Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Normally the Left would be Denouncing the Military Industrial Complex Trying to Hinder "Free Speech"...

Curious, these Times.



perhaps if you turned left and stepped away from the hackery?

You don't Agree that the Left would tell the Right to Stop Trying to Stiffle "Free Speech" when they Complain about Tax Payer Dollars Funding a Crucifix in Piss?...

Or how about if Muslims wanted to Burn some Chrisitian Writings?...

Wouldn't it be the Left who would be First to say, "While I don't like it, it is their Right to Exercise their Right of Free Speech"...

I Know I've Observed this before...

Not just with Flags either...


Both Jones and Rauf have freedom of speech, one to book burn and the other to build a mosque. They have the legal right to do these things. Both of them are flaming idiots for doing such things, in my opinion, but I defend their rights as Americans to do such stupid things.

And NOBODY was Suggesting that the Mosque be Stopped by Force of Law or Pressure from Government...

Yet Obama Decided to Inject himself in a Local Issue and put Pressure on those who Opposed it.

Wonder if he's going to Yap his Yap about this Constitutional Rights Issue?... :lol:


A president or you or me have every right to influence opinion and decision making. Nothing is wrong with that. Of course now politics comes into play for both sides with these issues. The Dems are looking for absolutely anything they can grab onto to lessen and stop the slippage toward the November elections. The Pubs are pushing just as hard as they can.

I love American politics!
funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

When is Obama going to Chime in?...

Oh, it's AGAINST Islam... Not in Favor of it... Noted.

Sent (43)'s General out instead.



he never said he was in favor of the mosque, either.

tough break

It was his Choice to Speak out about their Right to do it while other People where saying they Shouldn't...

His Silence NOW on this the Issue of Burning this Book is Deafening.


funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

When is Obama going to Chime in?...

Oh, it's AGAINST Islam... Not in Favor of it... Noted.

Sent (43)'s General out instead.



he never said he was in favor of the mosque, either.

tough break

I watched his chicken feathers sprout as he danced out of that one.
When is Obama going to Chime in?...

Oh, it's AGAINST Islam... Not in Favor of it... Noted.

Sent (43)'s General out instead.



he never said he was in favor of the mosque, either.

tough break

It was his Choice to Speak out about their Right to do it while other People where saying they Shouldn't...

His Silence NOW on this the Issue of Burning this Book is Deafening.



only for the less intelligent
I watched his chicken feathers sprout as he danced out of that one.

oh no... how terrible that he accurately set forth the circumstances by saying, the law protects the building, but whether it *should* be built is another issue.

too nuanced? or too accurate?

maybe if he posted it on facebook or twitter???
People have a right to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions freely. While this may not be the right thing to do in many of our minds he does have the right. Curtailing him is putting limits on freedoms and allowing others to influence how we interpret our rights. Have we used force to stop every individual who has burned a bible or our flag?
I watched his chicken feathers sprout as he danced out of that one.

oh no... how terrible that he accurately set forth the circumstances by saying, the law protects the building, but whether it *should* be built is another issue.

too nuanced? or too accurate?

maybe if he posted it on facebook or twitter???

50/50,, either way he loses. donnhe?
Burning korans is stupid, entirely irresponsible thing to do. No good will come of it unless your idea of good is inciting muslims to become more aggravated.

You mean the mere act of burning a book can incite peace loving Muslims to murder and mayhem?
Why do you spin it into something it isn't. Oh,'re retarded.

Ya cause well millions did not riot around the world, threaten to kill cartoonists, burn buildings and cause general mayhem because of cartoons.

By the way RETARD I provided you a link to the General stating rioting would occur AROUND the world. So much for that claim only a few do it.
You mean the mere act of burning a book can incite peace loving Muslims to murder and mayhem?
Why do you spin it into something it isn't. Oh,'re retarded.

Ya cause well millions did not riot around the world, threaten to kill cartoonists, burn buildings and cause general mayhem because of cartoons.

By the way RETARD I provided you a link to the General stating rioting would occur AROUND the world. So much for that claim only a few do it.
Actually, you didn't. Nice try though.
I really don't see any problem. It's legal to burn the American flag. It's also a constitutional right. Religious freedom. If we allow building a mosque on GZ in the name of religous freedom then we have to allow burning a religous book as religous freedom.

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