Petraeus to testify on friday


VIP Member
Jul 17, 2012
The former CIA director is set to meet with the House Intelligence Committee at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow for a closed-door hearing on the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Michele Bachmann is on the House Intelligence Committee???
ooohhh the irony
The former CIA director is set to meet with the House Intelligence Committee at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow for a closed-door hearing on the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Michele Bachmann is on the House Intelligence Committee???
ooohhh the irony

good. he should.

Michelle Bachman--someone i know admires her. i was very surprised. a few decades ago--well, she thought differently. the times they are a changin'. truer words were never spoken?

i have already heard from one expert on how this is likely to go.

anybody who wants to can DM/PM me with updates.

refuse to 'tune in' to any source of media today.

i have a headache.
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Patreus is a fucking American hero, good for him.

i suspect his wife has some others thoughts at present.

has anyone heard--is he living in a tent in their backyard?

Holly may be more 'understanding' and good that he is married to her. i would have to provide some very tough love in such a situation.
Patreus is a fucking American hero, good for him.

i suspect his wife has some others thoughts at present.

has anyone heard--is he living in a tent in their backyard?

Holly may be more 'understanding' and good that he is married to her. i would have to provide some very tough love in such a situation.

Thats personal business between him and his wife though, on the battlefield that man takes care of business, his brilliant counter insurgency strategy saved god knows how many American lives in Iraq.
/gavel. agreed.

there was 'more' to the JOB---according to what i have heard about the military.

do I think he should be tried and convicted in a military court of justice. no.

i am not 'radical' or insane.

he has conducted himself honorably under the circumstances.

his taste in women---i do question that.

from what i have read of his wife -she is capable of handling her marriage and almost anything else that life requires. not worried about 'them'.

hope they work things out. Bill and Hillary did. happy for them, too. Arnold and Maria---i don't know how things are going for them and i don't care.
Patreus is a fucking American hero, good for him.

i suspect his wife has some others thoughts at present.

has anyone heard--is he living in a tent in their backyard?

Holly may be more 'understanding' and good that he is married to her. i would have to provide some very tough love in such a situation.

Thats personal business between him and his wife though, on the battlefield that man takes care of business, his brilliant counter insurgency strategy saved god knows how many American lives in Iraq.

So here's a question. Those were some of his men who got killed in Benghazi. If anyone had intel about an attack won't it be the CIA and why isn't he raising a stink about his men?
i'd like thoughts on the PP's question, too.

*admin/technical issue

new member not liking the 'multiquote' feature so much--visually distracting.

i can live with that. fwiw.


limbaugh gave a theory on all this yesterday--sounded plausible.

google if you like --certain there is a record of what he thought yesterday. somewhere.
i suspect his wife has some others thoughts at present.

has anyone heard--is he living in a tent in their backyard?

Holly may be more 'understanding' and good that he is married to her. i would have to provide some very tough love in such a situation.

Thats personal business between him and his wife though, on the battlefield that man takes care of business, his brilliant counter insurgency strategy saved god knows how many American lives in Iraq.

So here's a question. Those were some of his men who got killed in Benghazi. If anyone had intel about an attack won't it be the CIA and why isn't he raising a stink about his men?

I thought the CIA asked for more security and manpower but were turned down?
I would love to see Petreaus throw obama under the bus, if not the steamroller. I hope he tells the truth.
Will the former Cammander of AFRICOM, General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette of Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) also be called to testify at these hearings?
It appears that both these gentlemen were relieved if their duties simultaneously withing minutes of their communications with the situation room of the White House. What were they ordered to do and why were they fired?
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I thought the CIA asked for more security and manpower but were turned down?[/QUOTE]

this is true and at the very heart of the issue.

eh--i can't offer much more today.

my feeble minded thinking:

-why wasn't there a proactive plan in place to provide 'defense'/protection from the time Ghadaffi? was removed.

that seems to fall on the shoulders of the SOS, who serves at the pleasure of the POTUS?

that's what i have gleaned. hth.
Will the former Cammander of AFRICOM, General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette of Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) also be called to testify at these hearings?
It appears that both these gentlemen were relieved if their duties simultaneously withing minutes of their communications with the situation room of the White House. What were they ordered to do and why were they fired?

I really wonder about that too....very weird!!

They probably had some big choice words for Hillary and Obama when they were turned down when asking for more support. These military guys, they can get a little irate if they think they're being screwed by our government!

Something really "fishy" is going on....what DID they do or say to be relieved of duty???
I really wonder about that too....very weird!!

They probably had some big choice words for Hillary and Obama when they were turned down when asking for more support. These military guys, they can get a little irate if they think they're being screwed by our government!

Something really "fishy" is going on....what DID they do or say to be relieved of duty???[/QUOTE]

you have analyzed the situation correctly.

no doubt in my mind.

something stinks and needs to be 'taken to the trash'. i am certain.
It is a closed door hearing. I don't know if the general public will get word one from it. Not right. All the money that goes into CIA I would think they own us that courtesy.

Two things I would like to have addressed though. If there was a request for more security who issued it and how far up the chain of command did it go? Obama says he didn't get any request. Is there anyone who will he say that he did or did not pass a message to Obama? I believe the issue with Broadwell has now become an issue of national security. She had files on her computer that were in violation of protocols. The attack on Benghazi seemed well organized. Did they have information from a hacked Broadwell computer? She and Petreus more just about anyone else should know the importance of keeping intel secure. Apparently this was not done. Was information passed via secure methods or was it sent via gmail? Can we really be sure our security was not breached? Bottomline is we have dead Americans and the CIA director passing intel to someone clearly not on the need to know.

I want to know what is said in that hearing tomorrow. I believe that all the people infuriated about Benghazi do too.
It is a closed door hearing. I don't know if the general public will get word one from it. Not right. All the money that goes into CIA I would think they own us that courtesy.

Two things I would like to have addressed though. If there was a request for more security who issued it and how far up the chain of command did it go? Obama says he didn't get any request. Is there anyone who will he say that he did or did not pass a message to Obama? I believe the issue with Broadwell has now become an issue of national security.

I want to know what is said in that hearing tomorrow. I believe that all the people infuriated about Benghazi do too.

I thought the CIA asked for more security and manpower but were turned down?

this is true and at the very heart of the issue.

eh--i can't offer much more today.

my feeble minded thinking:

-why wasn't there a proactive plan in place to provide 'defense'/protection from the time Ghadaffi? was removed.

that seems to fall on the shoulders of the SOS, who serves at the pleasure of the POTUS?

that's what i have gleaned. hth.[/QUOTE]

According to the Pentagon timeline:

• At 4:32 p.m. EDT, a Pentagon operations center notified Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, after the first attack at the U.S. Consulate had begun at about 3:42 p.m.

• At 5 p.m., Mr. Panetta and Gen. Dempsey met with President Obama at the White House for a regularly scheduled meeting, where Libya was at the top of the agenda, a senior defense official said.

• Between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., Mr. Panetta held several meetings in the Pentagon with senior officials, Army Gen. Carter Ham, commander of Africa Command, to discuss response options for Benghazi and other contingencies, such as a hostage situation.

During those two hours, Mr. Panetta verbally authorized two Marine platoons in Rota, Spain, to prepare to deploy to Benghazi and Tripoli. He also ordered a special operations force training in Croatia and a U.S.-based special operations force to prepare to deploy to Sigonella.

• At 8:30 p.m., the Pentagon operations center conducted a Benghazi conference call with representatives from affected geographic commands and the four services.

• At 8:39 p.m., Mr. Panetta transmitted written authorization for the forces to deploy to Sigonella and Libya. This did not prevent the forces from preparing before this written authorization, the official said.

The Pentagon did not disclose when the Marine platoons and special operations teams actually left for Libya and Sigonella. A senior defense official said disclosure of that information could hurt national security.

• At about 11:15 p.m., a second attack began at the diplomatic compound and the CIA annex building.

• At 12:05 a.m. EDT on Sept. 12, AFRICOM ordered a C-17 transport aircraft in Germany to prepare to deploy to Libya to help evacuate Americans. It was not specified whether the aircraft was headed to Benghazi or Tripoli.

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