Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

the pastor is so ignornant about islam he doesn't know that burning the quran is the actual proper way to dispose of the Quran in islam

and you could bury it but burning is how many dispose of the quran
Really then they should not have any problem with it?

Allamah ibn Abidin, a great Hanafi Scholar states,

“If a copy of the Qur’an becomes old and it is difficult to read it, it should NOT be burnt in fire.”

This is also the view of Imam Mohammed (Student of Imam Abu Hanifah). It is best to bury them after wrapping them into something pure and clean.

The conclusion is, there are two methods of disposing an unusable Qur’an and Islamic literature:

(1) Wrapping them in a piece of cloth or something pure and burying them respectfully in a place where people normally do not walk upon.

(2) Fastening the items to something heavy such as a stone and placing it respectfully in flowing river.

If the above-mentioned two methods are not possible to implement, only then will it be permitted to burn the Holy Scriptures and then bury the resulting ash or drop the ash in a flowing river.

Disposing of Scripture

that is one scholars opinion. most shaikhs say the quran or anything containing Allah's name should be burned.
Yup, this would only sway a very small minority of easily manipulated muslims to join up with the terrorists. But I'm supposed to believe that they wouldn't be swayed if not for the koran burning.

psst... Ravi is not known for her logic.
Millions? No.

YES. Reread what is being said, MILLIONS of Muslims across the planet will react violently to the Burning of a Koran. In all Muslim Countries and all Muslim enclaves in the middle east.
Patreus said that? Link? Who said that?

Pressure rises on pastor who wants to burn Quran - Yahoo! News

Read it and weep. Since you are kinda slow I will quote for you.

Gen. David Petraeus warned Tuesday in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence."
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the pastor is so ignornant about islam he doesn't know that burning the quran is the actual proper way to dispose of the Quran in islam

and you could bury it but burning is how many dispose of the quran
Really then they should not have any problem with it?

Allamah ibn Abidin, a great Hanafi Scholar states,

“If a copy of the Qur’an becomes old and it is difficult to read it, it should NOT be burnt in fire.”

This is also the view of Imam Mohammed (Student of Imam Abu Hanifah). It is best to bury them after wrapping them into something pure and clean.

The conclusion is, there are two methods of disposing an unusable Qur’an and Islamic literature:

(1) Wrapping them in a piece of cloth or something pure and burying them respectfully in a place where people normally do not walk upon.

(2) Fastening the items to something heavy such as a stone and placing it respectfully in flowing river.

If the above-mentioned two methods are not possible to implement, only then will it be permitted to burn the Holy Scriptures and then bury the resulting ash or drop the ash in a flowing river.

Disposing of Scripture

that is one scholars opinion. most shaikhs say the quran or anything containing Allah's name should be burned.
I don't see this as relevant. The pastor made his thoughts pretty clear.

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?
I think 1st amendment rights would be a real stretch.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the pastor is so ignornant about islam he doesn't know that burning the quran is the actual proper way to dispose of the Quran in islam

and you could bury it but burning is how many dispose of the quran
Really then they should not have any problem with it?

Allamah ibn Abidin, a great Hanafi Scholar states,

“If a copy of the Qur’an becomes old and it is difficult to read it, it should NOT be burnt in fire.”

This is also the view of Imam Mohammed (Student of Imam Abu Hanifah). It is best to bury them after wrapping them into something pure and clean.

The conclusion is, there are two methods of disposing an unusable Qur’an and Islamic literature:

(1) Wrapping them in a piece of cloth or something pure and burying them respectfully in a place where people normally do not walk upon.

(2) Fastening the items to something heavy such as a stone and placing it respectfully in flowing river.

If the above-mentioned two methods are not possible to implement, only then will it be permitted to burn the Holy Scriptures and then bury the resulting ash or drop the ash in a flowing river.

Disposing of Scripture

that is one scholars opinion. most shaikhs say the quran or anything containing Allah's name should be burned.
The fact is we could keep you shitcats busy digging through the trash forever if your we true believers .

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?
I think 1st amendment rights would be a real stretch.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is covered by 2 parts of that. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?
I think 1st amendment rights would be a real stretch.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is covered by 2 parts of that. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.
I don't see how preventing me from burning a single copy of a book is interfering with me practicing my religion or my freedom of speech particularly if sedition is involved.
Jones told the AP in a phone interview that he is also concerned but wonders how many times the U.S. can back down.

"We think it's time to turn the tables, and instead of possibly blaming us for what could happen, we put the blame where it belongs — on the people who would do it," he said. "And maybe instead of addressing us, we should address radical Islam and send a very clear warning that they are not to retaliate in any form."

Aaaaah what the hell do you think our soldiers are doing over there, mister delusional holy man ? :cuckoo:

He's just another nut looking for his 15 minutes of fame, IMO

Apparently, if we are to believe everyone who opposes this stupidity, they are worried about getting killed by peaceful Muslims because of this book burning.

No, they are worried for the soldiers who are currently in harm's way.

Islam is a religion of peace, why are they worried?
Islam is a religion of peace, why are they worried?


Because most people know its not a religion of peace. But it is to politically incorrect to say it!

Pictures are worth a thousand words...








Patraeus is out of line.

This Pastor in Florida is free to exercise his right to be an ass...and then it's up to those that witness it to either act upon it...or IGNORE IT.

Such choices come with the exercise of a free Society that supposedly belives in Liberty.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition.

It's HOW it's reacted to by those watching that will relegate this jackass pastor to sainthood...or rejection.


Patreus is concerned of the troops...understandable...but where he made his mistake was to speak of what he defends...and that is the First Amendment.

Is he for Liberty or NOT?

I have a gut feeling the stunt by the pastor will be rejected by and large. The pastor is still free to exercise his Liberty nonetheless...and we are free to accept or reject it AS a free society.

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I think it is a bad idea for them to do it.... but I also think that Mosque is a bad idea.

Maybe both sides should say... lets not trample on eachothers sacred icons, and stand down.

But then again.... we know that Rauf is'nt going to back down so I am at a loss....

As for our soldires being endangered.....

THEY ALREADY ARE!!!! What difference is it going to make?
Those MUSLIM jihadists hate us already!
I think 1st amendment rights would be a real stretch.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is covered by 2 parts of that. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.
I don't see how preventing me from burning a single copy of a book is interfering with me practicing my religion or my freedom of speech particularly if sedition is involved.

How EXACTLY is it sedition? What exactly is seditious about the act of burning a book?
It is covered by 2 parts of that. Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.
I don't see how preventing me from burning a single copy of a book is interfering with me practicing my religion or my freedom of speech particularly if sedition is involved.

How EXACTLY is it sedition? What exactly is seditious about the act of burning a book?

Protesting is seditious now.... you didnt hear?

This war has a "D" on it now.... :eusa_whistle:
I can't believe that anyone on this board would even bring politics into this or try to rebuke Petraeus' decision to state publicly what he did. It's common sense. Radical Islam is an ideology, which can be strengthened or weakened and translate directly to added attacks. What do you think fuels attacks? Ideas. You can kill people. You can't kill an ideology, only strengthen it by such insanely insulting acts such as burning a Koran. Something a Kingergardner would do. The act of burning a Koran strengthens their ideology and in particular the idea that America is evil and against Islam. It may increase attacks against our troops.This is really going to piss off a lot of radicalists. Some Americans seem to be so pigheaded and egotistical, that they refuse to do anything that might represent 'bowing down' to radical islam, even if it simply the remission of an act such as burning a Koran. I find it extremely selfish that anyone would politicize this. You fuel the fire, you get burned. The problem, is that this guy is not going to be the one getting burned. It is going to be the families of the troops who may die as a result of increased attacks on US troops abroad. Use common fucking sense, and try not to be so smart. This is simple math.
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I can't believe that anyone on this board would even bring politics into this or try to rebuke Petraeus' decision to state publicly what he did. It's common sense. Radical Islam is an ideology, made, by definition, of ideas. The act of burning a Koran strengthens their ideology and in particular the idea that America is evil and against Islam. It may contribute to even one more attack on troops. I would guess more. This is really going to piss off a lot of radicalists. Some Americans seem to be so pigheaded and egotistical, that they refuse to do anything that might represent 'bowing down' to radical islam, even if it simply the remission of an act such as burning a Koran. I find it extremely selfish that anyone would politicize this. You fuel the fire, you get burned. The problem, is that this guy is not going to be the one getting burned. It is going to be the families of the troops who may die as a result of increased attacks on US troops abroad. Use common fucking sense, and try not to be so smart. This is simple math.

shitstains don't really do common fucking sense.

They do uncommon fucking nonsense as a rule.

with a few notable exceptions.
I can't believe that anyone on this board would even bring politics into this or try to rebuke Petraeus' decision to state publicly what he did. It's common sense. Radical Islam is an ideology, made, by definition, of ideas. The act of burning a Koran strengthens their ideology and in particular the idea that America is evil and against Islam. It may contribute to even one more attack on troops. I would guess more. This is really going to piss off a lot of radicalists. Some Americans seem to be so pigheaded and egotistical, that they refuse to do anything that might represent 'bowing down' to radical islam, even if it simply the remission of an act such as burning a Koran. I find it extremely selfish that anyone would politicize this. You fuel the fire, you get burned. The problem, is that this guy is not going to be the one getting burned. It is going to be the families of the troops who may die as a result of increased attacks on US troops abroad. Use common fucking sense, and try not to be so smart. This is simple math.

shitstains don't really do common fucking sense.

They do uncommon fucking nonsense as a rule.

with a few notable exceptions.

Agreed. There seems to be a shared pathology of ego within a lot of Americans, who are so wrapped up in their identity as this or that, they can't see things clearly, and defend and hold onto ideas so tightly, that they can't see the 'grey' which does exist in all of our realities. JEverything is black and white. Right or wrong. Patriotic or unpatriotic. American or un-American. Christian or not christian. Moral or not moral. It's child-like. Yo'ure supposed to learn to think for yourself, however, many, on both sides, but most obnoxiously on the right, seem to still bow down to their circles consensus on what is the trend of beliefs simply to conform. I honestly think these people are just insecure and cling to these beliefs to feel closer to others who share the same beliefs. Kind of like sheep. Their beliefs make them feel less insignificant, and backed by everyone else who believe the same thing. That's why idiots like Beck actually have a backing- insecurity and inability to face vulnerabiltity in life. It's like high school. Idiots stick together simply to avoid seeing the truth of reality, by pumping themselves full of short-sighted and intellectually void ideas to create a smoother reality that they can more easily digest. That is my contention anyways. I don't know why I went into this, I just find it pyschologically interesting why most of those on the right seemed to have become so radical and collectively unreasonable.
Been thinking about it a little more. Ive changed my mind. I dont think Petraeus should have said anything. Not because it's untrue or because he doesn't have the right to speak out. In fact, I'm glad someone said it. But because of his position, more people are paying attention to this story now and that could inadvertedly make things worse.
I'm really glad someone so high up and representative of our collective military operations in the middle-east is being real about something, anything. It is refreshing. It contrasts sharply with the political trend of keeping quite on anything that might hurt a political image.

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