Pew Research Finds Planet With D+19 Registration. Immediately Takes Poll


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[He's back! We know that's just what you Lefties wanted to hear. Better luck next time.

Its the same planet that allowed the White House to try to spin this morning's unemployment numbers saying "Its not actually an 8.3% rate, its only 8.245% Sorta like saying there weren't 3,000 people killed the morning of 9/11, it was only 2,941. God the Dems will try to spin everything. Maybe Pew was just trying to bump up the RCP polling averages so it won't look so dismal for the Dems fundraising efforts.]

"Even Politico updated their story on this poll to reflect the massive oversampling of Democrats.

Via Big Government:

On what alternate universe will Democrats enjoy a D +19 turnout advantage over Republicans on election day? Well, that would be Planet Pew:

“The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 16-26, 2012, among 2,508 adults, including 1,956 registered voters, finds that, in keeping with his favorability advantage, Obama continues to hold a sizable lead over Romney in the election contest. Currently, 51% say they support Obama or lean toward him, while 41% support or lean toward Romney.”


Sample Size

459 Republicans

813 Democrats

599 Independents

In the best election season Democrats have enjoyed since Nixon resigned, 2008, the Democrat advantage was only D+8, but Pew is now attempting to hustle us into believing the turnout this year is going to be D +19."

MSM Hyperventilates Over New Pew Poll Showing Obama Up 10 Points – One Big Problem, Poll Skews D+19… | Weasel Zippers
Or maybe, just maybe, Dave and Jim have already made arrangements to bus the entire population of Mexico North for purposes of voting November 6th in places like Harrisburg, Phillie, Richmond, Fairfax, Cleveland, Columbus, Louisville, Alexandria, Houston, Dallas, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Salt lake City, Kansas City, etc. That just might give them their D+19 edge.
Be a good day for El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama to invade Mexico, divvy it up and claim it as their own. Nobody home.
I am really sorry to see Pew do this, I use them as my third wheel when looking at polling with gallup and Ras.....they don't poll as often but they have , done a pretty good job, this is a ludicrous sampling model.

nbc/wsj and abc/ washpo are junk and have done same, thats why I don't consider media polls at all, pew needs to come clean on this.(qunnipiac just went off the reservation too last week)
[He's back! We know that's just what you Lefties wanted to hear. Better luck next time.

Its the same planet that allowed the White House to try to spin this morning's unemployment numbers saying "Its not actually an 8.3% rate, its only 8.245% Sorta like saying there weren't 3,000 people killed the morning of 9/11, it was only 2,941. God the Dems will try to spin everything. Maybe Pew was just trying to bump up the RCP polling averages so it won't look so dismal for the Dems fundraising efforts.]

"Even Politico updated their story on this poll to reflect the massive oversampling of Democrats.

Via Big Government:

On what alternate universe will Democrats enjoy a D +19 turnout advantage over Republicans on election day? Well, that would be Planet Pew:

“The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 16-26, 2012, among 2,508 adults, including 1,956 registered voters, finds that, in keeping with his favorability advantage, Obama continues to hold a sizable lead over Romney in the election contest. Currently, 51% say they support Obama or lean toward him, while 41% support or lean toward Romney.”


Sample Size

459 Republicans

813 Democrats

599 Independents

In the best election season Democrats have enjoyed since Nixon resigned, 2008, the Democrat advantage was only D+8, but Pew is now attempting to hustle us into believing the turnout this year is going to be D +19."

MSM Hyperventilates Over New Pew Poll Showing Obama Up 10 Points – One Big Problem, Poll Skews D+19… | Weasel Zippers
so, there are 1058 independents and republicans being polled with only 813 democrats and this is skewing the results?

Since when are there more independents than republicans?

aren't a lot those independents just republicans that were ashamed of being called republicans after president bush's spending spree?

since the poll is so heavily weighted with 'independents', I think the figures don't seem that far off....many republicans became independents after bush.... we have a few on this board....Immanual's one of them that left the R's to be an Independent.
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Don't these polling companies adjust the data to reflect voter registration?

Um, wouldn't that make sense?

are you, ok?
:D quite fine thank you! :lol:

I just happen to have 20 plus years of analysis and critical thinking behind my belt....that's all....

They sampled more independents than republicans....why do you think that is trajan? Do you claim that there have always been more independents than republicans? Many Republicans BECAME independents in the bush latter years and right afterwards....this poll shows this....

the Dem number of sampling is right,

the republican amount looks low at a glance and without thought,

but once the much higher than normal independents number is factored in, it all makes sense
[He's back! We know that's just what you Lefties wanted to hear. Better luck next time.

Its the same planet that allowed the White House to try to spin this morning's unemployment numbers saying "Its not actually an 8.3% rate, its only 8.245% Sorta like saying there weren't 3,000 people killed the morning of 9/11, it was only 2,941. God the Dems will try to spin everything. Maybe Pew was just trying to bump up the RCP polling averages so it won't look so dismal for the Dems fundraising efforts.]

"Even Politico updated their story on this poll to reflect the massive oversampling of Democrats.

Via Big Government:

On what alternate universe will Democrats enjoy a D +19 turnout advantage over Republicans on election day? Well, that would be Planet Pew:

“The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 16-26, 2012, among 2,508 adults, including 1,956 registered voters, finds that, in keeping with his favorability advantage, Obama continues to hold a sizable lead over Romney in the election contest. Currently, 51% say they support Obama or lean toward him, while 41% support or lean toward Romney.”


Sample Size

459 Republicans

813 Democrats

599 Independents

In the best election season Democrats have enjoyed since Nixon resigned, 2008, the Democrat advantage was only D+8, but Pew is now attempting to hustle us into believing the turnout this year is going to be D +19."

MSM Hyperventilates Over New Pew Poll Showing Obama Up 10 Points – One Big Problem, Poll Skews D+19… | Weasel Zippers

"On what alternate universe will Democrats enjoy a D +19 turnout advantage over Republicans on election day? Well, that would be Planet Pew:"

Beats the planet Kolob.

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