Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

You know.......this is one of those things that is going to be used by the Taliban and Al Queda to boost recruiting for more terrorists, as well as there will probably be a spike in the suicide bombings.

Considering that the combat operations have stopped in Iraq, and there are many FEWER troops over there, this preacher burning books is gonna just fan the flames.

What really pissed me off this morning is the preacher's reply to Petraeus......."Sorry if people die, but we have to stand up to Islam".

The fucking idiot is acknowledging that it could cause problems, yet is STILL going to do it!

Wonder what's gonna happen? I've heard that he's already had death threats put on him and his congregation. And know what the worst part is about this? The people over in the ME think this asshole is respected and speaks for all Christians, not realizing that he's closer to Fred Phelps than he is to Billy Graham.
Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

ADHERING. Cleaving to, or joining; as, adhering to the enemies of the United States.
adhering legal definition of adhering. adhering synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

cleaving - definition of cleaving by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

That would appear to be any who defend our enemy's Even the president

You are entitled to an erroneous opinion.
A trillion dollar defense budget vs. a bunch of hooligans with Ak47s and home made bombs and a church burning Korans presents some sort of threat to the troops?

Who the fuck is running this operation and why are we getting screwed?

these hooligans defeated russia....
<---against any kind of book burning be it the bible or the cant burn ideas and that is what books are....i am just totally against it
Ok, let's call off the war. Assume you are President with the full backing of Congress. You can do damn well whatever you want to deal with this this menace. What would you?
What I have been doing
You probably think you are doing a great service by warning everyone of the problem. However, I would say your actions are more like the man who screams fire in a crowed auditorium without pointing to the exits.

That's because you are an idiot.
You're not the only one.
A trillion dollar defense budget vs. a bunch of hooligans with Ak47s and home made bombs and a church burning Korans presents some sort of threat to the troops?

Who the fuck is running this operation and why are we getting screwed?

these hooligans defeated russia....

no one since alexander the great has conquered afghanistan. but we're not trying to conquer it. had it been done properly for the first 8 years, perhaps we'd be done already. but there seems to be less and less justification for being there.

on the other hand, the loons really have to stop this koran-burning and agitating garbage. things like that make great recruiting posters.
<---against any kind of book burning be it the bible or the cant burn ideas and that is what books are....i am just totally against it

Fahrenheit 451 in a nutshell. :thup:

The Muslim radicals who politicize their cause will always find something to stir the pot over. If it's not the book burning, then it's the anti-mosque protest in New York, or it's the fact that the United States doesn't officially observe Ramadan, or it's the fact that Hollywood portrays Muslims as terrorists in the movie "Green Zone." It's gonna be something!

I'm surprised that General Petraeus commented on it one way or the other. The smart thing to do would have been to just ignore the whole issue because it really doesn't have any bearing on military operations. The Muslim militants will attack US troops because they are determined to do so. They don't need some wacko in Florida to inspire them. They will find some reason, any reason, to justify their attacks. Petraeus should be smart enough to know that.

It does have a bearing on military operations. The reason why he commented is because he is seeing an increase in hostility to American troops in Afghanistan directly. There is cause and effect. Yes, Muslim radicals will always want to attack us, but not every single Muslim extremist is going to attack at every single second. Everyone has a tipping point, and demonstrations of intolerant hostility - which is what these braindead rednecks burning Korans are doing - will push many more over the edge to think it is now worthy of risking their lives by trying to kill American troops.

Yep, I agree...We should speak out against this foolish book burning.

Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on the nature of the threats or violence that could occur, but westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places amid the rising tensions.

Other senior military leaders echoed Gen. Petraeus comments Monday. Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, who oversees the effort to train Afghan security forces said he was informed of the planned Florida protests several days ago by a senior minister in the Afghan government.

Gen. Caldwell said many Afghans do not understand either the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment or the fact that President Barack Obama can't simply issue a decree to stop Mr. Jones from his demonstration. Military officials said they were not trying to deny Mr. Jones his right to free speech, but feared he was not thinking about the consequences of his actions.

"There is no question about First Amendment rights; that is not the issue," Gen. Caldwell said. "The question is: What is the implication over here? It is going to jeopardize the men and women serving in Afghanistan."
[Petraus.2] Zuma Press

Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., says he will burn copies of the Quran

Military officials also fear that if video of the Quran burning is broadcast in Afghanistan, tensions could rise between NATO forces and the Afghan military and police. Allegations of mishandling the Quran have interrupted Afghan security training at least twice this year, Gen. Caldwell said.

In one instance, a Quran fell to the ground when an American officer opened a locker during an inspection of Afghan trainees' barracks. The rumor quickly spread that the officer had thrown it to the ground, angering the trainees at the camp. "He quickly apologized, but rumors took off like wildfire," Gen. Caldwell said. "It was so hard to get the misperception turned around we stopped all training for the rest of the day."
Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 115 > Section 2381

§ 2381. Treason

Title 18 of the US Code as currently published by the US Government reflects the laws passed by Congress as of Feb.1, 2010

US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute

Erm, that is different to the alien and sedition acts that expired more than 200 years ago fellow. ;)

No actually the alien and sedition acts have been with us since the late 17th century and are still with us now.

A) they are codified in international law
B) we enact variations with almost every new war only to repeal them at wars end.

C) the red scare was a campaign enforcing sedition
D) I am all but posiive we have sedition acts n the books today tucked inside the patriot act or any of a number of other legislation passed since, perhaps the military commissions act.

My point about alien and sedition acts seemed to sail over your head tho.

It is ordinary for freedom of speech to be curtailed in times of war.

Eugene Debs was imprisoned in the WWI era merely for making speeches opposing the war. He was charged with sedition, which is mentioned in our constitution.

he later ran for president while in prison and gained nearly a million votes.
You know.......this is one of those things that is going to be used by the Taliban and Al Queda to boost recruiting for more terrorists, as well as there will probably be a spike in the suicide bombings.

Considering that the combat operations have stopped in Iraq, and there are many FEWER troops over there, this preacher burning books is gonna just fan the flames.

What really pissed me off this morning is the preacher's reply to Petraeus......."Sorry if people die, but we have to stand up to Islam".

The fucking idiot is acknowledging that it could cause problems, yet is STILL going to do it!

Wonder what's gonna happen? I've heard that he's already had death threats put on him and his congregation. And know what the worst part is about this? The people over in the ME think this asshole is respected and speaks for all Christians, not realizing that he's closer to Fred Phelps than he is to Billy Graham.

OH PLEASE, the propaganda state run news organizations over there already say we do shit like this all the time!

Iraq: Sucide Bombings OK, Iraqi Politician
MEMRI: Former Al-Qaeda Military Emir of Baghdad Justifies Killing of Civilians as Collateral Damage in Terrorist Attacks

Iran: Blood Libel and holocaust Denial
MEMRI: Syrian Author Muhammad Nimr Al-Madani: In Many Countries, the Jews Kill People and Mix Their Blood with the Matza of Zion; The Old Testament Describes How to Build a Crematorium

Egypt: Blood Libel
MEMRI: Egyptian Child Preacher: The Levy of Blood Will Be Paid for the Al-Aqsa Mosque

UAE: 9/11 Troofers
MEMRI: Iraqi Cleric Sheik Ahmad Al-Kubeisi: No One Believes the 9/11 Story Anymore; Americans Respect a Strong Enemy

Afghanistan: Women Risk Their Lives Everyday To Come to School
MEMRI: Al-Jazeera TV Report on Women&#039;s Education in Kandahar, Afghanistan: Women Risk Their Lives Every Day to Come to School
You know.......this is one of those things that is going to be used by the Taliban and Al Queda to boost recruiting for more terrorists, as well as there will probably be a spike in the suicide bombings.

Considering that the combat operations have stopped in Iraq, and there are many FEWER troops over there, this preacher burning books is gonna just fan the flames.

What really pissed me off this morning is the preacher's reply to Petraeus......."Sorry if people die, but we have to stand up to Islam".

The fucking idiot is acknowledging that it could cause problems, yet is STILL going to do it!

this idiot wants to fan the flames because in his crazy world islam is the "DEVIL"!

So he wants the "army of righteousness" or the military of the christian USA to initiate armagedon.

This is hate speech and can be prosecuted with US laws.

Free speech or not if they burn the books on 9/11 before rolling cameras, this guy goes to prison.
Last edited:
A trillion dollar defense budget vs. a bunch of hooligans with Ak47s and home made bombs and a church burning Korans presents some sort of threat to the troops?

Who the fuck is running this operation and why are we getting screwed?

these hooligans defeated russia....

Never would have been close to possible without the more sophisticated then Russian weaponry the US provided!
If they want to burn em let them. It is their right. It may not be smart but it is their RIGHT.

if I have to tolerate Left wing assholes burning the flag then we all have to tolerate this bone headed move as well.
<---against any kind of book burning be it the bible or the cant burn ideas and that is what books are....i am just totally against it

Me too!

Can you believe the church is actually called the Dove World Outreach Center ??? :doubt: :cuckoo:
A trillion dollar defense budget vs. a bunch of hooligans with Ak47s and home made bombs and a church burning Korans presents some sort of threat to the troops?

Who the fuck is running this operation and why are we getting screwed?

these hooligans defeated russia....

no one since alexander the great has conquered afghanistan. but we're not trying to conquer it. had it been done properly for the first 8 years, perhaps we'd be done already. but there seems to be less and less justification for being there.

on the other hand, the loons really have to stop this koran-burning and agitating garbage. things like that make great recruiting posters.

The historical analysis of the inconquerable Afghanistan is not quite apples to apples. Its much harder to move an army by foot throught the dangerous mountains of Afghanistan, as the Greeks, Mongols and British Army tried to do.

The Soviets would have easily conquered the Afghanis if (1) The US didn't provide the jihadis with more sophisticated weapons than the Russian had or (2) They weren't trying ti national build, they were trying to kill ass the WW II, the way they did in Georgia.

We are trying to nation build in a country that has was in the dark ages before we got their and has always been one of the poorest, least sophisticated, most violence and least educated countries in the world. This would be a hard feat even if there was no resistance, no Jihadis and they embraced us.

What we should have done is stated "we are invading an enemy that attacked us! We are not their to build their country up, but to attack them for killing 3,000 innocent Americans." We need to go in a fight the war of crushing and conquering he enemy! No of occuping and nation building!

The reason Iraq does look good, is because it was a relatively sophisticated country before we went in! It had a modern economy and infrastructure. Afghanistan is the equivalent to middle ages, but with cell phones and AK47s!
So this fool, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida thinks his symbolic burning of the Quran on 9/11 will amount to standing up to Islam ? Well, he should take some advice from the men who are actually standing up to them face-to-face, that this is an extremely unwise thing to do right now.

Here's hoping he sees the light changes his mind. :eusa_pray:

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center said he understands the government's concerns, but plans to go forward with the burning this Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the attacks.

He left the door open to change his mind, saying he is still praying about his decision, which was condemned Tuesday by an interfaith coalition
that met in Washington to respond to a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry.

Gen. David Petraeus warned in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence."

Dove World Outreach Center pastor Terry Jones plans to burn copies of the Quran on September 11th. |
So this fool, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida thinks his symbolic burning of the Quran on 9/11 will amount to standing up to Islam ? Well, he should take some advice from the men who are actually standing up to them face-to-face, that this is an extremely unwise thing to do right now.

Here's hoping he sees the light changes his mind. :eusa_pray:

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center said he understands the government's concerns, but plans to go forward with the burning this Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the attacks.

He left the door open to change his mind, saying he is still praying about his decision, which was condemned Tuesday by an interfaith coalition
that met in Washington to respond to a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry.

Gen. David Petraeus warned in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan &#8212; and around the world &#8212; to inflame public opinion and incite violence."

Dove World Outreach Center pastor Terry Jones plans to burn copies of the Quran on September 11th. |

Jones told the AP in a phone interview that he is also concerned but wonders how many times the U.S. can back down.

"We think it's time to turn the tables, and instead of possibly blaming us for what could happen, we put the blame where it belongs &#8212; on the people who would do it," he said. "And maybe instead of addressing us, we should address radical Islam and send a very clear warning that they are not to retaliate in any form."

Aaaaah what the hell do you think our soldiers are doing over there, mister delusional holy man ? :cuckoo:

He's just another nut looking for his 15 minutes of fame, IMO

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