a job with the FBI. Aggravated Stupidity alone should have gotten him fired. Adultery compromised him; made him subject to blackmail, and was against FBI Policy for that reason. Great political animus for one presidential candidate he was investigating (Trump) and idolatrous affection for another (Clinton) disqualified him, yet he stayed on both for as long as he could and appears to have involved himself in seral acts of Sedition.

Did I mention rank Stupidity piled on top of benumbing Idiocy?

In a fair world he is the Most Fired Asshole EVER----yet he is still there. There must be a reason. I have seen it claimed that an FBI Agent cannot take the Fifth without being fired and loosing all benefits. All these Federal Bureaucrat Turds ever think about are their bloated Pensions. So, that may be a possible explanation---the good guys are keeping him around to testify. But, it seems flimsy.

Does anyone have an informed opinion on why Peter Strzok still has a job and on his long term Future.

I see only Jail; Witness Protection; or Arkancided.

Are there other possibilities?


Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is. You live in the alternate universe of CNN and the rest of the New York Media...the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party.

For those living in the real world, does Strzok:

1) Go to Jail;

2) Turn, sing like a lark, and go into Witness Protection; or

3) Turn, sing like a lark, and get Arkancided.

It is incomprehensible that he still has a job with the FBI. Aggravated Stupidity alone should have gotten him fired. Adultery compromised him; made him subject to blackmail, and was against FBI Policy for that reason. Great political animus for one presidential candidate he was investigating (Trump) and idolatrous affection for another (Clinton) disqualified him, yet he stayed on both for as long as he could and appears to have involved himself in seral acts of Sedition.

Did I mention rank Stupidity piled on top of benumbing Idiocy?

In a fair world he is the Most Fired Asshole EVER----yet he is still there. There must be a reason. I have seen it claimed that an FBI Agent cannot take the Fifth without being fired and loosing all benefits. All these Federal Bureaucrat Turds ever think about are their bloated Pensions. So, that may be a possible explanation---the good guys are keeping him around to testify. But, it seems flimsy.

Does anyone have an informed opinion on why Peter Strzok still has a job and on his long term Future.

I see only Jail; Witness Protection; or Arkancided.

Are there other possibilities?

think we already know who is singing all of the seventh floor of the fbi has quit except for one guy
Stzrok may start singing, but his former boss Bill Priestap has likely taken the beneficial spot of being First Snitch.
The National Review has been vigorously Anti-Trump from the start. But this excellent analysis of DOJ/FBI Crimes related to the FISA process and the violation of rights dear to every true Americans ends with this apology:

"I spent many months assuring people that nothing like this could ever happen — that the FBI and Justice Department would not countenance the provision to the FISA court of uncorroborated allegations of heinous misconduct. When Trump enthusiasts accused them of rigging the process, I countered that they probably had not even used the Steele dossier. If the Justice Department had used it in writing a FISA warrant application, I insisted that the FBI would independently verify any important facts presented to the court, make any disclosures that ought in fairness be made so the judge could evaluate the credibility of the sources, and compellingly demonstrate probable cause before alleging that an American was a foreign agent.

I was wrong

Read more at: Grassley-Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo — Media Yawns

I don't expect Liberals to read this. Too long for their attention span...too complicated for the education offered by a rotting northern city run by Democrats for 50 years. Look for the usual deflections, attacks on the messenger.

But for those who care about our Country more than promoting Bolshvism---its is compelling reading.

Note that four FISA Warrants were applied for and received, and each application was filed after MORE information was obtained showing that ex-Brittish spy Chris Steele and his bogus Dossier were more and more un-relieable---information never reported to the Court....and the last one. which thus was the most egregiously criminal of all was signed by ROB ROSENSTEIN!

He needs to be fired and perped walked....but hasn't been for the sole reason that the New York Media...the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party would scream Obstruction of Justice.

Isn't there something seriously wrong with that situation?
Poll: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump Campaign - Breitbart

"Despite the disgraced American media’s best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth."

Wake up America. A closet Bolshevik governed us for eight years---and he has left a festering cancer in every branch of the Federal Government---the most serious is the Justice Department.

If you can corrupt the Justice are one step away from Tyranny. We missed it by the skin of our teeth in November 2016.

Don Trump...personality issues and all...GOD BLESS HIM.
Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is.

Peter P. Strzok II is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation agent. Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.
Poll: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump Campaign - Breitbart

"Despite the disgraced American media’s best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth."

Wake up America. A closet Bolshevik governed us for eight years---and he has left a festering cancer in every branch of the Federal Government---the most serious is the Justice Department.

If you can corrupt the Justice are one step away from Tyranny. We missed it by the skin of our teeth in November 2016.

Don Trump...personality issues and all...GOD BLESS HIM.
Yet no one in the administration was a Bolshevik...
Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is.

Peter P. Strzok II is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation agent. Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.

Wow...Wikipedia to the rescue...LOL.
Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is.

Peter P. Strzok II is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation agent. Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.

Wow...Wikipedia to the rescue...LOL.
And is it in anyway incorrect?

Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is. You live in the alternate universe of CNN and the rest of the New York Media...the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party.

For those living in the real world, does Strzok:

1) Go to Jail;

2) Turn, sing like a lark, and go into Witness Protection; or

3) Turn, sing like a lark, and get Arkancided.

It is incomprehensible that he still has a job with the FBI. Aggravated Stupidity alone should have gotten him fired. Adultery compromised him; made him subject to blackmail, and was against FBI Policy for that reason. Great political animus for one presidential candidate he was investigating (Trump) and idolatrous affection for another (Clinton) disqualified him, yet he stayed on both for as long as he could and appears to have involved himself in seral acts of Sedition.

Did I mention rank Stupidity piled on top of benumbing Idiocy?

In a fair world he is the Most Fired Asshole EVER----yet he is still there. There must be a reason. I have seen it claimed that an FBI Agent cannot take the Fifth without being fired and loosing all benefits. All these Federal Bureaucrat Turds ever think about are their bloated Pensions. So, that may be a possible explanation---the good guys are keeping him around to testify. But, it seems flimsy.

Does anyone have an informed opinion on why Peter Strzok still has a job and on his long term Future.

I see only Jail; Witness Protection; or Arkancided.

Are there other possibilities?

I'm going to give you an opinion on why he is still there.

Even if he can't take the fifth in front of Congress, he can defend himself
by not answering direct questions based on National Security concerns.
He can also suggest that he was "following orders." 'Course they would
then ask, who gave you the orders, but that could be deferred citing national
security concerns.

The rest are getting out, because Congress won't bring them in as quickly
as they would employees. They can take the 5th.

My main concern for the guy is...who's he fucking now? Lisa stopped on
June 23rd. Son-of-a-bitch has to be irritable.
Liberals should skip this post, because you won't know who Peter Strzok is.

Peter P. Strzok II is a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation agent. Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server.

Wow...Wikipedia to the rescue...LOL.
And is it in anyway incorrect?

No but it could be considered I thought Dems/Libs were anti-plagiarism.

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