Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Read what General Petraeus said in the OP.

I don't need to.
His comments DIRECTLY oppose the very concept that Islam is a religion of peace. And you know it.

No, I'm sure you don't need to. Why bother reading anything that might contradict what you believe? I'm sure your mind is made up and nothing would ever possibly change it.

Of course, outside of America, narrow-minded people see book burning and think all Americans are redneck idiots. And outside of Christendom, ignorant people see all American Christians as intolerant and hypocritical.
And Muslims pounding their fists chanting "death to America" is not just a tad intolerant and hypocritical? :eusa_whistle:
Its no different than some Americans' views of the outside world.

And no, given that the typical playbook here is for you or someone of your ilk to make an accusation of moral equivalence, just let me pre-empt that book burning and beheading are not equal, and that those who would try to kill Americans should be wiped out.

I know book burning and beheading are not equal. WTF are you crapping on about?:cuckoo:
I think the General has a responsibility to make us aware of things that effect the troops. I don't doubt that the things he suggested are negatives are. The pastor has a responsibility to save souls not llives. His church believes that the Koran can damage souls. I think he is right on that point too. Now, the problem is, burning the Koran is most likely not going to make a Muslim go, "Oh, my religion must be wrong, I need to look at Christianity". The church needs to find a more effective way of making their point and assisting the people they want to reach.
I think the General has a responsibility to make us aware of things that effect the troops. I don't doubt that the things he suggested are negatives are. The pastor has a responsibility to save souls not llives. His church believes that the Koran can damage souls. I think he is right on that point too. Now, the problem is, burning the Koran is most likely not going to make a Muslim go, "Oh, my religion must be wrong, I need to look at Christianity". The church needs to find a more effective way of making their point and assisting the people they want to reach.

A very effective way to prove a point? Like taking a plane and crashing it into the dome of Mecca?
I think the lesson I would concetrate on is it takes a weak person and a weak religion to use innocent people to forward your will. We see you as cowards and murderous evil people. Your religion is not one we wish to embrace.
I think the lesson I would concetrate on is it takes a weak person and a weak religion to use innocent people to forward your will. We see you as cowards and murderous evil people. Your religion is not one we wish to embrace.

Who's religion? I have none.
If I were to try to make the point that Modern Christianity is destructive and wrong....would having a public bible burning be an effective thing to do? What would be its point?
If I were to try to make the point that Modern Christianity is destructive and wrong....would having a public bible burning be an effective thing to do? What would be its point?

The point is you cannot reason with people who hold no value to life. Their dream is to die for Allah and recieve their reward of 40 virgins. Burning their book is the only way of making a point.
It is simply a statement of attention starved people still believing that their God is better than the other guys... it doesn't get much dumber than this...

No one could be further from the truth then you are. It's about control. Muslims want this Muslims want that.

If they do not get what they want they kill.

No, it isn't. As far as I can ascertain, from talking to actual Muslims, they pretty much just want to live their lives, much like the rest of us. You are looking at a very small, certainly vocal , minority of individuals who think otherwise.
It is simply a statement of attention starved people still believing that their God is better than the other guys... it doesn't get much dumber than this...

No one could be further from the truth then you are. It's about control. Muslims want this Muslims want that.

If they do not get what they want they kill.

No, it isn't. As far as I can ascertain, from talking to actual Muslims, they pretty much just want to live their lives, much like the rest of us. You are looking at a very small, certainly vocal , minority of individuals who think otherwise.

Ask them would they support sharia law world wide? Or just ask them if they support sharia law?
It is simply a statement of attention starved people still believing that their God is better than the other guys... it doesn't get much dumber than this...

No one could be further from the truth then you are. It's about control. Muslims want this Muslims want that.

If they do not get what they want they kill.

No, it isn't. As far as I can ascertain, from talking to actual Muslims, they pretty much just want to live their lives, much like the rest of us. You are looking at a very small, certainly vocal , minority of individuals who think otherwise.

I had a well indoctrinated friend in high school who was absolutely sure all Russians wanted to kill us all here. I tried to point out most Russians get up in the morning and worry about all the same things we do. Just living life. This is very similliar. Worse in my mind, because people can be far more radical doing something for religion than for country.
No one could be further from the truth then you are. It's about control. Muslims want this Muslims want that.

If they do not get what they want they kill.

No, it isn't. As far as I can ascertain, from talking to actual Muslims, they pretty much just want to live their lives, much like the rest of us. You are looking at a very small, certainly vocal , minority of individuals who think otherwise.

Ask them would they support sharia law world wide? Or just ask them if they support sharia law?

I've already had that conversation - with Muslims both in the UK and the US. I have yet to meet a Muslim who wants to replace the US Constitution with Sharia Law. I have yet to meet a Muslim in the UK who wants to live in an Islamic state.

Blaming all Muslims is like blaming all whites for slavery - it's an easy answer but it's not the right answer.
I admire Petraeus, but we can't let other countries dictate our rights. I think they're fools down in that church, but they have as much right to be fools as those in the Westboro incest church or those that set up 'piss christ.'
No one could be further from the truth then you are. It's about control. Muslims want this Muslims want that.

If they do not get what they want they kill.

No, it isn't. As far as I can ascertain, from talking to actual Muslims, they pretty much just want to live their lives, much like the rest of us. You are looking at a very small, certainly vocal , minority of individuals who think otherwise.

I had a well indoctrinated friend in high school who was absolutely sure all Russians wanted to kill us all here. I tried to point out most Russians get up in the morning and worry about all the same things we do. Just living life. This is very similliar. Worse in my mind, because people can be far more radical doing something for religion than for country.
Of course most here in America deal with muslims here in America. Most of those Muslims are not the problem it's the muslims in other country's that are the problem.
You seperate those muslims from the muslims in othe Islamic country's the numbers will be higher as to their want for the spread of islam throughout the world, and you can bet peace without compliance is not what that religion is about.
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I admire Petraeus, but we can't let other countries dictate our rights. I think they're fools down in that church, but they have as much right to be fools as those in the Westboro incest church or those that set up 'piss christ.'

Perhaps we, as a nation, need to learn that just because we have the right to do something, doesn't necessarily mean we need to do it.
I admire Petraeus, but we can't let other countries dictate our rights. I think they're fools down in that church, but they have as much right to be fools as those in the Westboro incest church or those that set up 'piss christ.'

Perhaps we, as a nation, need to learn that just because we have the right to do something, doesn't necessarily mean we need to do it.

...or use all the really cool military hardware we have laying around. I admit it, there are no old fireworks at my house. We got'em, we blow stuff up!
I admire Petraeus, but we can't let other countries dictate our rights. I think they're fools down in that church, but they have as much right to be fools as those in the Westboro incest church or those that set up 'piss christ.'

Perhaps we, as a nation, need to learn that just because we have the right to do something, doesn't necessarily mean we need to do it.

I hear you, but disagree with allowing the Taliban to determine our freedoms. Sort of reminds me of the vast majority here being offended by choice of real estate for mosque in Manhattan, but still understanding the rights of property.

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