Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.

Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:

Tell ya what Many Poled ( I said, if you had as many cocks poking outta you as you've had IN you, you'd look like a porcupine).........

Got a quick question for you.........if what members of this country do (i.e. the preacher) is going to cause an increase in violence to the servicemembers of this country serving overseas, don't you think that as a patriotic American who supports the troops (remember, I'm a 20 year vet, so I've got a vested interest), it's okay for this asshole to cause an increase in violence on them?

Remember.........if you were to state some kind of harm to the President publicly, you'd get a quick visit from the Secret Service. Yes, you do have the right to free speech, but just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

You don't support the troops, do you asshole?

I absolutely support our troops.

You're clearly too emotional to see any of this clearly or objectively and I guess that's understandable.
There you go again. Millions? NO. Not millions. Some fucktards that are easily swayed by people that want to sway them and know how to push their buttons.

In reality, you and manifold are more like those tools that the rest of us are simply because you buy into the rhetoric that millions will be swayed.


You are wrong, there will literally be MILLIONS of them protesting in the street in Muslim nations all around the world, and here and in Europe. Many of them holding signs calling for Violence.

What do I base this on? oh I don't know 40 Years of Life where I have seen exactly that MANY times in the past.

Why is it that when a few Christians so something like this few in Florida, it is "Christians" that are causing problems, but when many Muslims do it is is just the "radical group"?

You are correct, there will be millions in the streets protesting, burning flags (which is perfectly OK) and maybe even bombing buildings. Then there will be the same millions out there laughing at the fead Americans and Christians. But, they are a religion of peace!!!

Hey I am not blaming the Christians. They have a right to be ignorant and burn some books. I am asking why if Islam is so Tolerant do we see mass demonstrations calling for Violence when ever someone insults them in some way.

Does not seem all that tolerant or Peaceful to me.

People disparage and put down Christianity all the time. Make unflattering cartoons, say unflattering stuff, and even Burn Bibles. And you do not see mass demonstrations around the world from Christians calling for Violence.

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Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:

Tell ya what Many Poled ( I said, if you had as many cocks poking outta you as you've had IN you, you'd look like a porcupine).........

Got a quick question for you.........if what members of this country do (i.e. the preacher) is going to cause an increase in violence to the servicemembers of this country serving overseas, don't you think that as a patriotic American who supports the troops (remember, I'm a 20 year vet, so I've got a vested interest), it's okay for this asshole to cause an increase in violence on them?

Remember.........if you were to state some kind of harm to the President publicly, you'd get a quick visit from the Secret Service. Yes, you do have the right to free speech, but just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

You don't support the troops, do you asshole?

So in order to support our troops we must take away Americans right to Free speech and expression?

One could argue that Seeing Americans burn flags might give Aid and comfort to our enemies. Yet we tolerate that. Yet now I see some people acting as if we should somehow act to stop this Book Burning. And thereby throw the constitution under the bus?

I think the troops over there fighting would not want us to take away the very freedoms they fight to protect, simply because it will upset our Enemy.
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OK Ravi and Valerie,

Since the 1st Amendment does not protect acts of violence, you both are now implicitly suggesting that burning a book is not protected speech.

Enjoy knowing that. :thup:

In other words... Burning a book = violence

I think it is wrong, though legal, to do what this guy is doing.

In other words... Burning a book = legal

therefore, according to Ravi's own reasoning...

violence = legal

Ravi pwned by the transitive property. :lol:

:lol: Transitive properties of your imagination.......

You realize the 1st amendment police are not going to just show up and declare the events of the day? The guy will do what he will do and he will say what he will say and whomever may claim to be harmed by any of it remains to be seen.

Generally speaking, burning a book is protected speech or expression, but that does not mean it isn't a violent act. Even if it is legally considered a violent act doesn't necessarily mean that anyone was harmed or that any charges have been or could be filed.

I can bash a baseball bat through my windshield which is clearly a violent act...Does this affect my free speech? Have I violated anyone's rights? Cant' I just call 1-800-54GIANT and forget about it? Is this LEGAL?

I like you Val. I'm really not interested in adding to your fail here.

sleep on it. If you still insist that burning some pieces of paper constitutes an act of violence in the morning I'll be surprised and mildly perplexed, but I will indulge this lunacy further, time permitting.
Not to brilliant, doing something that one knows might provoke violence.
What's the up side?

My guess is this Ignorant guy and his flock do not give a damn what Muslims think, and want them to be upset. Clearly they blame the religion for 9/11 and not just some radicals.

I do not agree with them, but you do have to admit if you are honest, that Islam is much more Violent and much less Tolerant than they would have us believe.
Frankly while it is probably true it will Piss off the combatants our troops face over there. I doubt it will have much effect, since they are already trying to kill our troops on a daily basis as it is.
Not to brilliant, doing something that one knows might provoke violence.
What's the up side?

Perhaps jumpstarting the inevitable? While we still hold the advantage.

Perhaps shocking muslims worldwide into realizing that our convictions regarding freedom and secular law are every bit as strong as their religious convictions?

But my money is on this being all but forgotten in a few weeks or so.

C'est la vie.
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Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.

If only they understood when we are asking...."when did you ever stop?"
To whom do they serve? An American is exercising his American rights. Nut case sure, stupid no contest, but his right to burn what ever he wants.

IF that puts our service men in danger then there is a BIGGER problem that no one wants to deal with.

How about good old common sense?
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.

Problem is, folks like you are putting your mores and morals on the Muslim world. You're also coming at it from the aspect that you have the moral high ground because your culture is better than theirs...
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.

Problem is, folks like you are putting your mores and morals on the Muslim world. You're also coming at it from the aspect that you have the moral high ground because your culture is better than theirs...

Got news for you dude. If they get all worked up about this, and march in large numbers calling for Violence. Then we do Have the High Moral Ground. Because out culture is made fun of all the time, and we do not turn out in the street calling for violence.
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.

Islam forced to show Respect and Tollerance where the benchmark is burning its holiest Book. The underlying message of your definition of Respect and Tollerance in this case already shows that radicalism in your brain has already passed the point of no return.
No dipshit......didn't say anything about the government getting involved.

I'm saying that this asshole should be protested himself before he burns the Korans.

It doesn't infringe on your first amendment rights if the people do it and not the government.

Personally? I'd like to see a whole bunch of Hollyweird types get out and start telling everyone what a douche this fucker is.

Maybe then he'll change his mind when he sees almost everyone is against him.

But........problem is..........he's already lit the flame and can't put out the firestorm.

Glad to hear it. Many others here have been arguing that he doesn't have the right to burn the Koran. I apologize for mistakenly concluding you agreed with them.

I now see that you are just another overly emotional and ineffectual web-tard exercising your own 1st Amendment rights to call him an asshole.

Carry on. :thup:

Tell ya what Many Poled ( I said, if you had as many cocks poking outta you as you've had IN you, you'd look like a porcupine).........

Got a quick question for you.........if what members of this country do (i.e. the preacher) is going to cause an increase in violence to the servicemembers of this country serving overseas, don't you think that as a patriotic American who supports the troops (remember, I'm a 20 year vet, so I've got a vested interest), it's okay for this asshole to cause an increase in violence on them?

Remember.........if you were to state some kind of harm to the President publicly, you'd get a quick visit from the Secret Service. Yes, you do have the right to free speech, but just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

You don't support the troops, do you asshole?

So, for shits and giggles, Abiker provide us some links to threads where you lambasted the left during Bush's Presidency for "endangering the troops" with their demands and protests.
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.

Islam forced to show Respect and Tollerance where the benchmark is burning its holiest Book. The underlying message of your definition of Respect and Tollerance in this case already shows that radicalism in your brain has already passed the point of no return.

Go ahead dumb ass do the same, announce to the world you will burn as many Bibles as you can afford. DO it and then get back to us on the Murderous Christians that threaten you with death and the world wide arson and riots that follow.
IMO this pastor by his words and actions is committing an act of violence.

In other words... Burning a book = violence

I think it is wrong, though legal, to do what this guy is doing.

In other words... Burning a book = legal

therefore, according to Ravi's own reasoning...

violence = legal

Ravi pwned by the transitive property. :lol:
Sometimes violence is legal...good for you for purposely misunderstanding what I've said. :thup:
Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.
There you go again. Millions? NO. Not millions. Some fucktards that are easily swayed by people that want to sway them and know how to push their buttons.

In reality, you and manifold are more like those tools that the rest of us are simply because you buy into the rhetoric that millions will be swayed.


You are wrong, there will literally be MILLIONS of them protesting in the street in Muslim nations all around the world, and here and in Europe. Many of them holding signs calling for Violence.

What do I base this on? oh I don't know 40 Years of Life where I have seen exactly that MANY times in the past.
I tell you what...I'll pos rep you if it is MILLIONS. You pos rep me if it isn't.
Jones is only a bad joke. In no way, shape, form, or fashion would burning a Koran be considered an act intimidation by a reasonable person standard. Rude, yes. Stupid, yes. Really stupid, yes. Intimidation, no.
:confused: How do YOU define intimidation?

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