Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

You know, all that rapport that our military has spent the past several years developing over there in the ME can be blown apart, leaving our soldiers with mistrustful people, who will then turn back to the Taliban and Al Queda.

That would wipe out all the progress we've done over there in a day. Do you REALLY want to see our military have to deploy combat brigades back into Iraq, just because some fuckwit in Florida with a preacher's license decides that Islam is from the Devil?

Oh yeah.........have any of you others thought how the Muslim troops serving in our military are going to feel?
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If you value freedom you MUST be willing to accept the bad with the good. Period.
Hey ManyPoled ('re a pillow biting donut puncher, if you had as many dicks poking outta you as you have had in you, you'd look like a fucking porcupine)'s not the freedom and accepting the bad with the good that I'm worried about...........

It's the safety of my fellow brothers and sisters in arms and how this stupid fuck is gonna jeopardize it that I'm concerned with.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

That is an outright lie. Either that or you're ignorant of the facts. Opponents of the mosque DID try to get the government to declare the mosque site a historic landmark as a weasel attempt to block it.

Asking the government to declare a building a historical landmark doesn't violate anyone's civil rights does it?

The city of Gainesville has tried to block this churches freedom of expression by denying them a burn permit.

Is that a 'weasel attempt' ?

Not if it is applied to everyone equally, like declaring a historical landmark.

It is asking the government to do something, which you claimed no one opposed to the mosque ever did.

So you were wrong, quit trying to weasel out of it. Be a man for ONCE in your wretched excuse for a life.

You're giving me the impression that you would support infringing on this douche pastor's 1st Amendment rights given the circumstances. Is that your position?
If you value freedom you MUST be willing to accept the bad with the good. Period.

So why can't the peaceful DOVE minister value and accept his freedom to NOT thoroughly offend MANY good and peaceful people? He should.
If you value freedom you MUST be willing to accept the bad with the good. Period.

We dont have to accept crime syndicates that are posing as religions.

True story.

Who said anything about Scientology? :confused:
Where did Islams only "prophet" get his money?

I think Muslims in this country pretty well understand the situation and are aware that the actions of some lunatic preacher does not represent the sentiments of most Americans nor the intentions of the government. However, in many countries where Islam is the state religion, it is logical for them to assume that this action does represents the feelings of the people and the government. And there lies the problem.
But when one person's use of natural rights (our freedoms as Americans) infringes upon another's, it is the place of government (or another impartial body) to arbitrate and decide which person's rights must be, in that specific case, limited. Now the question is simply of whose rights are to prevail: those of a Mr. Dove himself, or those of the families of our servicemen in the ME.

I don't think your problem is really with "rights" at all. You seem to be more put off at giving the appearance of giving in to the mooslums.
It's shitheads like this pastor that give the left something to beef about.

He's a total dumb-ass with just enough gray-matter to function. He's a couple of apples short of an apple-cart.

Burning Korans is despicable and exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught us. We have to learn acceptance of others, turning the other cheek. Not paybacks.
But, as anyone who can read will notice, that is not sedition, it is treason. I would also like to point out that this group is ding a lot of things, but only a complete idiot would try to argue that offending someone and getting them mad is giving aid and comfort to them.

Just saying.

Now we will see if you are a complete idiot, or just a partial one.

sedition is a common practice n our history in which laws are passed during times of war that limit free speech. You jumped to a stupid assumption, the point sailed over your head.

doing things that are almost certain to assist in their recruitment, undermine our hard fought efforts to cultivate trust among the MUSLIM civilian populations of Iraq, Iran, PAKISTAN as well as the rest of the arab nations involved in the peace process is definitely giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

The fact that it is also likely to trigger suicide attacks targeting our own forces makes it unpatriotic and unAmerican as well.

AND it is a hate crime. And can be prosecuted as such in a time of war.

This issue is proof positive that there is a vibrant faction of radical fundamentalist whack jobs, potential terrorists even, living amongst us in the US.

Are you with US or against US?
And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

If you think that burning Korans is wrong then don't burn one.

Just like those that think abortion is wrong don't have to have one.

And you can call bullshit all you want but you'll still be wrong. As long as you've known me I've ALWAYS been a champion of the Bill of Rights... ALL OF THEM.
And you've always been for pissing off Muslims.

No one said they don't have the right to burn the korans...only that they are stupid backward asswipes for doing it.
And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You would DENY a man his 1st Amendment rights cause he might offend Muslims? Where were you for Piss Christ? The only difference is you are afraid Muslims will murder people and you know Christians won't when you offend them.
:lol: Where did I say they couldn't do it, you stupid twit? I am hugely amused at you rightwingloons and your encouragement of people that do idiotic things that endanger the troops.

Your hatred is beyond astounding. Have you decided against JW and decided to join Fred Phelps? Phony christian butwipe.
You know, all that rapport that our military has spent the past several years developing over there in the ME can be blown apart, leaving our soldiers with mistrustful people, who will then turn back to the Taliban and Al Queda.

That would wipe out all the progress we've done over there in a day. Do you REALLY want to see our military have to deploy combat brigades back into Iraq, just because some fuckwit in Florida with a preacher's license decides that Islam is from the Devil?

Oh yeah.........have any of you others thought how the Muslim troops serving in our military are going to feel?

You keep posting this and claim you do not want the Government to stop him. So why post this? Are you hoping some one else will stop him?

He has a LEGAL right to do what ever he wants with books he buys or are donated to him. What you SHOULD be asking is why our Government keeps telling us Islam is a peaceful religion when they will murder people just for burning a Koran.

I don't recall any one murdered over piss Christ nor anyone murdered over that atrocity that the Jewish Ambassador knocked the lights out to. No large scale riots with buildings burned either.
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

If you think that burning Korans is wrong then don't burn one.

Just like those that think abortion is wrong don't have to have one.

And you can call bullshit all you want but you'll still be wrong. As long as you've known me I've ALWAYS been a champion of the Bill of Rights... ALL OF THEM.
And you've always been for pissing off Muslims.

No one said they don't have the right to burn the korans...only that they are stupid backward asswipes for doing it.

MaggieMae, Loosecannon, ABS and a d-bag sockpuppet (see if you can spot it) have all said or implied that they don't have the right to burn the korans.

Try to keep up. :thup:
But when one person's use of natural rights (our freedoms as Americans) infringes upon another's, it is the place of government (or another impartial body) to arbitrate and decide which person's rights must be, in that specific case, limited. Now the question is simply of whose rights are to prevail: those of a Mr. Dove himself, or those of the families of our servicemen in the ME.

I don't think your problem is really with "rights" at all. You seem to be more put off at giving the appearance of giving in to the mooslums.

Or they really just want to piss down the throat of Islam and this is their golden opportunity.

Hate freaks fomenting holy wars are not Christians and Christ would have nothing to do with them.

"get thee behind me Quran burners" ~ Jesus Christ

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