Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

Um so if you have not lived over seas, you have no right to express your opinion.

I C interesting

Hey stupid.........I served in the military and understand exactly how critical it is that the place you're in has a good impression of America, otherwise you're open to shit like USO's blowing up, as well as demonstrations against your ship when it comes into port.

Trouble is, over there, they think that ANYONE who shows up on television is someone respected over here. They would think that this idiot speaks as much for Christianity as Billy Graham, when in reality, the Florida preacher is on a Fred Phelps level of stupidity.

Yeah.........sure.........burn the us all how much you DON'T support the troops.

Hey dumb ass. First off I am not for burning the Quarans,and I have said more than once that the general is probably right. I simply acknowledge their legal right to do so. I did not server in the military but I have been to Israel more than once, and turkey once.

You are right that they are ignorant and stupid to do it, but they have that right.

What I do take offense to is anyone, including you, saying if you have not served or been over seas you are not allowed to have an opinion.

That said.

Thank you for your service :)
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If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You would DENY a man his 1st Amendment rights cause he might offend Muslims? Where were you for Piss Christ? The only difference is you are afraid Muslims will murder people and you know Christians won't when you offend them.
No Charles, you ignorant fuckwit..........consider this.........there is a REDUCED number of troops over there in Iraq right now, additionally all the Iraqi security forces ARE MUSLIM!

If this idiot burns the Quarans on 9/11 like he's stated, it's going to affect the troops serving in the ME.

Just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

And yes, if you support burning Quarans on 9/11, then you are NOT in support of our military. It's just that simple.
No Charles, you ignorant fuckwit..........consider this.........there is a REDUCED number of troops over there in Iraq right now, additionally all the Iraqi security forces ARE MUSLIM!

If this idiot burns the Quarans on 9/11 like he's stated, it's going to affect the troops serving in the ME.

Just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

And yes, if you support burning Quarans on 9/11, then you are NOT in support of our military. It's just that simple.

If you support the Government preventing him from burning them then you do not support the Constitution. Which means you do not support this Country, which means you shit on every service person that has ever served and what they sacrificed.
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

I tell you what I will do I will start burning every fucking quran I can get my hands on so fuck you. They do not respect us they want us to bend over backwards to kiss their ass. You can eat shit and die for all I care.

That is why bigreb almost no one cares what you think: you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, who simply hates.
Um so if you have not lived over seas, you have no right to express your opinion.

I C interesting

Hey stupid.........I served in the military and understand exactly how critical it is that the place you're in has a good impression of America, otherwise you're open to shit like USO's blowing up, as well as demonstrations against your ship when it comes into port.

Trouble is, over there, they think that ANYONE who shows up on television is someone respected over here. They would think that this idiot speaks as much for Christianity as Billy Graham, when in reality, the Florida preacher is on a Fred Phelps level of stupidity.

Yeah.........sure.........burn the us all how much you DON'T support the troops.

Hey dumb ass. First off I am not for burning the Quarans,and I have said more than once that the general is probably right. I simply acknowledge their legal right to do so. I did not server in the military but I have been to Israel more than once, and turkey once.

You are right that they are ignorant and stupid to do it, but they have that right.

What I do take offense to is anyone, including you, saying if you have not served or been over seas you are not allowed to have an opinion.

That said.

Thank you for your service :)

If you have not lived overseas or served outside the country, your understanding of the situation almost certainly is limited. You have every right to give an erroneous opinion, because this is America.
No Charles, you ignorant fuckwit..........consider this.........there is a REDUCED number of troops over there in Iraq right now, additionally all the Iraqi security forces ARE MUSLIM!

If this idiot burns the Quarans on 9/11 like he's stated, it's going to affect the troops serving in the ME.

Just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

And yes, if you support burning Quarans on 9/11, then you are NOT in support of our military. It's just that simple.

If you support the Government preventing him from burning them then you do not support the Constitution. Which means you do not support this Country, which means you shit on every service person that has ever served and what they sacrificed.

Hey Retarded Grungy Shithead............wanna show me where I said the Government should stop him?

I'll give you a hint........I never did. I simply stated that this idiot shouldn't do it because it's gonna have a negative impact on the troops serving overseas.

And yes, if you support this ignorant 'tard in his protest, you DON'T support the troops.

Never did I say the Government should stop him, but that's understandable when you listen to people like Dr. Laura and Palin who think Dr. Laura's free speech was violated.

You know, for a military retiree, you sure are an ignorant asshole.
No Charles, you ignorant fuckwit..........consider this.........there is a REDUCED number of troops over there in Iraq right now, additionally all the Iraqi security forces ARE MUSLIM!

If this idiot burns the Quarans on 9/11 like he's stated, it's going to affect the troops serving in the ME.

Just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

And yes, if you support burning Quarans on 9/11, then you are NOT in support of our military. It's just that simple.

If you support the Government preventing him from burning them then you do not support the Constitution. Which means you do not support this Country, which means you shit on every service person that has ever served and what they sacrificed.

Hey Retarded Grungy Shithead............wanna show me where I said the Government should stop him?

I'll give you a hint........I never did. I simply stated that this idiot shouldn't do it because it's gonna have a negative impact on the troops serving overseas.

And yes, if you support this ignorant 'tard in his protest, you DON'T support the troops.

Never did I say the Government should stop him, but that's understandable when you listen to people like Dr. Laura and Palin who think Dr. Laura's free speech was violated.

You know, for a military retiree, you sure are an ignorant asshole.

Sure thing liar. You are spouting off in the hopes someone forces him to stop. By the way, be so kind as to quote for me where I SUPPORTED his burning Qurans. Or you can just admit you are beyond stupid.
I see that AFakeSailor can be counted among the rest of the pussies that believe we should refrain from exercising our constitutional rights here at home so as not to offend the hyper-sensitive sensibilities of violent muslims.

I always thought his tough talk was just a front, to compensate for some deep seeded insecurities. Now I KNOW it is.

True story :thup:
So this fool, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida thinks his symbolic burning of the Quran on 9/11 will amount to standing up to Islam ? Well, he should take some advice from the men who are actually standing up to them face-to-face, that this is an extremely unwise thing to do right now.

Here's hoping he sees the light changes his mind. :eusa_pray:

Jones told the AP in a phone interview that he is also concerned but wonders how many times the U.S. can back down.

"We think it's time to turn the tables, and instead of possibly blaming us for what could happen, we put the blame where it belongs — on the people who would do it," he said. "And maybe instead of addressing us, we should address radical Islam and send a very clear warning that they are not to retaliate in any form."

Aaaaah what the hell do you think our soldiers are doing over there, mister delusional holy man ? :cuckoo:

He's just another nut looking for his 15 minutes of fame, IMO

Apparently, if we are to believe everyone who opposes this stupidity, they are worried about getting killed by peaceful Muslims because of this book burning.

No, they are worried for the soldiers who are currently in harm's way.
I see that AFakeSailor can be counted among the rest of the pussies that believe we should refrain from exercising our constitutional rights here at home so as not to offend the hyper-sensitive sensibilities of violent muslims.

I always thought his tough talk was just a front, to compensate for some deep seeded insecurities. Now I KNOW it is.

True story :thup:

Who said anyone should refrain from abiding the constitution???
The Muslim radicals who politicize their cause will always find something to stir the pot over. If it's not the book burning, then it's the anti-mosque protest in New York, or it's the fact that the United States doesn't officially observe Ramadan, or it's the fact that Hollywood portrays Muslims as terrorists in the movie "Green Zone." It's gonna be something!

I'm surprised that General Petraeus commented on it one way or the other. The smart thing to do would have been to just ignore the whole issue because it really doesn't have any bearing on military operations. The Muslim militants will attack US troops because they are determined to do so. They don't need some wacko in Florida to inspire them. They will find some reason, any reason, to justify their attacks. Petraeus should be smart enough to know that.

I am sure the muslims world wide will take this opportunity to demonstrate just how "tolerant" they can be.
I have no problem with korans being burned in a bonfire and used to roast hot dogs. This is America. such is the nature of our liberty. Our troops are threatened regardless.
People shouldn't be bullied into forfeiting the use of their rights, whether it's done by some rabid cave-dwellers on the other side of the world about a book burning, or some over-sensitive Americans getting all touchy-fewewy about Park 51.

There's some irony in this thread. There are people who don't have a problem with this overtly divisive and insensitive and, literally, inflammatory act. That in and of itself is fine. But yet some of these people are the same ones who were whining about Park 51 being divisive and insensitive. Fucking clowns.
He has the right to burn the books.
I also think the media should exercise their right not to cover it. Don't give him any attention, and it be made into a circus. The man is just doing it to get attention.
I have no problem with korans being burned in a bonfire and used to roast hot dogs. This is America. such is the nature of our liberty. Our troops are threatened regardless.

Yes they are threatened regardless but it is an opportunity for a formal gesture one way or the other...I choose the other.
I have no problem with korans being burned in a bonfire and used to roast hot dogs. This is America. such is the nature of our liberty. Our troops are threatened regardless.

Yes they are threatened regardless but it is an opportunity for a formal gesture one way or the other...I choose the other.

No, it's an opportunity to balk at the very liberties which make our nation as great as it is. And, at the end of the day, even if they don't get torched the troops will STILL be in danger from sensitive dogma junkies of the islamic flavor. Restricting this guy's American rights won't change any opinions one way or another; rather, it will give christian dogma junkies a reason to cry foul. It's a book. nothing more, nothing less. More are made every day. Koran readers can get over it just like christians can when someone shits on their icons of faith.
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

I tell you what I will do I will start burning every fucking quran I can get my hands on so fuck you. They do not respect us they want us to bend over backwards to kiss their ass. You can eat shit and die for all I care.

That is why bigreb almost no one cares what you think: you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, who simply hates.

you are a lying son of a bitch. true story It does appear no one gives a shit about you think starkey true story.
I see that AFakeSailor can be counted among the rest of the pussies that believe we should refrain from exercising our constitutional rights here at home so as not to offend the hyper-sensitive sensibilities of violent muslims.

I always thought his tough talk was just a front, to compensate for some deep seeded insecurities. Now I KNOW it is.

True story :thup:

Shouting "fire" in a crowded building when there is not one is illegal, even though there is the right to free speech in this country.

There are currently troops overseas, who's well being and survival, as well as accomplishment of the mission, kinda depends on how America is seen. Giving this church spewing hate merchant coverage, as well as agreeing with him puts America in a bad light, which in turn, translates over to hatred towards the troops.

Remember the USO bombings in the 80's? I do. One of them took out a USO the day after we left port. Why? Because some of the policies that America had translated into hate for those serving overseas.

This idiot burning the books is gonna put our troops in more harms way. If you support his burning of the books, you DON'T support the troops.
manifold said:
I see that AFakeSailor can be counted among the rest of the pussies that believe we should refrain from exercising our constitutional rights here at home so as not to offend the hyper-sensitive sensibilities of violent muslims.

-Exactly. No wait, not exactly. I meant completely ridiculous. I'm going to go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that post away as an emotional response. Everybody gets 1.

I don't think I'm a pussy for subjugating my profound (and it is most profound) hatred for our enemies to my desire to give people like my dad and brother a better chance at coming home safe and maybe even permanently someday. This is a tricky issue, perhaps a time for some of you absolutists (like myself) to dip your toes into a gray area.

Many of you here seem to be forgetting that our military is made up of people. People don't want to die or get shot. Yes, they may have beliefs that lead to them risking their lives and health, but nobody knowingly goes on a mission that is destined to fail. However highly-trained, specialized, and equipped they may be, and however deeply they too thirst for blood and vengeance, they are people, they fight for their own reasons, they have families, and they should not be treated with what is tantamount to disdain by the very people they are sworn to protect, and who swear to support them.

By asking that batsh*t-crazy church to not burn Korans, I'm not a pussy, I just happen to think that Americans should be a little more thoughtful about how and why we exert our (considerable) power, and maybe take a minute to understand what may be best for the people who make that happen.


-The Jerk

EDIT: I may not have been around for the original posting, but I'd like to see some proof of anyone not being a real service member before you go spewing that kind of dishonor in a half-baked tirade.
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