Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Or maybe he cares about the safety of our soldiers?

What good would it have done during ww2 to demonize all Asians and thereby categorize them with the Japanese? Oh, none.

Sure, the "christian" pastor is entitled to be a fucktard. But that doesn't make it a good thing.

But how incredibly funny to watch the rightwingloons applaud something that endangers the troops. :lol:

Yet there is a good thing out there to make up for this bad thing this group is doing by burning Qur'ans. As a result of this desecration, those peace loving and friendly Muslims get to show their tolerance and ability to forgive.

Several hundred Afghans chanting "Death to America" rallied outside a mosque in the Afghan capital on Monday to protest against an American church's plan to burn a copy of the Koran on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Afghans protest U.S. church's plans to torch Koran | World | Reuters


Your problem is you think they are justified, while the group in FL is wrong, the truth is they are both wrong. Funny thing though, only one of those groups wants to kill you, and it ain't the scumbag Christians you keep sneering at.
Excuse me? I don't care what assholes in other countries do. I care about what asshole Americans do.

Scumbag Christians? My, must be an asshole yourself.

Did I ever claim not to be an asshole? Fuck, I have even given up on claiming I am not a racist, just so that I can argue my points without getting bogged down in trying to prove a self evident truth.

The problem here is that you think that what happens in other countries does not matter to you, it does. If we had paid more attention to what was happening in other countries we might have been able to convince people that attacking America is a bad idea, and not be worried about some idiot pastor in Florida burning a few books. Instead, we have people trying to blame him for something someone else chooses to do.
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
So, because it pisses Muslims off, let's support this guy in Florida. :eusa_eh:


Because it's his First Amendment right, let's support the guy in Florida, DOUCHE!

Well, that too....but what I'm seeing a lot of here is the "it pisses Muslims off? Good!" Deny that that is a factor. Go ahead.

There is some of that, but I think most of it is "It pisses Muslims off." "And?"

Are we supposed to not say, or do, something simply because it pisses people off?
If I were to try to make the point that Modern Christianity is destructive and wrong....would having a public bible burning be an effective thing to do? What would be its point?

It would prove that you do not get people in the street chanting "Death to America" as a result. In fact,m that is a good idea, I might see if I can set it up just to make that point.
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?

"You must spread rep around".. etc, etc.
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?

I am not arguing First Amendment rights. I have faith in General Patraeus and his observations of potential violence in Afghanistan against anybody. And because I am a person of peace, I would not participate in a gesture of opposition that could bring any kind of harm. I would choose to be a part of a solution rather than a part of the perceived problem.

Before you can be part of the solution you need to correctly identify the problem. The problem is that Muslims think that anyone who offends their religion should die.

Feel free to be part of the solution to that problem, and not the one that others are trying to create out of this incident.
You don't have the right to yell "FIRE" inside a theater either.

Or to yell "gimme all the cash" inside a bank.

Since when is burning a book free speech anyway?

BTW do you have any idea what alien and sedition acts are, Hanoi Jane?

Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 115 > Section 2381

§ 2381. Treason

Title 18 of the US Code as currently published by the US Government reflects the laws passed by Congress as of Feb.1, 2010
US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute


But, as anyone who can read will notice, that is not sedition, it is treason. I would also like to point out that this group is ding a lot of things, but only a complete idiot would try to argue that offending someone and getting them mad is giving aid and comfort to them.

Just saying.

Now we will see if you are a complete idiot, or just a partial one.
Before you can be part of the solution you need to correctly identify the problem. The problem is that Muslims think that anyone who offends their religion should die.

Feel free to be part of the solution to that problem, and not the one that others are trying to create out of this incident.

And that is why i say BURN THE DAM BOOKS!
So this fool, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida thinks his symbolic burning of the Quran on 9/11 will amount to standing up to Islam ? Well, he should take some advice from the men who are actually standing up to them face-to-face, that this is an extremely unwise thing to do right now.

Here's hoping he sees the light changes his mind. :eusa_pray:

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center said he understands the government's concerns, but plans to go forward with the burning this Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the attacks.

He left the door open to change his mind, saying he is still praying about his decision, which was condemned Tuesday by an interfaith coalition
that met in Washington to respond to a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry.

Gen. David Petraeus warned in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence."

Dove World Outreach Center pastor Terry Jones plans to burn copies of the Quran on September 11th. |

Jones told the AP in a phone interview that he is also concerned but wonders how many times the U.S. can back down.

"We think it's time to turn the tables, and instead of possibly blaming us for what could happen, we put the blame where it belongs — on the people who would do it," he said. "And maybe instead of addressing us, we should address radical Islam and send a very clear warning that they are not to retaliate in any form."

Aaaaah what the hell do you think our soldiers are doing over there, mister delusional holy man ? :cuckoo:

He's just another nut looking for his 15 minutes of fame, IMO

Apparently, if we are to believe everyone who opposes this stupidity, they are worried about getting killed by peaceful Muslims because of this book burning.
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?

If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Do they care if they offend us?
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?

Yes, when he burned it, it was a victory for terrorist and I'm sure it will be used in terrorist propaganda, but if it continues, the terrorist won't need to do a thing. CNN will do it for them.
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

Um so if you have not lived over seas, you have no right to express your opinion.

I C interesting
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

Um so if you have not lived over seas, you have no right to express your opinion.

I C interesting

Hey stupid.........I served in the military and understand exactly how critical it is that the place you're in has a good impression of America, otherwise you're open to shit like USO's blowing up, as well as demonstrations against your ship when it comes into port.

Trouble is, over there, they think that ANYONE who shows up on television is someone respected over here. They would think that this idiot speaks as much for Christianity as Billy Graham, when in reality, the Florida preacher is on a Fred Phelps level of stupidity.

Yeah.........sure.........burn the us all how much you DON'T support the troops.
Tell ya what.........quick question for you stool samples that think that burning the Quaran is a good thing.....

Ever serve in a war zone? Ever have to live in another country where it was CRUCIAL to your survival that your nation had a good name?

If not, shut the fuck up.

I tell you what I will do I will start burning every fucking quran I can get my hands on so fuck you. They do not respect us they want us to bend over backwards to kiss their ass. You can eat shit and die for all I care.
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Absolutely. But if this fool wants to burn the Koran everyday in front a CNN camera, what can you do about it? He's not breaking the law.

A terrorist group made a comment along the lines that the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world were a great sleeping giant that only needs to be awaken. I think this Mr. Jones is definitely giving them a wakeup call.
You probably think you are doing a great service by warning everyone of the problem. However, I would say your actions are more like the man who screams fire in a crowed auditorium without pointing to the exits.

That's because you are an idiot.
You're not the only one.
Surely, you must have some idea of what should be done. If not, what is your purpose?
If Jones backs down now and cancels the Koran burning, the terrorists win.

True story. :thup:

And furthermore, at this point no matter what happens it's going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting.

Does anyone honestly think that if Jones backs down and cancels the burning that THAT will not be used as a recruiting tool? Held out as an example of how the west is weak, and how we don't have the stomach to stand up against the almighty Islam?

In for a penny in for a pound motherfuckers. Do we stand up against those that would spread terror or do we allow ourselves to indeed be terrorized?
How about instead of worrying about what terrorists think or do we fucking do the right thing once in a while??? Why offend ALL Muslims because some of the are assholes if it is detrimental to our success?

And bullshit on what you said above about pissing off Muslims not being a factor in your reasoning. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

If you think that burning Korans is wrong then don't burn one.

Just like those that think abortion is wrong don't have to have one.

And you can call bullshit all you want but you'll still be wrong. As long as you've known me I've ALWAYS been a champion of the Bill of Rights... ALL OF THEM.

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