Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

I feel neither timid nor fearful, and I do not feel compelled or deterred by Jones to do anything I do not wish to do. I view Jones as a wannabee bully, who has the legal right to burn books, which places him philosophically in the 1920s along with the Nazis and the anti-Darwin types in the Scopes Trial.

# intimidate - make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
# intimidate - to compel or deter by or as if by threats
I feel neither timid nor fearful, and I do not feel compelled or deterred by Jones to do anything I do not wish to do. I view Jones as a wannabee bully, who has the legal right to burn books, which places him philosophically in the 1920s along with the Nazis and the anti-Darwin types in the Scopes Trial.

# intimidate - make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
# intimidate - to compel or deter by or as if by threats
Okay. Attempted intimidation then.

Jones is attempting to intimidate, just as burning a cross on someone's lawn is an attempt to intimidate.

If terrorists don't terrorize you are they not terrorists?

Betray_us forgets that these brainwashed morons, including himself, are in Ghaniland illegally.
Gawd Blass murka !
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.

If only they understood when we are asking...."when did you ever stop?"

If that is the Question, the book they want to bun instead of read provides the answer...

8:39. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world[]]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allâh), then certainly, Allâh is All-Seer of what they do.

[ 2:193.. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone).[] But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc
I feel neither timid nor fearful, and I do not feel compelled or deterred by Jones to do anything I do not wish to do. I view Jones as a wannabee bully, who has the legal right to burn books, which places him philosophically in the 1920s along with the Nazis and the anti-Darwin types in the Scopes Trial.

# intimidate - make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
# intimidate - to compel or deter by or as if by threats
Okay. Attempted intimidation then.

Jones is attempting to intimidate, just as burning a cross on someone's lawn is an attempt to intimidate.

If terrorists don't terrorize you are they not terrorists?


Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
I can understand the concerns about the troops, even though I disagree.

What I don't understand (or perhaps now fully understand), is the blatant double standard and hypocrisy being spewed by the left when it comes to tolerance and religious freedom.

Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad and the Koran is a holy book.

Pastor Jones believes that the devil spoke to Muhammad and fooled him into believing he was God, and the Koran is an evil book inspired by satan.

Now tell me why one of these beliefs is any more "believable" than the other and why one is worthy of tolerance and the other is not?

They are conflicting religious beliefs, both of which I think are bunk, but if one values freedom of religion and tolerance toward all faiths, why is there no tolerance for Jones to practice his faith as he sees fit?
You are wrong, there will literally be MILLIONS of them protesting in the street in Muslim nations all around the world, and here and in Europe. Many of them holding signs calling for Violence.

What do I base this on? oh I don't know 40 Years of Life where I have seen exactly that MANY times in the past.

Why is it that when a few Christians so something like this few in Florida, it is "Christians" that are causing problems, but when many Muslims do it is is just the "radical group"?

You are correct, there will be millions in the streets protesting, burning flags (which is perfectly OK) and maybe even bombing buildings. Then there will be the same millions out there laughing at the fead Americans and Christians. But, they are a religion of peace!!!

Hey I am not blaming the Christians. They have a right to be ignorant and burn some books. I am asking why if Islam is so Tolerant do we see mass demonstrations calling for Violence when ever someone insults them in some way.

Does not seem all that tolerant or Peaceful to me.

People disparage and put down Christianity all the time. Make unflattering cartoons, say unflattering stuff, and even Burn Bibles. And you do not see mass demonstrations around the world from Christians calling for Violence.


You are correct. That is the New American way. Thank you ACLU and other extreemly liberal immorality brokers.
I've often said of bible thumping Christians that if your faith cannot withstand the ridicule of others then you really don't have any faith at all.

The same standard applies to Islam.

True story :thup:
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I've often said of bible thumping Christians that if your faith cannot withstand the ridicule of others then you really don't have any faith at all.

The same standard applies to Islam.

True story :thup:

Considering that we wouldn't go around hacking people up in America because some Asshat in the ME Burned a Bible, I would Suggest that it is the 15th Century Mentality of Islam that is the Issue when Comparing the Skin Thickness of either Religion. ;)

Let's see how the Religion of Peace, Love and Tolerance Responds to and Act of Free Speech that Harms NO Person.


Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.


But they are not. They are saying we will KILL if you dare to burn our book.

Problem is, folks like you are putting your mores and morals on the Muslim world. You're also coming at it from the aspect that you have the moral high ground because your culture is better than theirs...

Open your eyes my friend. They are moving in on the good loe USA rapidly, and as seen in NYC they have no respect for us at all. Our morals are higher than theirs are.
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.

Islam forced to show Respect and Tollerance where the benchmark is burning its holiest Book. The underlying message of your definition of Respect and Tollerance in this case already shows that radicalism in your brain has already passed the point of no return.

Yes Islam should show as much tolerance as the rest of the world was forced to show when representatives of Islam blew up the 400 year old Budda statues in Afghanistan.
And my "underlying message" is the the book is a pile of paper and ink. I think the idiot burning it is an idiot, but deal with it. I'm of the opinion that if Muslims are willing to kill over a nondescript COPY of their holy book, then they have major self control issues that need to be dealt with before they should be included in adult society.
Now we hear the extremist will go bonkers if they move the proposed site of the mosque in NYC. Anyone see a trend? Here's an idea. Ferret out the extremist and turn them over Imams. What we should do is piss on a Koran and mail it to the Middle East.
I feel neither timid nor fearful, and I do not feel compelled or deterred by Jones to do anything I do not wish to do. I view Jones as a wannabee bully, who has the legal right to burn books, which places him philosophically in the 1920s along with the Nazis and the anti-Darwin types in the Scopes Trial.

# intimidate - make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
# intimidate - to compel or deter by or as if by threats
Okay. Attempted intimidation then.

Jones is attempting to intimidate, just as burning a cross on someone's lawn is an attempt to intimidate.

If terrorists don't terrorize you are they not terrorists?


Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?
So in conclusion some nut has declared he will but a Quran. The left wing goes wild. This is the same left wing who doesn't give a good god damn when someone like a muslim burns the American flag. Who doesn't give a good god damn when the NYT puts the soldiers at risk by printing the Abu Garib pictures over and over and over and over again. Why don't the left just stfu and this nut will go away? Oh! that's right, they don't give a good god damn cause they think it's good politically. They didn't give a good god damn when a muslim threw a shoe at an American President either. Fucking hypocrites.

Okay. Attempted intimidation then.

Jones is attempting to intimidate, just as burning a cross on someone's lawn is an attempt to intimidate.

If terrorists don't terrorize you are they not terrorists?


Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?

you'd be cheering him on if he were buring bibles wouldn't you hypocrite?
Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?

you'd be cheering him on if he were buring bibles wouldn't you hypocrite?
Nope. I am not you.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?

you'd be cheering him on if he were buring bibles wouldn't you hypocrite?
Nope. I am not you.

Liar. You would cheer them on. Just like you cheer the Mexican flag. And Hugo Chavez.

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