Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

If this discussion has taught me anything it's that even the most liberal posters here really don't believe that Islam is a religion of peace, no matter how many times they try to jedi mind-trick themselves into believing it. If it were truly a religion of peace, this would be a non-issue.
And I've learned that you suffer from confirmation bias...and then some.

You don't even read the posts anymore, do you. :lol:

This coming from the dumbass that said NOBODY is claiming they don't have the right to burn the Korans. :rofl:

But of course I still think you did read the posts, I've just learned that you are greatly comprehension challenged... and then some. :thup:
I can't agree with this. They do have the right...just as we've always had the right to demonize anyone we are at war with.

The trouble, in this case, is that we are not at war with Islam. Burning the koran is like burning the pisses off innocent people.

If he was burning an effigy of bin laden I'd applaud him. But he isn't...but he does have the right to be an asshole. I only hope if anyone dies because of his misguided hatred he burns in hell (if there is one).

Patreaus has every right to call out this moron.

OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.
Millions? No.

YES. Reread what is being said, MILLIONS of Muslims across the planet will react violently to the Burning of a Koran. In all Muslim Countries and all Muslim enclaves in the middle east.
Ok RETARD, now find where I have said I support this guy. Go ahead quote it for me. What I have said and what you quoted is me telling you that legally this guy has every right to burn Korans he has purchased or people give to him. It is protected speech.

I notice you are not at all concerned with the fact that the mere burning of a book can cause a "peaceful" religion to advocate murder and mayhem all across the world. Aren't you one of those that keeps claiming only a small percent of Muslims are bad?
Delusional people are easily swayed by radicals. Why give the radicals more ammo? Why is this "Christian" pastor being such an asshole?

And yet you ignore the point. IF the mere burning of a koran excites the supposedly PEACEFUL, non radical Muslims you and others keep assuring us exist as the MAJORITY of Muslims, to violence and murder AND you can call them all radicals.... what happened to Islam is a religion of peace and the equally announced MOST Muslims are peaceful?
People aren't violent because they are Muslims...people are violent because they are fucked in the head.

Terrorists are fucked in the head. They use Islam and hatred of Islam to recruit others that are fucked in the head.

Are you really THIS stupid?
Instead of burning a Quran and inflamming muslims, why not just do something they do. Why not just behead a couple muslim girls on their way to prayer. Kind of a "eye for an eye" kind of thing the muslims believe in.
Delusional people are easily swayed by radicals. Why give the radicals more ammo? Why is this "Christian" pastor being such an asshole?

And yet you ignore the point. IF the mere burning of a koran excites the supposedly PEACEFUL, non radical Muslims you and others keep assuring us exist as the MAJORITY of Muslims, to violence and murder AND you can call them all radicals.... what happened to Islam is a religion of peace and the equally announced MOST Muslims are peaceful?
People aren't violent because they are Muslims...people are violent because they are fucked in the head.

Terrorists are fucked in the head. They use Islam and hatred of Islam to recruit others that are fucked in the head.

Are you really THIS stupid?

Mohammed must have been fucked in the head.
I can't agree with this. They do have the right...just as we've always had the right to demonize anyone we are at war with.

The trouble, in this case, is that we are not at war with Islam. Burning the koran is like burning the pisses off innocent people.

If he was burning an effigy of bin laden I'd applaud him. But he isn't...but he does have the right to be an asshole. I only hope if anyone dies because of his misguided hatred he burns in hell (if there is one).

Patreaus has every right to call out this moron.

OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.
Millions? No.

I said many of you not all.

Personally I do not think it will cause Millions of Muslims to actually be violent. But rest assured we will see Millions of them in the streets with signs calling for death to that preacher and all sorts of Violent shit.

We have seen that a hundred times over other things that Should not justify Violence, and it says a lot about how tolerant Islam is.

Hell a guy publishes a cartoon that Shows Mohammad in a less than holy light and we saw exactly that. Millions of Muslims rioting, and marching with signs calling for his death, and death to America and Death to Israel.

Yet lefties constantly claim the the vast Majority of Muslims are peaceful. When the truth is Islam is much more accepting of Violence and much less tolerant than you would have us believe. Violence and lack of tolerance for other religions is part and parcel of the Religion. Yes I am aware that some More Moderate Muslims claim that it is not, but when do you see crowds of them marching with rosey lets all get along signs? No all we see is this.


and this


and this


hmmmmm hmmmmm

Where are the Tolerant Muslims?
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And yet you ignore the point. IF the mere burning of a koran excites the supposedly PEACEFUL, non radical Muslims you and others keep assuring us exist as the MAJORITY of Muslims, to violence and murder AND you can call them all radicals.... what happened to Islam is a religion of peace and the equally announced MOST Muslims are peaceful?
People aren't violent because they are Muslims...people are violent because they are fucked in the head.

Terrorists are fucked in the head. They use Islam and hatred of Islam to recruit others that are fucked in the head.

Are you really THIS stupid?

Mohammed must have been fucked in the head.

and then some :thup:
OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.
Millions? No.

YES. Reread what is being said, MILLIONS of Muslims across the planet will react violently to the Burning of a Koran. In all Muslim Countries and all Muslim enclaves in the middle east.
Patreus said that? Link? Who said that?
They don't have the right to burn the Quran in a symbolic display whose intention is to undermine our mission in Afghanistan.

Just like you don't have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater, lie to the FBI, or yell "gimme all your money" in a bank.

Free speech has limits. where it tramples the rights of others the right ends.

Like my right to pursuit of happiness ends where my fist hits you face.
I can't agree with this. They do have the right...just as we've always had the right to demonize anyone we are at war with.

The trouble, in this case, is that we are not at war with Islam. Burning the koran is like burning the pisses off innocent people.

If he was burning an effigy of bin laden I'd applaud him. But he isn't...but he does have the right to be an asshole. I only hope if anyone dies because of his misguided hatred he burns in hell (if there is one).

Patreaus has every right to call out this moron.

OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.
OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.
Millions? No.

I said many of you not all.

Personally I do not think it will cause Millions of Muslims to actually be violent. But rest assured we will see Millions of them in the streets with signs calling for death to that preacher and all sorts of Violent shit.

We have seen that a hundred times over other things that Should not justify Violence, and it says a lot about how tolerant Islam is.

Hell a guy publishes a cartoon that Shows Mohammad in a less than holy light and we saw exactly that. Millions of Muslims rioting, and marching with signs calling for his death, and death to America and Death to Israel.

Yet lefties constantly claim the the vast Majority of Muslims are peaceful. When the truth is Islam is much more accepting of Violence and much less tolerant than you would have us believe.

like this?
Danish Mohammed Cartoons

But who gives a shit I don't . Why should we allow some third rate country's dictating anything to us?
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the pastor is so ignornant about islam he doesn't know that burning the quran is the actual proper way to dispose of the Quran in islam
I can't agree with this. They do have the right...just as we've always had the right to demonize anyone we are at war with.

The trouble, in this case, is that we are not at war with Islam. Burning the koran is like burning the pisses off innocent people.

If he was burning an effigy of bin laden I'd applaud him. But he isn't...but he does have the right to be an asshole. I only hope if anyone dies because of his misguided hatred he burns in hell (if there is one).

Patreaus has every right to call out this moron.

OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Oh really? :confused:

So you honestly think this pastor has nothing to worry about because all the muslims here in the states are peace loving and wouldn't dream of slitting his throat?
OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Oh really? :confused:

So you honestly think this pastor has nothing to worry about because all the muslims here in the states are peace loving and wouldn't dream of slitting his throat?

No, he has reportedly had hundreds of death threats actually.
I can't agree with this. They do have the right...just as we've always had the right to demonize anyone we are at war with.

The trouble, in this case, is that we are not at war with Islam. Burning the koran is like burning the pisses off innocent people.

If he was burning an effigy of bin laden I'd applaud him. But he isn't...but he does have the right to be an asshole. I only hope if anyone dies because of his misguided hatred he burns in hell (if there is one).

Patreaus has every right to call out this moron.

OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.
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the pastor is so ignornant about islam he doesn't know that burning the quran is the actual proper way to dispose of the Quran in islam

Really then they should not have any problem with it?

Allamah ibn Abidin, a great Hanafi Scholar states,

“If a copy of the Qur’an becomes old and it is difficult to read it, it should NOT be burnt in fire.”

This is also the view of Imam Mohammed (Student of Imam Abu Hanifah). It is best to bury them after wrapping them into something pure and clean.

The conclusion is, there are two methods of disposing an unusable Qur’an and Islamic literature:

(1) Wrapping them in a piece of cloth or something pure and burying them respectfully in a place where people normally do not walk upon.

(2) Fastening the items to something heavy such as a stone and placing it respectfully in flowing river.

If the above-mentioned two methods are not possible to implement, only then will it be permitted to burn the Holy Scriptures and then bury the resulting ash or drop the ash in a flowing river.

Disposing of Scripture
OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.
Millions? No.

I said many of you not all.

Personally I do not think it will cause Millions of Muslims to actually be violent. But rest assured we will see Millions of them in the streets with signs calling for death to that preacher and all sorts of Violent shit.

We have seen that a hundred times over other things that Should not justify Violence, and it says a lot about how tolerant Islam is.

Hell a guy publishes a cartoon that Shows Mohammad in a less than holy light and we saw exactly that. Millions of Muslims rioting, and marching with signs calling for his death, and death to America and Death to Israel.

Yet lefties constantly claim the the vast Majority of Muslims are peaceful. When the truth is Islam is much more accepting of Violence and much less tolerant than you would have us believe. Violence and lack of tolerance for other religions is part and parcel of the Religion. Yes I am aware that some More Moderate Muslims claim that it is not, but when do you see crowds of them marching with rosey lets all get along signs? No all we see is this.


and this


and this


hmmmmm hmmmmm

Where are the Tolerant Muslims?

did you know that conservative imams and shaikhs say that protesting is not even allowed in islam because it usually serves no benefit and it incites anger in people.

stop listening to the media. the media acted like the whole muslim world was rioting.

i was in the middle east during that time. vast majority of the just boycotted danish products and it was a minority that was out there rioting.

its just media was just focusing on the minority like they always do when it comes to islam.
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OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.

There's A LOT of them! :lol: Over one and a half BILLION people.

I don't think I ever made such a claim but now that you mention it...
OMG I agree with Ravi and Jil on the same day. The planets truly are aligned.

I think an important lesson to be learned from this however is about the left, and their distortion of the facts about Islam. It seems 99% of the time they talk about how tolerant and Peaceful Islam is, Yet in this thread I see most of you admitting that the simple act of Burning some Books might incite Violence among Millions of Muslims around the world.

Food for thought.

Not exactly "around the world" just the ones still over there on the battle field with nothing to lose and willing to die for their misperceptions.

Like I said They wont actually be violent in Massive numbers. But Massive numbers of them will march and riot, and hold signs calling for others to be violent for them all around the world. They already are and the books have yet to be burned. You all know who the others are :)

You lefties still have not addressed the real issue here. That every time someone says something bad about Islam, or Burns a book, or prints a cartoon. Literally Millions of Muslims come out into the streets and openly call for Violence and killing. I ask again just how Tolerant is that? Taken with all the other signs of intolerance in the Muslim world How can you keep claiming the vast Majority of Muslims are Tolerant?

Simple question.
There you go again. Millions? NO. Not millions. Some fucktards that are easily swayed by people that want to sway them and know how to push their buttons.

In reality, you and manifold are more like those tools that the rest of us are simply because you buy into the rhetoric that millions will be swayed.

did you know that conservative imams and shaikhs say that protesting is not even allowed in islam because it usually serves no benefit and it incites anger in people.

stop listening to the media. the media acted like the whole muslim world was rioting.

i was in the middle east during that time. vast majority of the just boycotted danish products and it was a minority that was out there rioting.

its just media was just focusing on the minority like they always do when it comes to islam.

Love the way you make pronouncements for islam and never provide scriptural support,
Why dont I ever do that?

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