Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.

Like the Jihadist need anymore motivation for their bigoted, illogical and uncompromising hatred. I find it ironic that this makes news and angers the sensitve Muslims, when those hypocrites have been burning bibles and torahs for centuries. One quick youtube search shows many muslims happily buring the bible with no shame.

[ame=]YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.[/ame]

On top of that, more insulting to me is watching our flag constantly getting burned. Heck these arrogant Muslims are protesting the burning of the Koran by shouting death to America and burning the American flag. What these assholes are saying is its more than OK for us to do this, but you infidels can do it.
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


If you were a member of that church, you'd have left when they tried to burn your avatar.
Like the Jihadist need anymore motivation for their bigoted, illogical and uncompromising hatred. I find it ironic that this makes news and angers the sensitve Muslims, when those hypocrites have been burning bibles and torahs for centuries. One quick youtube search shows many muslims happily buring the bible with no shame.

YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.

On top of that, more insulting to me is watching our flag constantly getting burned. Heck these arrogant Muslims are protesting the burning of the Koran by shouting death to America and burning the American flag. What these assholes are saying is its more than OK for us to do this, but you infidels can do it.

Nice reply
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?

I am not arguing First Amendment rights. I have faith in General Patraeus and his observations of potential violence in Afghanistan against anybody. And because I am a person of peace, I would not participate in a gesture of opposition that could bring any kind of harm. I would choose to be a part of a solution rather than a part of the perceived problem.
What's motivating the Florida pastor? I think the religious community ought to take his collar away.
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?

I am not arguing First Amendment rights. I have faith in General Patraeus and his observations of potential violence in Afghanistan against anybody. And because I am a person of peace, I would not participate in a gesture of opposition that could bring any kind of harm. I would choose to be a part of a solution rather than a part of the perceived problem.

I don't think those church members are interested in solutions, do you? Of course 99% of people, more even, would hear that church's message and hightail it out of there.

Yet, do we let the Taliban determine which rights to protect and for whom? Seems there's a problem there to be solved.
If I were a peaceful member of this 50 member church in FL, I would consider the best interests of our soldiers, and American citizens in Afghanistan and our country, by protesting the burning of the Koran. And if the church went ahead with the plans to burn, I would leave the church as my goals and theirs would be polar opposites.


I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?

I am not arguing First Amendment rights. I have faith in General Patraeus and his observations of potential violence in Afghanistan against anybody. And because I am a person of peace, I would not participate in a gesture of opposition that could bring any kind of harm. I would choose to be a part of a solution rather than a part of the perceived problem.

You cannot reason with a person who thinks if he kills for his god he will go to heaven and recieve his reward of 72 virgins
I agree and doubt that they have many members. So do the ignorant lose all rights?

You think what the Taliban finds offensive should determine what is allowed in the US? Who then determines what the Taliban really thinks?

I am not arguing First Amendment rights. I have faith in General Patraeus and his observations of potential violence in Afghanistan against anybody. And because I am a person of peace, I would not participate in a gesture of opposition that could bring any kind of harm. I would choose to be a part of a solution rather than a part of the perceived problem.

I don't think those church members are interested in solutions, do you? Of course 99% of people, more even, would hear that church's message and hightail it out of there.

Yet, do we let the Taliban determine which rights to protect and for whom? Seems there's a problem there to be solved.

The decision to burn a symbol of another's faith is just wrong. Period. What good does it accomplish? If it accomplishes nothing good, then I am not involved. This goes to my own principles, "Do no harm."
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In the short run, Patraeus could very well be correct. But in the long run I think that if Islam is to peacefully co-exist with the west then all practitioners of Islam must understand and accept that WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SURRENDER OUR CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED LIBERTY TO AVOID OFFENDED THEM. We make no such concession to anyone else and we're not about to start now.
In the short run, Patraeus could very well be correct. But in the long run I think that if Islam is to peacefully co-exist with the west then all practitioners of Islam must understand and accept that WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SURRENDER OUR CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED LIBERTY TO AVOID OFFENDED THEM. We make no such concession to anyone else and we're not about to start now.

Fuck 'em.
I dont want to have to depend on an allie whose loyalty is based on the length of their bread.
Lets call off the war until they can figure out who the enemy is and why.
Ok, let's call off the war. Assume you are President with the full backing of Congress. You can do damn well whatever you want to deal with this this menace. What would you?
What I have been doing
You probably think you are doing a great service by warning everyone of the problem. However, I would say your actions are more like the man who screams fire in a crowed auditorium without pointing to the exits.
I can't help but wonder when the MSM is going to ask Obama his opinion on the burning of Koran. Will he open his mouth and jump into the middle of this controversy?
This is a very bad and insensitive act, but don't make it seem like its going to matter to the Jihad's especially not in Afghanistan. They are bigoted killers. Surprising it won't matter to the leftist and muslim protesters that most Americans, most Christians, condemn this act!

Also don't protest the Koran burning by burning our FLAG, because at that point many Americans will have no sympathy for your otherwise justified crip.

Lastly, leftist, don't make it seem like Muslims respect everything Christian, Jewish, Hindu or even Buddhadist, because they burn bibles, torahs, temples and historical artifacts for fun. Remember the 2,000 year old Buddha statutes in Afghanistan, the largest statutes in the world of Buddha? Here is a reminder:

[ame=]YouTube - Islamic Fundamentalists Destroy Ancient Statue of the Buddha[/ame]
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You don't have the right to yell "FIRE" inside a theater either.

Or to yell "gimme all the cash" inside a bank.

Since when is burning a book free speech anyway?

BTW do you have any idea what alien and sedition acts are, Hanoi Jane?

Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 115 > Section 2381

§ 2381. Treason

Title 18 of the US Code as currently published by the US Government reflects the laws passed by Congress as of Feb.1, 2010

US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute
You don't have the right to yell "FIRE" inside a theater either.

Or to yell "gimme all the cash" inside a bank.

Since when is burning a book free speech anyway?

BTW do you have any idea what alien and sedition acts are, Hanoi Jane?

Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 115 > Section 2381

§ 2381. Treason

Title 18 of the US Code as currently published by the US Government reflects the laws passed by Congress as of Feb.1, 2010

US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute

Erm, that is different to the alien and sedition acts that expired more than 200 years ago fellow. ;)
You don't have the right to yell "FIRE" inside a theater either.

Or to yell "gimme all the cash" inside a bank.

Since when is burning a book free speech anyway?

BTW do you have any idea what alien and sedition acts are, Hanoi Jane?

Do you?

The alien acts allowed the president to deport any alien who was considered dangerous to the peace of the united states, and there were actually two of them. One for aliens of friendly countries, and another for aliens of countries we were at war with. Both of them expired long ago, and would not apply to the pastor even if they had not.

The sedition act prohibited speech that was false, scandalous, and malicious against the government, or its officials. Again, this has expired, and it would not apply to the pastor because all he is trying to do is burn a few books.

Since you obviously do not know what they are, you cannot possibly call anyone else for their lack of knowledge. Run along home and let the adults have a conversation without having to listen to the children yapping.

Worse than a chihuahua.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 115 > Section 2381

§ 2381. Treason

Title 18 of the US Code as currently published by the US Government reflects the laws passed by Congress as of Feb.1, 2010

US Code Update Helper

United States Code: Title 18,2381. Treason | LII / Legal Information Institute
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

ADHERING. Cleaving to, or joining; as, adhering to the enemies of the United States.
adhering legal definition of adhering. adhering synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

cleaving - definition of cleaving by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

That would appear to be any who defend our enemy's Even the president

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