Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

OK Ravi and Valerie,

Since the 1st Amendment does not protect acts of violence, you both are now implicitly suggesting that burning a book is not protected speech.

Enjoy knowing that. :thup:

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?

No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.
one German's View of Islam

This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I
have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not
long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email
is said to be Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well-known and well-respected

A German's View on Islam

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II owned a
number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people
were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.
'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of
German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who
just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back
and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had
lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I
ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is
the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live
in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely
irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant
to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the
name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is
the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting
wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or
tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire
continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or
honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the
fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and
homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become
suicide bombers.

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent
majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in
peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20
million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China 's huge
population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a
staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a
warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South
East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12
million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be
said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our
powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:

Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because
like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the
fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans,
Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have
died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As
for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that
counts--the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?

No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.

Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:
Jones is only a bad joke. In no way, shape, form, or fashion would burning a Koran be considered an act intimidation by a reasonable person standard. Rude, yes. Stupid, yes. Really stupid, yes. Intimidation, no.
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Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.
There you go again. Millions? NO. Not millions. Some fucktards that are easily swayed by people that want to sway them and know how to push their buttons.

In reality, you and manifold are more like those tools that the rest of us are simply because you buy into the rhetoric that millions will be swayed.


You are wrong, there will literally be MILLIONS of them protesting in the street in Muslim nations all around the world, and here and in Europe. Many of them holding signs calling for Violence.

What do I base this on? oh I don't know 40 Years of Life where I have seen exactly that MANY times in the past.
Beating a Muslim with a burning Qur'an would be violent--a hate crime, too--but I don't see book burning as any more of a violent act than burning the flag, and I don't see flag-burning as violent.
No, I don't either though it really depends on motivation. IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence. Which would be fine if he were only committing it against terrorists...but that's not how I understand it.

Military burns Bibles sent to troops in Afghanistan - Louisville Christian |

Is Pleasing the Terrorists by Burning the Bible an Act of Violence?...



And again...


IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence.

In other words... Burning a book = violence

I think it is wrong, though legal, to do what this guy is doing.

In other words... Burning a book = legal

therefore, according to Ravi's own reasoning...

violence = legal

Ravi pwned by the transitive property. :lol:

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?

No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.

Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:

Tell ya what Many Poled ( I said, if you had as many cocks poking outta you as you've had IN you, you'd look like a porcupine).........

Got a quick question for you.........if what members of this country do (i.e. the preacher) is going to cause an increase in violence to the servicemembers of this country serving overseas, don't you think that as a patriotic American who supports the troops (remember, I'm a 20 year vet, so I've got a vested interest), it's okay for this asshole to cause an increase in violence on them?

Remember.........if you were to state some kind of harm to the President publicly, you'd get a quick visit from the Secret Service. Yes, you do have the right to free speech, but just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

You don't support the troops, do you asshole?
Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.
There you go again. Millions? NO. Not millions. Some fucktards that are easily swayed by people that want to sway them and know how to push their buttons.

In reality, you and manifold are more like those tools that the rest of us are simply because you buy into the rhetoric that millions will be swayed.


You are wrong, there will literally be MILLIONS of them protesting in the street in Muslim nations all around the world, and here and in Europe. Many of them holding signs calling for Violence.

What do I base this on? oh I don't know 40 Years of Life where I have seen exactly that MANY times in the past.

Why is it that when a few Christians so something like this few in Florida, it is "Christians" that are causing problems, but when many Muslims do it is is just the "radical group"?

You are correct, there will be millions in the streets protesting, burning flags (which is perfectly OK) and maybe even bombing buildings. Then there will be the same millions out there laughing at the fead Americans and Christians. But, they are a religion of peace!!!
At this point, American freedom of speech is being held hostage by these terrorists. We cannot speak our mind without a threat from them, and then our government telling us "back off!" The government is coward in it's actions, or lack thereof.

Now, since mainstream Americans, and mainstream Christians have said that the burning is not a good idea at this point I believe we need to be an example of backing off to show those people who want the Mosque near ground zero how it is done. If they learn, great. If they still disrespect America and her people then I say they pose a threat to the nation and a war against them should be near.
OK Ravi and Valerie,

Since the 1st Amendment does not protect acts of violence, you both are now implicitly suggesting that burning a book is not protected speech.

Enjoy knowing that. :thup:

IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence.

In other words... Burning a book = violence

I think it is wrong, though legal, to do what this guy is doing.

In other words... Burning a book = legal

therefore, according to Ravi's own reasoning...

violence = legal

Ravi pwned by the transitive property. :lol:

:lol: Transitive properties of your imagination.......

You realize the 1st amendment police are not going to just show up and declare the events of the day? The guy will do what he will do and he will say what he will say and whomever may claim to be harmed by any of it remains to be seen.

Generally speaking, burning a book is protected speech or expression, but that does not mean it isn't a violent act. Even if it is legally considered a violent act doesn't necessarily mean that anyone was harmed or that any charges have been or could be filed.

I can bash a baseball bat through my windshield which is clearly a violent act...Does this affect my free speech? Have I violated anyone's rights? Cant' I just call 1-800-54GIANT and forget about it? Is this LEGAL?
No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.

Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:

Tell ya what Many Poled ( I said, if you had as many cocks poking outta you as you've had IN you, you'd look like a porcupine).........

Got a quick question for you.........if what members of this country do (i.e. the preacher) is going to cause an increase in violence to the servicemembers of this country serving overseas, don't you think that as a patriotic American who supports the troops (remember, I'm a 20 year vet, so I've got a vested interest), it's okay for this asshole to cause an increase in violence on them?

Remember.........if you were to state some kind of harm to the President publicly, you'd get a quick visit from the Secret Service. Yes, you do have the right to free speech, but just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

You don't support the troops, do you asshole?

Are not American troops for the protection of America? Are they not in service to protect what America stands for?
Burning korans is stupid, entirely irresponsible thing to do. No good will come of it unless your idea of good is inciting muslims to become more aggravated.

You mean the mere act of burning a book can incite peace loving Muslims to murder and mayhem?

Yeah maybe. Burning a pile of Islamic bibles after invading several Islamic states, killing several hundred thousand Islamic people, assassinating Islamic leaders, effecting sanctions against Islamic nations intent on honoring their commitment to the NPT, after supporting Israel's reign of terror over the ME for 20-30 years. Shit adds up.

Sometimes a straw breaks a camel's back, or wars are actually lost for want of a single nail.

The point is that patriotic Americans would not do anything that significantly undermines our war in Afghanistan. And burning a pile of qurans, allowing the event to be video taped and distributed world wide DEFINITELY undermines our whole cause in the ME.

If the qurans are burned and video circulated we might as well exit Iraq, Pakistan Afghanistan etc all at once. Cuz we will never win.


The terrorists win!
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Personally I feel burning the koran as a Christian group is very foolish although I can understand their frustration. This group is acting more on the mosque being built rather than the 9-11 attack. Our president said the muslims had every right to build it but refused to comment on the horrible pain that it would place on many americans and the wedge that it would place between the muslims and the rest of us. I wonder if Obama will state that this small religious group has every legal right to burn the koran and not comment on the problems that it will cause. It very well may be that this religious group is doing this because they do not feel the president does not have the desire to speak for Americans.
Are not American troops for the protection of America? Are they not in service to protect what America stands for?

Join the dots for me...what has some wingnut burning korans have to do with America troops protecting America?

To whom do they serve? An American is exercising his American rights. Nut case sure, stupid no contest, but his right to burn what ever he wants.

IF that puts our service men in danger then there is a BIGGER problem that no one wants to deal with.

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