Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Yeah those good ole peace lovin' muslims... gee, aren't they a peaceful looking bunch? Oh yeah... and I think we should do everything in our power to bend over and kiss their ass. Give them every consideration and NEVER, EVER, OFFEND them, 'cause... well... THEY'LL SAW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF IF YOU DO.... you know... those PEACEFUL MUSLIMS....









I'd just like to see ONCE, just ONCE, MUSLIMS protesting MUSLIMS. Doesn't happen. These zealots are of one mind, and for those of you who just can't accommodate them enough, you're just helping them in their quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, because your weak minded, and that's what they want.
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funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

When is Obama going to Chime in?...

Oh, it's AGAINST Islam... Not in Favor of it... Noted.

Sent (43)'s General out instead.



No one has mentioned this, so I thought I would.

"On June 14, 1953, at the height of the McCarthy anti-Communist campaign, President Eisenhower declared to graduates at Dartmouth College: "Don't Join the Book-Burners."

See article produced by the American Library Association

If fighting Islamic extremism is similar to America's fight against communism, then what Eisenhower additionally had to say to the graduates of Dartmouth College in 1953 would seem to be pertinent:

"How will we defeat communism [or Islamic Extremism] unless we know what it is, what it teaches, and why does it have such an appeal for men, why are so many people swearing allegiance to it? It's almost a religion, albeit one of the nether regions."

"The nether regions" is a euphemism or allusion to hell or the underworld.
Yeah those good ole peace lovin' muslims... gee, aren't they a peaceful looking bunch? Oh yeah... and I think we should do everything in our power to bend over and kiss their ass. Give them every consideration and NEVER, EVER, OFFEND them, 'cause... well... THEY'LL SAW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF IF YOU DO.... you know... those PEACEFUL MUSLIMS....









I'd just like to see ONCE, just ONCE, MUSLIMS protesting MUSLIMS. Doesn't happen. These zealots are of one mind, and for those of you who just can't accommodate them enough, you're just helping them in their quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, because your weak minded, and that's what they want.

Christians have sought protection for a church in Madhya Pradesh state after an anonymous letter threatened to blast it if a US Evangelical group went ahead with its plan to burn Qur’ans.
The threat came as the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida reportedly confirmed its plans to host the controversial event on Sept. 11 to mark the ninth anniversary of terror attacks in the United States.
The letter posted on Aug. 31 threatened to blast the Church of North India’s 53-year-old Bethlehem Church situated in Bhopal, the state capital.
The church’s pastor Reverend Sanjay Solomon told on Sept. 8 that the letter said it would hold the church “responsible” if a Qur’an was burned.
“Don’t treat it as a mere threat,” it said according to the priest.
Mazood Ahammad Khan, secretary of the co-ordination committee for Indian Muslims said the Qur’an burning plan “is a matter of serious concern for all of us and such an idea must be nipped in the bud.”
Rest here>>>
funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

Yeah, I'm wondering how there's 20+ pages on this thing.

Offensive speech is the kind of speech that needs protection to most. If this kind of expression should be publicly-bullied into suppression under the guise of "protecting the troops and their families", then maybe women should stop wearing mini-skirts and tank tops since that probably has a few fundies out in the streets of Tehran shouting "death to American crusaders".

There's some people saying this book burning isn't protected by the first amendment? :wtf:
You conclusion is right even if your logic is incorrect. The Constitution makes both legal, not that the act of one or the other makes 'fair play' for the other.
Yeah those good ole peace lovin' muslims... gee, aren't they a peaceful looking bunch? Oh yeah... and I think we should do everything in our power to bend over and kiss their ass. Give them every consideration and NEVER, EVER, OFFEND them, 'cause... well... THEY'LL SAW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF IF YOU DO.... you know... those PEACEFUL MUSLIMS....









I'd just like to see ONCE, just ONCE, MUSLIMS protesting MUSLIMS. Doesn't happen. These zealots are of one mind, and for those of you who just can't accommodate them enough, you're just helping them in their quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, because your weak minded, and that's what they want.

Hmmm . . . were not some of those guys were carrying signs at the Tea Party rallies.
You could show similar photos of crowds of angry Americans hating on everything from Muslims, to Gays, to people who wear fur. Thankfully, they aren't representational of the majority of any group. Instead, they represent angry people with time on their hands to protest. The rest of us are busy working and raising families. I'm guessing you didn't take these photos. (Your vocabulary and your narrow perspective aren't typical of photo journalists who have seen much of the world--but maybe I'm mistaken and you're an exceptionally good photographer who is full of hate and limited facts.) You don't know what the photos represented, how large the crowd was or when they were taken.

I'm a Christian and I'd resent it if someone took a photo of Fred Phelps taunting the families of fallen military veterans and said it represented all Christians. I would resent photos of white middle class women with PETA signs protesting the fur industry being held up to represent all middle aged white women.

Hate is a dangerous thing. We fuel it with anything at our disposal...a photo, an errant fact, or a half truth distorted by the media.

The fact is, millions of Muslims protest violence.

There is nothing in your rhetoric that suggests you might be a Christian, but if you are, I'd like you to remember that Christ suggests that we Love One Another. He called it his greatest commandments. He didn't say, "Love those who are like you; Love the people you like; Love people who love you back." He casts the net wide and deep--all inclusive--he even suggests loving your enemy. As a Christian, I'd like to suggest that if love and peace are to take root, you may need to set aside your anger and your misinformation long enough to calm down and figure out why you are so full of hate toward those you don't even know.

Peace would be a great way to commemorate 9/11--don't you think. Start finding some peace within.
Yeah those good ole peace lovin' muslims... gee, aren't they a peaceful looking bunch? Oh yeah... and I think we should do everything in our power to bend over and kiss their ass. Give them every consideration and NEVER, EVER, OFFEND them, 'cause... well... THEY'LL SAW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF IF YOU DO.... you know... those PEACEFUL MUSLIMS....









I'd just like to see ONCE, just ONCE, MUSLIMS protesting MUSLIMS. Doesn't happen. These zealots are of one mind, and for those of you who just can't accommodate them enough, you're just helping them in their quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, because your weak minded, and that's what they want.

Yeah, look at these good ol' whiteys at their tea party. Look at all them racist signs. I only need to see a few pictures to further entrench my confirmation bias, and these pictures prove it: the Tea Party is just a bunch of uneducated racist crackers.







For once I'd just like to see conservatives denounces the racism in that cracker tea party. Just once. Not gonna happen. Conservatives are of one mind.


Hopefully you're not so dumb that this point goes over your head.
funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

Yeah, I'm wondering how there's 20+ pages on this thing.

Offensive speech is the kind of speech that needs protection to most. If this kind of expression should be publicly-bullied into suppression under the guise of "protecting the troops and their families", then maybe women should stop wearing mini-skirts and tank tops since that probably has a few fundies out in the streets of Tehran shouting "death to American crusaders".

There's some people saying this book burning isn't protected by the first amendment? :wtf:
I dunno, Silky...wearing miniskirts isn't an act of violence. Somehow I'm not buying your analogy. :lol:
funny, most here seems to be saying * i don't like it, but it's they're right to say it.*

go figure

Yeah, I'm wondering how there's 20+ pages on this thing.

Offensive speech is the kind of speech that needs protection to most. If this kind of expression should be publicly-bullied into suppression under the guise of "protecting the troops and their families", then maybe women should stop wearing mini-skirts and tank tops since that probably has a few fundies out in the streets of Tehran shouting "death to American crusaders".

There's some people saying this book burning isn't protected by the first amendment? :wtf:
I dunno, Silky...wearing miniskirts isn't an act of violence. Somehow I'm not buying your analogy. :lol:

Well, it was off the cuff. I can't be perfect all the time, you know. :eusa_angel:

I guess my vague point is, we do plenty of things that the fundies will use as an example of the West being the Big Satan of immorality and therefore the enemy of the righteous and true Islam, or whatever. No matter what we do, that small but vocal minority of Islam will paint us as the enemy. They need to, for their own relevancy to that part of the world.

This book burning is stupid, obviously, and it's not going to spread a rainbow of joy from Washington to Tehran. But of course, America is full of stupid people and they should exercise their freedom of expression too, this messageboard being a prime example.
Yeah, I'm wondering how there's 20+ pages on this thing.

Offensive speech is the kind of speech that needs protection to most. If this kind of expression should be publicly-bullied into suppression under the guise of "protecting the troops and their families", then maybe women should stop wearing mini-skirts and tank tops since that probably has a few fundies out in the streets of Tehran shouting "death to American crusaders".

There's some people saying this book burning isn't protected by the first amendment? :wtf:
I dunno, Silky...wearing miniskirts isn't an act of violence. Somehow I'm not buying your analogy. :lol:

Well, it was off the cuff. I can't be perfect all the time, you know. :eusa_angel:

I guess my vague point is, we do plenty of things that the fundies will use as an example of the West being the Big Satan of immorality and therefore the enemy of the righteous and true Islam, or whatever. No matter what we do, that small but vocal minority of Islam will paint us as the enemy. They need to, for their own relevancy to that part of the world.

This book burning is stupid, obviously, and it's not going to spread a rainbow of joy from Washington to Tehran. But of course, America is full of stupid people and they should exercise their freedom of expression too, this messageboard being a prime example.
Yes, they can do what they want...burn Korans every day until the end of time. But please don't compare it with wearing miniskirts, allowing gays in the military, etc. All are exercising freedom, but only the one is using violence.
[Yes, they can do what they want...burn Korans every day until the end of time. But please don't compare it with wearing miniskirts, allowing gays in the military, etc. All are exercising freedom, but only the one is using violence.

Beating a Muslim with a burning Qur'an would be violent--a hate crime, too--but I don't see book burning as any more of a violent act than burning the flag, and I don't see flag-burning as violent.
[Yes, they can do what they want...burn Korans every day until the end of time. But please don't compare it with wearing miniskirts, allowing gays in the military, etc. All are exercising freedom, but only the one is using violence.

Beating a Muslim with a burning Qur'an would be violent--a hate crime, too--but I don't see book burning as any more of a violent act than burning the flag, and I don't see flag-burning as violent.
No, I don't either though it really depends on motivation. IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence. Which would be fine if he were only committing it against terrorists...but that's not how I understand it.
[Yes, they can do what they want...burn Korans every day until the end of time. But please don't compare it with wearing miniskirts, allowing gays in the military, etc. All are exercising freedom, but only the one is using violence.

Beating a Muslim with a burning Qur'an would be violent--a hate crime, too--but I don't see book burning as any more of a violent act than burning the flag, and I don't see flag-burning as violent.
No, I don't either though it really depends on motivation. IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence. Which would be fine if he were only committing it against terrorists...but that's not how I understand it.

Well yeah, the guy probably thinks every Muslim secretly praises Osama bin Laden and marches in lock-step with whatever Ahmdinejad spews. And he's probably more aligned with the WBC than with Protestantism.

Unless this bonfire incites the people in attendance to go out and start beating up any brown person, I'm going to keep from saying it's violent. Real-life trolling, yes; violent hate crime, not yet.
Beating a Muslim with a burning Qur'an would be violent--a hate crime, too--but I don't see book burning as any more of a violent act than burning the flag, and I don't see flag-burning as violent.
No, I don't either though it really depends on motivation. IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence. Which would be fine if he were only committing it against terrorists...but that's not how I understand it.

Well yeah, the guy probably thinks every Muslim secretly praises Osama bin Laden and marches in lock-step with whatever Ahmdinejad spews. And he's probably more aligned with the WBC than with Protestantism.

Unless this bonfire incites the people in attendance to go out and start beating up any brown person, I'm going to keep from saying it's violent. Real-life trolling, yes; violent hate crime, not yet.
I wouldn't say it is a hate crime either.

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